Love don't live here anymore
Just emptiness and memories
Of what we had before
You went away
Found another place to stay
Just emptiness and memories
Of what we had before
You went away
Found another place to stay
18th June, 1888 — Sleptova Household, Wellingtonshire
Rosaline Bennett
Rosaline Bennett
The view from the window was approximately as dull as usual, fog or not, and Ustinya used magic less than most anyway, so all things considered she was not especially concerned about the current state of affairs in the village. She was concerned with the state of her own affairs though and now with summer allegedly upon them, and Nikolai home once again, she fully intended to improve her lot.
Ivan would always be her first child. Her heart panged just to think of him and sometimes, without even realising it, she felt tears slide off her chin without noticing that she had begun to cry, but she could keep him safely tucked inside her heart and still make space for another. The only thing she needed was Nikolai to be a husband to her again.
Judging by the fact that she had found herself in the sitting room with only Rosaline for company again it was going to be trickier than expected.
"Is it a good book?" She asked to get the other woman's attention, having already asked her thoughts on the new dress she was wearing, the cause of the unusual weather, and what dinners she ought to order for the next week. To put it delicately, she was anxious to talk about something very specific, but how no idea how to begin.
Ustinya doesn't speak much English so unless otherwise stated she converses in Russian.