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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Ariel Sherington
Full Name: Ariel Sherington
Nicknames: Ariel, “Elle” R, L, “R.E.L”, Munchkin, Hiccups,
Birthdate: October 12, 1884
Current Age: 6
Occupation: Imaginative Explorer
Reputation: 8 - Her widowed mother married a man with halfvamp kids. It's not gonna be stellar.
Residence: Hogsmeade and wherever her mother/nurse/current caregiver exists.
Blood Status: Halfblood
Social Class: Middle Class.
Zophiel Ruskin (formerly Sherington) née Drago, mother, b. June 18, 1856
Ashley Sherington, late father, b. June 7, 1839, d. July 9, 1887
Malachai Sherington, brother, b. 1880
Gazardiel Sherington, daughter, b. 1887 (September or October)

Martin Ruskin, step-father, b. 1841
Acacia Ruskin, step-sister, b. 1871
Chrysanta Ruskin, step-sister, b. 1872
Orinda Ruskin, step-sister, b. 1874
Dunstan Ruskin, step-brother, b. 1876

Appearance: Ariel is six and for all intents and purposes does appear does appear to be a typical middle class girl of her age (you wouldn’t mistake her for anything else) - she prefers clothes that are easy to move in and usually can be found in easy to move clothes, pinafores, and easy to clean short dresses - her preference being “the blue ones” unless she is dressed in her “sunday best” for an occasion that requires only the best of her clothes. She has blue eyes, though not true blue as in some situations they will appear in any shade between blue and grey-green. Her hair is long, and wavy though often pinned away from her face for neatness or tucked behind her ears. The sun is her enemy and causes freckles, burns and gives her dark hair sun streaks as much time outdoors as she likes. She is slender and about 3ft 9.5in.

[0 - 1884]: Ariel is born to parents Ashley Sherington and Sophie nee Drago in their Canterbury home unexpectedly though the birth was considered an easy birth, all things considered. All things considered being that her maternal family thought that the significant delay between her older brother Malachai’s birth and Ariel’s warranted her mother prayers and attendance at church and essentially became the straw that broke the camel’s back in their relationship and caused all contact with her parents. It was due to this that Ariel has very little to do with both her maternal family and their church growing up. Despite this break in contact Sophie continues to honour the promise she’d given her parents in naming her children so when Ariel was born she was named religiously, similar in pattern to her mothers birth name Zophiel as both shared names belonging to (masculine) angels.
[1 - 1885] She learned to walk and run early and from that moment she was constantly on the go and used her newfound freedom of movement to attempt to follow her mother and brother wherever she could, whether it got in their way or not. After she turns one Ariel shows clear signs of extraversion. She prefers being with people and the center of attention if possible. Probably the most likely to take advantage of her mothers 'interfering ways’ she revelled in the attention.
[2 - 1886] Even as she gets more capable and better at working out the world around her she prefers company, or at least the presence of others around her though starts to come up with her own, rather unique games and ways of making things around her “fun”. She casts her first magic spell work - a levitation charm that causes her dolls to dance around with her.
[3 - 1887] Ariel’s father passes away - crushed by falling rubble, leaving behind Malachai (7), Ariel (not even 3), and her pregnant mother. They are lucky enough that in finances to keep their house and have a healthy allowance to continue to live. Her sister Gazardiel is born around Ariels third birthday. Ariel likes the new baby that has been introduced into her life and does her best to mother her as a toddler does best but like every toddler she has both good days and bad days which perfectly describes her relationship with her brother as well. Life begins to take on a new normal pattern for Ariel.
[4- 1888] She is four when she decides she wants to learn an instrument. The lessons are slow going and shes not naturally talented but shes determined to succeed. She begins to wonder about her father leading to a few awkward conversations and overheard games.
[5 - 1889] Her mother begins to court a new beau and her aunt comes to live with her family after she is disowned by her family for a friendship with a girl that Ariel would come to learn might be her step-sister.
[6 - 1890] January 17, 1890: Her mother becomes engaged to the man she is courting, Martin Ruskin, and on June 24, 1890 they marry and move from their house in Canterbury to their new house in Hogsmeade. Arielhas mixed feelings about leaving the house she has lived in alllll her life behind but likes the idea of having more siblings.

Personality: She is a true Libra child. She can be creative, passionate, affectionate, , easy going, focused and determined. She can be altruistic, compassionate, and idealistic but can be pessimistic (though not for long) when she discovers that sometimes her ideals and reality don’t exactly mesh-up and unfortunately it does mean she can also be generous to a fault if she thinks it will make others happy. She loves to be the center of attention, and has a desire to be sociable even if she can miss social cues when she’s caught in the moment and can be too impulsive, unreliable and hasty if she doesn’t slow down. She likes to view every side to a problem before coming up with a solution which can make her a good peacekeeper and mediator however when a solution isn’t apparent, or in true conflict she can become indecisive or uncomfortable. She has time management problems and seldom thinks of time or deadlines and finds doing a task itself more important than the time it takes to finish said task.

Other: Her step-siblings are half vampires but she's six and her world revolves around herself so it's probably not something she's even thought about.
Sample Roleplay Post:

Name: Jen
Age: 31
Contact: Skype, Discord, Anything..............
Other Characters: Check CML - Greta Gillenwater and Anthea Selwyn at present.
How did you hear about us?: The whispering call of charming has been in my blood since 1881.

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look ANOTHER beautiful bee!set <3

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