Welcome to Charming, where swirling petticoats, the language of flowers, and old-fashioned duels are only the beginning of what is lying underneath…
After a magical attempt on her life in 1877, Queen Victoria launched a crusade against magic that, while tidied up by the Ministry of Magic, saw the Wizarding community exiled to Hogsmeade, previously little more than a crossroad near the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. In the years that have passed since, Hogsmeade has suffered plagues, fires, and Victorian hypocrisy but is still standing firm.
Thethe year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.
Complete a thread started and set every month for twelve consecutive months. Each thread must have at least ten posts, and at least three must be your own.
Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
Transfiguration Professor & Ravenclaw Head of House
31 year old Pureblood
5 ft. 9¾ in.
❤ Unattached
Played by Fox
582 Posts
(Tuesday) October 8, 1894 - Hogwarts Grounds
As far as eventful classes went, Basil was quite looking forward to his sojourn into co-teaching with Gus this week. They’d discussed the idea a few weeks into term when it came up randomly at the staff table, and after some much needed coordination and planning, the event was finally coming together. He was rightfully thrilled as he walked across the Hogwarts grounds, followed by a rather curious, chattering group of first and second years. They were all excited to see where they were going, vague as he’d been when ushering them outside with nothing more than a note on their ‘special lesson’ for the day.
He and Lissington had agreed to meet with their respective introductory classes in a predetermined location central to the general grounds. It was neither too far from the castle to risk real danger, nor too close to be distracting. Tucked into his Ravenclaw scarf, Basil grinned at something he overheard one of his first years muttering.
It wasn’t long before he paused and Gus came along with the remainder of the group. Then, with an exchanged glance in his friend’s direction, Basil clapped his hands and beamed out at the group that fell silent. “Good afternoon to both our introductory Transfiguration and Defense Against the Dark Arts classes! Professor Lissington and I are happy to welcome you all to our first joint field study venture of the year.
You may notice we have relocated from the typical indoor classrooms you have become accustomed to. That’s because today we will be testing both classes on practical application of the theory and spells we’ve been learning this term so far. For my transfiguration students, remember our discussions on Gannt’s Law and our color changing buttons? All of these will be of use to you today.” Basil paused to grin in Gus’ direction in case he had anything else to add before continuing on with instructions.
“Our objective for today will require each of you to formulate your own groups of two or three and set out to retrieve one of the many flags just like this one,” he pulled a piece of purple fabric from in his pocket and held it up “that have been spread across the grounds. There are, of course, obstacles preventing easy location and/or summoning of these flags, so you will need to think creatively and use all the skills we have mastered so far this term to accomplish your goal. The first team to retrieve a flag and return it to Professor Lissington will win a small prize.”
Linked are class examples from previous years that would have been repeated by this point in the term and may be of use to your students. Also, please see the overview post for more details on flag locations and potential obstacles!
It was never a surprise when Gus decided to take his classes outside; if he could solely teach outside, he would. (Too bad sometimes the weather was terrible which forced them inside, plus Gus supposed he should use his classroom every now and then since he had it.) His first and second years had settled into their seats before he’d told them they were going on an adventure, and to follow him – why ruin the surprise and tell them that they’d be doing a joint class with the Transfiguration class for the day? He could hear the murmurs behind him the closer they got to their location, and once they were upon the gaggle of first and second years that belonged to Basil, he moved to stand beside the other professor, who quickly launched into what they were doing.
Basil paused for him and he nodded. “Defense Against the Dark Arts has been practicing the Knockback Jinx for a while, which is about to come in very handy for this practical portion of the class.” His students were a lot better than when they started, but some were still prone to knocking themselves backward when they cast it too quickly. Hopefully they’d take their time to figure it out.
The other professor launched back into the instructions; they had mulled over this idea for a while before deciding on the specifics, and Gus was excited to see how it went. He toyed with the edge of his scarf before he glanced at Basil at the mention of a prize – this was new to him. “House points, as always, will also be awarded to the students who complete the assignment first.” He added before nodding for Basil to continue.
They answered any questions from the students, before Gus turned to smile at the group. “Alright, find yourself a partner or two.” Some immediately went to their friends while others seemed to flounder, but eventually they all seemed to find at least one other person. “We’ll be right here watching, but try to have fun with this.” Gus paused before he leaned forward and said, “you may begin.”
It was only starting to chill outside and as such Chloe was grateful for the chance to be outside. But the task set before them sounded interesting. It'd be fun to set the spells they had been learning to practical use. "Where should we look first?" She asked the student next to her, politely giving them a chance to have input before they began.
Despite Shacklebolt having tried to roast him alive, Toby rather enjoyed the first year so he wasn't put out when the boy came up to him to partner. "It shall be a grand adventure." Toby declared throwing his hands out in a broad gesture.
"To the carriages!" Came his grand directive as if he were a King leading a charge. He rather liked that thought and decided he'd play the valiant Prince in this quest, his chest puffed out with assumed importance as he led them away from the rest of the class.
Charlie wrinkled his nose; this didn't sound very fun, if only because it was a little chilly and he'd rather be inside where it was warm. It would be better once he got to actually practice some magic. He saddled up next to the Ravenclaw girl, turning his attention toward her once she spoke. "Professor Foxwood is a Ravenclaw, so maybe near the tower?" It wouldn't be in the common room because that would be unfair to the other houses, but Charlie wouldn't put it past him to place a flag near there.
Transfiguration Professor & Ravenclaw Head of House
31 year old Pureblood
5 ft. 9¾ in.
❤ Unattached
Played by Fox
582 Posts
As the students paired off in groups of two or three, Basil watched them go with amusement. He wondered idly who the first to retrieve a flag would be. He could pick one or two of the Ravenclaws out for a clean bet, but the Gryffindors this year seemed fairly bright as well. He trotted over to Gus and crossed his arms over his chest to chatter quietly about the scoring. They would see who would come out on top yet.
Small prod that this will close with (currently no house points awarded) towards end of December. Quick, someone find a flag first and make an announcement.
"Skills we have mastered so far" the first year heard Professor Foxwood say to the class. Was that a joke, she mused as everyone else began pairing off into the little friendship groups and cliques. Margaret didn't have friends here, but her little "family emergency" break from school on Hogsmeade day had given her a little strength to carry on, it had been good to see her cousin and to see her friend Charley.
The others all went running off, or they gathered to think first. Margaret dawdled around, not making much effort to try and latch on to any of the witches or wizards that surrounded her and instead wandered off alone towards the place where all the flags were kept. The professors had told them that they would be hidden and that there would be obstacles to get past to retrieve them. Maggie had a few ideas, but none of them involved the wand that remained squarely in her pocket, she hated even having it on her but had been told off twice now for forgetting to bring it to class so just left it inside her robe at all time, maybe the moths would eat it and she could just go back to being a normal muggle.
Margaret walked along with her arms crossed and her hands holding her elbows. There was one group casting spells at a small stone wall, another seemed to be casting the levi.. levosa? spell to lift foliage on the ground to see what was underneath. This carried on for a little while and Margaret explored almost invisibly amongst the others until she saw her opening. A trio of wizards were sitting on a log chatting, with one of them eating something and there was her prize, stuck out of the back pocket of one of the Gryffindor boys was a small piece of coloured rag that looked very much like a flag.
Now, Margaret was no pickpocket, but she was not shy of a little mischief and poor girls like her had to make do with the opportunities that presented themselves. She moved up a little closer, placing a bush between her and the boys. This would be like taking ice cream from a charlatan and hopefully Charley Goode would be quite proud of her. Silently the most delicate hand reached through the holly busy, she bit her tongue as the spikes scratched her until her fingers found themselves on the soft silken flag. With a smooth gesture, she removed it from the pocket of her mark and quickly placed it inside her cloak.
With that achieved she was away again and walking back over towards the professors, she would ensure not to be first to hand in the flag, she was a muggle, and it would be too suspicious if she somehow beat her witch classmates, but she would proudly hand into the flag having used the skills she had mastered, just as instructed. The boys would be fuming if they found out, but everyone hated her anyway so what was the loss. Her heart raced as she approached the professors, walking up to Basil Foxwood ... or was it Gus Lissington all old men looked the same to her. "I got the flag" she said shyly, waiting for the moment they saw right through her scheme with their magical eyes and turned her into a toad for her troubles.
He and Miss Greene had looked everywhere for a stupid flag, and finally, finally they had found one in the owlery. The owl had been particularly mean, squeaking and biting at them whenever he and the young Ravenclaw drew too close - Charlie figured he was just a cousin or brother to Merlin because they acted so similar. Luckily for him (and all the times Uncle Atticus appeased his owl because he hated to see Merlin upset about anything), the owl was soothed the same way Merlin was, with treats and a lot of praise. He was able to transfigure some things for him to nibble on that resembled food, even though it wasn't entirely edible while Miss Greene slipped the flag from its leg.
Charlie hoped that they were going to be first back to their professors, although before they could turn it back into Professor Foxwood and Professor Lissington, he caught Ignacio's eye. He'd lost Miss Greene, but he'd catch up to her. Charlie held the flag up and waved it loud and proud before he stuck his tongue out at him. "What's the matter? Can't figure out how to get one of these?" Of course he couldn't. Ignacio was dumb and he was going to fail this lesson, just like he was probably going to fail out of Hogwarts as a whole. Charlie shoved it into his back pocket in case the Ravenclaw got the idea to steal it from him.
Too bad for him that someone else took that opportunity to do so, slipping it out of his pocket without him noticing, at least until he scrambled forward to stand next to his partner. Charlie went to procure the flag from his pocket... only to find it missing. Another girl was holding it, presenting it to their professors. Charlie growled. "Hey! That's our flag!"
Nathaniel took off with his partner. Transversing the lawns, he looked and looked but could not find a flag for himself. He walked towards the courtyards, figuring he would see if there was anything there.
I don't go looking for trouble. Trouble usually finds me. coding by cherry!
Caspian didn't pay much attention to the scuffle about a stolen flag. He and his partner went looking and came across a Wishing Well. He didn't remember seeing this before which was why it had drawn his attention. "Should we use accio or the levitation spell?" Caspian suggested to the person he was working with.
"Accio is more direct, I think—less room for error," the Ravenclaw replied.
The day's double lesson had come as quite the surprise to Jameson. The first year had been enjoying his classes thus far, of course—his seemingly boundless curiosity was finally meeting its match! But these had all been in classrooms, precisely as Jammy had expected when envisioning Hogwarts. This, though, was an altogether different creature, and he had wasted little time in pairing up with friends to complete the rather unconventional mission.
Grabbing the hand of Miss Chloe Greene, her housemate, Gia jabbed a finger toward the lake. "I saw something funny from the windows this morning. It might have been flags. We should look now."
Gus nudged Basil forward to have a chat with Miss Wallace while he stepped forward to hear Mr. Hutton's side of the story. Gus really didn't want to oversee detention. Mr. Hutton was clearly upset, and he didn't want him interjecting and talking over the young Hufflepuff. Once done, he'd keep an eye on the rest of the first years still running around trying to find their flags.