Bell wasn't sure what she meant by her last question, but he was inclined to interpret it charitably since she'd been so enthusiastic about the idea of learning from tutors as he had. To be honest, he didn't use as much magic in his life as he probably could. Growing up with a Muggle mother, he'd known how to do most things without it. The spells he used most frequently were for handling his magical paints when he made moving portraits, which wasn't something he expected most people would have even learned, much less used with any degree of frequency.
"Since I was ten, sure," he said with a shrug. "What do you mean whenever you wanted? Do they give you a schedule for learning magic in England, or something? Wands out in the mornings and then put away by lunch, that sort of thing?"
"Since I was ten, sure," he said with a shrug. "What do you mean whenever you wanted? Do they give you a schedule for learning magic in England, or something? Wands out in the mornings and then put away by lunch, that sort of thing?"