May 28th, 1891 — Hogwarts Coming Out Ball
This was the first time Bellamy had been to this event, since they'd been in pseudo-mourning the previous year. It was one of the can't-miss-it events of the season, apparently, but Bellamy wasn't sure why. He'd mostly attended for a glimpse of Hogwarts castle, since a recently-made friend simply couldn't stop talking about their Hogwarts experience and he wanted to see what all the fuss was about. And the castle was nice, but it didn't seem like it really compared to some others Bell had seen in his life, like Neuschwanstein or Dolmabace Palace or St. Basil's Cathedral. Maybe if he'd been able to see more of it than just the ballroom, he'd be more appreciative. Or maybe Englanders just had low bars, when it came to impressive, ornate buildings.
The ball itself was confusing. Bellamy understood the concept of a debut, but he didn't quite get why there was a staircase involved, and he didn't know any of these names that the announcer was rattling off. And they were all dressed in white, which was a frightful mistake for most of them; white was such a particular color that in order to make it look good you had to have a darker complexion, which was rare in Scotland where the sun never shown except perchance two or three times in a summer.
Earlier in the evening Bell had found an out-of-the-way spot to add two inches to his height so that he could better see the stair thing, but now he was feeling conspicuously tall (although 5' 8" was hardly conspicuous) and it was too crowded now to shrink back down without someone noticing. The next best thing to being an average height again was being engaged in conversation, he decided, so he turned to a likely looking young [man/woman] nearby.
"Are you a student here?" he asked. "Maybe you could explain this whole thing to me."
Ideally for a 5th-6th year student but could feasibly be any attendee Bellamy's age or younger.The ball itself was confusing. Bellamy understood the concept of a debut, but he didn't quite get why there was a staircase involved, and he didn't know any of these names that the announcer was rattling off. And they were all dressed in white, which was a frightful mistake for most of them; white was such a particular color that in order to make it look good you had to have a darker complexion, which was rare in Scotland where the sun never shown except perchance two or three times in a summer.
Earlier in the evening Bell had found an out-of-the-way spot to add two inches to his height so that he could better see the stair thing, but now he was feeling conspicuously tall (although 5' 8" was hardly conspicuous) and it was too crowded now to shrink back down without someone noticing. The next best thing to being an average height again was being engaged in conversation, he decided, so he turned to a likely looking young [man/woman] nearby.
"Are you a student here?" he asked. "Maybe you could explain this whole thing to me."
Stats for this thread: Brown hair, brown eyes, 5'8"