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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
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Maybe We Should Burn the House Down (Josie's Networking)

Hello! I am Josie and I'm new to Charming. I've been a fan of Harry Potter for 5ever and I love history so this is pretty much a perfect meld of those two interests :P. I'm very flexible when it comes to plotting and love ruining my characters' lives. I can be contacted here or on discord!

@'Camilla Zabini'
Camilla is a 24 year old debutante struggling her way through to a decent marriage. This pursuit is complicated by the well publicized scandal that ensued when her mother was revealed to be lying about being a pureblood. Having held conservative, purist beliefs herself, Camilla was devastated by this. She's had to do much soul searching and it's made her a slightly better person. She's still a classist snob but she's nice about it. Anything goes for her, but I am particularly interested in current friends, people who were formerly friends, and HURLING. Alllll the hurling. The last thing Camilla wants to be is a spinster, so she'll be throwing herself (demurely) at any UCPB man that moves. She's come around to considering UCHBs as well. Her standards will likely continue to lapse the closer she gets to being 27 without any prospects.


Gildea Dewberry
Gildea - or Gigi as she prefers - is a sixth year Gryffindor and working class muggleborn. She is the only daughter of a London blacksmith and was raised to take her father's path. Despite her spinster aunt's attempts, she has remained an unrepentant tomboy over the years. She's rough around the edges, sharp witted, and practical. Her immediate aspirations involve getting the marks to work in an exciting Ministry job. I want anything and everything for her! Friends, academic rivals, bitter nemeses, and more are all a go for me! She's just becoming aware of scary things like ~attraction~ so awkward crushes (both boys and girls are fine!) or something like that would be great. I am very flexible and happy to work anything out!

  • Hurling options for Camilla!
  • Friends and the like for Gigi.

[Image: rXHJt2.png]
Hi there! My name's Bree and welcome to Charming! I have a few characters who might work, some better than others.

Frida Lestrange is my only sixth year girl, but she's on the opposite side of the social ladder. She's genuinely kind and has had WC friends before, but I'm not sure how they'd mesh! Frida is definitely more feminine.

Justice Rookwood is a sixth yea Ravenclaw who can be kind but isn't always. He's definitely a jock and has his own little group that he likes to hang around, but I doubt he'd be a source of torment to her. He's an orphan and lives in an orphanage because of a lack of extended relatives willing to take he and his siblings in.

Cameron Gillenwater is two years beneath her in Gryffindor. He's friendly and is known for having a friend group comprised of mostly girls (albeit sporty/tomboyish ones), so I don't doubt he'd be friendly towards her!

Eldin Bones is a year above her in Slytherin, and he's also head boy and quidditch captain of the Slytherin team. He's kind enough, but shows more sympathy towards his social lessers than friendliness, I'd think.

Agnes Mercier is a year below her in Ravenclaw. She's a little weird and has the Sight, but I'd love the opportunity to develop her more!

My other students are Archie Diggory, Flora Mulciber, Carius Bulstrode, and Holly Scrimgeour. Feel free to look them over and let me know if you want threads!

set by MJ!
Hiii, Josie!  Welcome to Charming!  I'm Finn. I don't have a ton of options for you, but here's who I have:

Clementine Rookwood is a fellow 6th year in Hufflepuff. She is incredibly nice and a 'mom friend.'  She is an orphan who lives at St. Mungo's Home for Inconvenient Children. She is hoping to be a potioneer, herbologist, or maybe even a mediwitch after Hogwarts. (She hasn't decided.)  She is feminine, but she wouldn't mind if Gigi was a tomboy. (Though, she might be concerned for her future.)  She is very confused and starting to have crushes on other girls.

Thomas Montgomery is a fifth year Ravenclaw.  His mother ran away with a pornographer in his first year.  He is obsessed with transfiguration. He is a very loyal friend.  They probably would have been in a few classes last year.

I have a couple other Hogwarts characters, but they are first and second years. Fleur Rey is a sweet Hufflepuff second year obsessed with baking. Archer Belby is a walking disaster, anxious second year Ravenclaw. Jasper Diggory is a muggleborn first year Hufflepuff.

Welcome to Charming!!

[Image: gmun6e3.png]

MJ, yet again working her magic.  <3 <3 Thank you
Thank you for all the options Bree!

Right now, I think Justice, Cameron, and Agnes would work well with Gigi!

'Kind but not always' and 'jock' are also good descriptions for Gigi, so I think she and Justice could be friendly with one another. Gigi has always done better with boys in social settings and it would be fun to start playing with that side of her.

Connections with fellow Gryffs would be swell! I would love to see how she and Cameron get on. She won't hesitate to get him into trouble Wink.

A little weird is Gigi's whole bag, so Agnes seems like a good compatriot as well! Basically, I'd be happy to try threading with any and all of your options haha.

Also, now that I think about it, she might be moony-eyed over Eldin because he's a Quidditch captain and Quidditch is her life blood. I'm sure something awkward could brew there.

[Image: rXHJt2.png]
Holliday Fudge is my lone sixth year! Whether or not they are friendly depends on:
  • Whether or not Gigi is friendly with Cordelia Fawley
  • Her feelings on werewolves

— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. —
[Image: TrSGeWR.jpg]
— graphics by lady ❤ —
Finn! Thank you for the welcome!!

Clementine looks lovely! Gigi kind of flounders with soft people because she's not used to them, but I could see Clementine giving her some warm fuzzies. Maybe she'd ask her for advice on "girl things" because that's all a big question mark for Gigi. And I looove me some confusing, youthful crushes! I planned to have Gigi start going through similar confusion, so I think we could definitely work something out there.

Poor Thomas! I think she'd try to take it easy on him, just because he probably doesn't need any more problems. I could see them picking each other's brains about Transfiguration! Maybe some shenanigans with miscast spells?


I'll try and figure out if Cordelia and Gigi are friendly haha! I can say that Gigi probably thinks werewolves are cool/interesting and doesn't quite get all the fear mongering about them because she's from a background where they aren't real! She has more of a theoretical knowledge of their danger rather than actual reservations about it.

[Image: rXHJt2.png]
(September 17, 2019 – 9:39 PM)Aldous Crouch Wrote:  Holliday Fudge is my lone sixth year! Whether or not they are friendly depends on:
  • Whether or not Gigi is friendly with Cordelia Fawley
  • Her feelings on werewolves

Hi there Josie! I'm Lady and I have the aforementioned Cordelia Fawley ^_^

Cora's a bit of a tricky one. When she first entered Gryffindor, she made a lot of friends and I imagine was quite a vibrant and kind individual. She loves school and her friends, but she has synesthesia which (when amplified by her magic) can make her taste emotions, see people's voices in the air, etc. This is one of the reasons she loves music so much. When she realized this ability wasn't normal, she withdrew a bit and ended up friends with Beatrix Burke (née Borgin), who was rather outwardly mean and unpleasant to a lot of people, which Cora didn't really stop (and where Holliday was concerned, as long as there were no prying eyes, she'd participate). Cora's stayed with Trixie, but now Trixie has been withdrawn from Hogwarts and married off, so she's feeling rather lost at the moment and not sure where to turn.

I can say in terms of blood purity, Cora is definitely a soft purist and doesn't mind being friends with muggleborns but she'd never marry one / would be very uncomfortable with inter-marriages.

Where Gigi is concerned I really do think Cora would like Gigi and her personality - where they'd differ is of course, if Gigi liked Holliday or not. If she did like Holliday and was outwardly friends with her, then Cora and Gigi might have drifted outside of friends and into merely school-mates early on at Hogwarts! If Gigi was just friendly with Holliday, Cora wouldn't mind so much I don't think.

Again, she's a confusing soul at the moment xD if you'd like to discuss further, my discord is: Lady #0341 and Id be more than happy to chat there!


I have Sunday Fudge who is my little angel and I think would love Gigi to death. She coincidentally is Holliday's little sister xD She's stubborn, likes to be down by the water and showed up at this year's sorting ceremony dripping wet from falling into the Black Lake on the way over xD

The following 1 user Likes Cordelia Fawley's post:
   Aldous Crouch

[Image: ShTkGQ.jpg]

Just formally replying though I am mostly useless I think...

I have Constance Sykes the Slytherin matron who can certainly stand in (until someone makes the Gryffindor one!) to help Gigi out if she needs the help and advice that only a woman being paid can give :D

Student-wise I have two awkward-fits in the form of Helixa Hyslop who is a fourth year Ravenclaw and a bit of a weirdo, and Gretchen Lestrange a fifth year Slytherin who could be a nemesis... Wink

[Image: Gretchen-Sig.png]
Bee is tremendous, isn't she?
Hey Josie!

I don't have a whole lot for you at Hogwarts, but I do have:

Nelson Higgs, Ravenclaw, upper class, fifth year, mute. Bit odd but more fun than he seems, and is a pretty big fan of quidditch too. xD

@"Jemima Farley", Hufflepuff, sixth year, middle class pureblood, total drama queen. They're yearmates so I'm sure they'd know each other, but last schoolyear Jemima's diary got out so practically all the school has read it, and are aware of her judgey thoughts on the whole student population, and her giant crush on Justice Rookwood too. xD She's a little too ~prim and proper to appreciate Gildea's attitude to things, I think, so probably wouldn't have been super nice to her in the diary. That said, her school rep is pretty much destroyed at this point, so Jemima's pretty used to people not being nice to her anymore either.

I also have a man-turned-hedgehog, Aubrey Davis, who likes to hang around in the Gryffindor common room when he gets the chance.

(I also feel compelled to mention Titus Cripps if only because he's both a former Gryffindor and son of a (wizard) blacksmith, but he left school after his fourth year so with the age gap they would have only overlapped for one year. xD)

ALSO YAY FOR CAMILLA ZABINI I have @"Calliope Riley", her new stepmother-to-be who was also a Slytherin only two years older than her, so they probably know each other already. I apologise in advance for Calliope. >D

look ANOTHER beautiful bee!set <3
Alll the plotting.

Lady: I will poke you on discord about plots!

Lauren: Gigi lacked feminine influences growing up, so Constance could be a fielder of some of her questions, for sure! She's currently having a menses crisis, so maybe that could work for something lol.

Gretchen as a nemesis could be wonderful! We should see if we can work something out for sure.

MJ: I think Gigi would try to be friendly with Nelson! Sports are a real Bonding Topic for her, so if they've got that in common, she's far more inclined to actively try and be friends.

Oh dear, Jemima. Poor girl, some thoughts should never be made public. I'd like to say Gigi is mature enough that she'd forgive any harsh words in the journal, but she just isn't xD. That said, she recognizes that Jemima's probably having The Worst time already, so she won't actively make it worse. She'll just be internally smug.

Gigi likes cute little animal shaped things so I'm sure she's thoroughly harassed Aubrey whenever he's been around.

If Gigi and Titus did get to interact with each other in that narrow window, I'm sure she'd have had endless questions for him. Call it professional curiosity :P. I could honestly see her continuing to send him letters on that basis alone. She's 98% sure she doesn't want to continue the family business, but just in case, y'know.

YES AWKWARD STEPMOM INTERACTIONS. I'm sure I'll have a blast with whatever she decides to do. I would very much like it if they'd known each other already. Makes this all the more difficult xD

Also, Camilla Zabini has been added to the list!

[Image: rXHJt2.png]

I also have broken boys of varying degrees of usefulness:
Julius Scrimgeour
Balthazar Urquart
Aldous Crouch
And it just gets worse from there oops

wtf why do they all work at the ministry

— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. —
[Image: TrSGeWR.jpg]
— graphics by lady ❤ —
So my lot are largely useless, my only student is Hesper Gamp who is a first year Slytherin and would be a really left field option for Gildea.

However, I do have Antigone Lestrange who is Camilla's sister's "best friend". The quotations are there because Tig's definition of best friend is not the healthy relationship of mutual respect and affection that one expects. I'm not sure what potential they might have thread/plot-wise off the top of my head but it's a link!

Thanks to Bee for this magnificent set <3
(September 19, 2019 – 11:10 PM)Aldous Crouch Wrote:  HI CAMILLA I AM YOUR SISTER.

I also have broken boys of varying degrees of usefulness:
Julius Scrimgeour
Balthazar Urquart
Aldous Crouch
And it just gets worse from there oops

wtf why do they all work at the ministry

HELLO SISTER! They absolutely need a thread and to get up to some shenanigans. I'm down for just about anything.

And yay broken boys! Camilla's favorite kind lol. Julius is UCPB, so Camilla would be willing to overlook a reputation even worse than hers to give that a whirl at this point :P. This sounds TERRIBLE but Camilla is not so desperate that she's willing to consider marrying down so Balt and Aldous are out for now (I think they're lovely!!!). FUTURE OPTIONS THOUGH?!

(September 19, 2019 – 11:28 PM)Ursula Black Wrote:  HI JOSIE!
So my lot are largely useless, my only student is Hesper Gamp who is a first year Slytherin and would be a really left field option for Gildea.

However, I do have Antigone Lestrange who is Camilla's sister's "best friend". The quotations are there because Tig's definition of best friend is not the healthy relationship of mutual respect and affection that one expects. I'm not sure what potential they might have thread/plot-wise off the top of my head but it's a link!

Alas, I can't think of a connection for Gigi and Hesper.

Antigone (best name btw), though, I think Camilla could cozy up to for her social connections. I don't know that she'd actually care for Tig very much, but she could certainly act like it for as long as it suits her.

[Image: rXHJt2.png]

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