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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

The Heart is Deceitful Above All Things
Saturday, September the 2nd, 1893
By now you'll have heard of everything that went on in the common room here last night. I truly thought this was going to be such a wonderful year, Zin, it was supposed to be an Adventure! There was so much I was looking forward to, and now I don't even know what the point would be.

Professor Foxwood just took away forty points from Ravenclaw! 40! And all because Miss Penelope Valenduris was sorted into Ravenclaw!

Miss Parkinson and I had a quiet conversation in the common room after the feast. We were just talking about Miss Penelope Valenduris, who got into a screaming match with the sorting hat yet. Right in front of the whole school, just because her twin sister was sorted to Hufflepuff and we had to get her. I was a little irate about it, I won't lie (and you would see right through it anyway, Zin) but you should have heard her. Not just irate at all, she was saying some blatantly cruel things. I won't say I think little Miss Valenduris deserves to get kicked out of her new house like Miss Parkinson, I will just say I think she could show a little more House pride!

Well, one of the first years was eavesdropping on Miss Parkinson because suddenly Miss Autumn Fairfax came right up to her nose! She was quite the angry geranium, saying all kinds of thing she shouldn't say to anyone older than her, and to top it all off she used an entirely unladylike word to describe Miss Parkinson. I would have been mad at that, too, but Miss Parkinson was very mad! Now, I don't think in the slightest I would have gone about it the way those two did. I haven't a clue what sort of malady possessed Miss Fairfax or Miss Parkinson right then. They were looking quite like two starved cats with a fish between them. I should have tried harder to stop them but all I had to offer was Mr. Honeyduke's confectioneries that Dahlia sent along with me.

Can you imagine those starving cats right now? That's what they looked like, all fur on end and claws out. They were hissing and biting and clawing each other, though I do believe Miss Fairfax came out on top of that one (and I, for one, cannot be too entirely sad about that). We may never know, because that's when a prefect and Professor Foxwood burst in and stopped it all. The two of them got detention, but all of us lost out in house points.

Forty points, Zin! I can't even believe it though I've written it thrice already. We'll never win the House Cup now. And I fear half the first years hate me now for being the one talking with Miss Parkinson right before she said such hateful things. I fear as well for Miss Fairfax, for when we met this summer I may have shown her entirely the wrong sort of behavior (the sort that is best confined to street alleys and between children). So, cousin, I fear most of all that this whole ordeal might be my fault and if I hadn't met Miss Fairfax in such a way, and if I hadn't chosen to speak with Miss Parkinson of all the worst gossips in our House, and if I had just been able to stop the fight in the first place...

I apologize if this letter is hard to read. It was harder to write without getting the ink smeared. Please write back soon, Zin, I could use the comfort of your words. This year is not exactly starting out as the kind of Adventure I was hoping for!
Your dearest cousin,

P.S. The first Hogsmeade visit won't be until October!
P.P.S. Please pet the poor owl who has to carry this tome to you.

@"Zinnia Potts"

[Image: uHwnE8q.png]
September 2, 1893
My dearest Millie,

I haven't heard much about what went on in the common room, but I promise Millie, this year is going to be an amazingly wonderful year for you. It will be an adventure! Look at how it's starting, exciting, even if not in the way you expected. Forty points is a lot but you darling, are smart and resourceful. In fact all of us Ravenclaws are, and if any house is capable of winning back those points within the first week it is our house. Just be your good natured self, and the professors will see it.

I'm sure it's scary being put into a different house than your sister. (Although a screaming match seems a bit immature, do remember that she is still a child and frightened to be away from home.) I was terrified when the hat put me into a different house than Senna, but relieved when Daffy joined me. I'm sure she'll come around and have some house pride as the year progresses. Just show her kindness, and please don't attack anyone like Miss Fairfax. That sounds terrible, especially for the first night. I'm sure you did the best that you could, but mostly I am glad you didn't intervene and get hurt yourself. Quin and Dahlia's confectionaries are sure to smooth things over, once the dust settles.

I know you're worried about the points, but as I said, you can make them up. Be kind, participate in class, help out the younger students (everything I already believe you do, because you're such a sweet person, Millie) and you will earn them back. I heard you won it last year, so of course everyone will be doing their best to win it this year, too. As for your housemates, the best you can do is show them you're not that kind of person. Apologies can go a long way. It's not your fault though, Mills. They are who they are and you can't change that. All you can do is keep your chin up and show Hogwarts the wonderful person I know you to be. And I hope when you walk by a mirror, that you see what I see: someone kind who sees the best in everyone.

I look forward to seeing you in a month. I shall have some new tea to try, and maybe I can convince Dahlia to make some biscuits to go along with it. (Or perhaps she'll surprise you by being in the shop too.) I petted the owl and gave him a treat before sending him on his way.

All My Love,

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   Millie Potts

[Image: dXN9cvh.png]
Set by the lovely Lady<3

Saturday, The Same
I made a cup of tea from the kettle in the common room, though I try to spend as little time in there as I can today. It is not as good as yours, it simply reminds me of you. As do the words that arrived in your letter. Just reading them in your voice was more a comfort than the words themselves.

Is it really so easy to be so charitable to those who have wronged you? Does it matter if it is you, yourself, or the whole group you've been part of for years? Ravenclaw feels like part of my blood, blue and silver and bronze are colors I could go my whole life without becoming bored with and I know by heart which chairs in the common room have the best light for reading in the afternoon. I truly think my soul would be torn apart if I could never call myself a Ravenclaw again. And my heart tells me it matters little whether someone wrongs Ravenclaw or wrongs me, it hurts all the same.

Perhaps it would be easier if I was older, if I had a job with an income and a home and a family to call my own. Then such an incident would pale by comparison, I think. Everything here is so connected, Zin. We go to classes together, eat together, dorm together. I have to face them every day, and today has been impossible upon impossibility. I waited until just the end of breakfast and midday meals to get something, and I am dreading dinner too much to have any appetite.

I wish I had your grace, Zin. Or Daffy's courage. Or Dorothea's way with everyone. I would give anything to switch places! Dot would know just what to say in apology, Daffy would stand in front of her House without batting an eye, and you would probably give a hug to all the girls and feel better for it. Hugging won't mend wounds or torn dresses —you should have seen Miss Parkinson afterwards!— or erase memories, Zin, and words feel inadequate for such a huge misstep. I have far too few ingredients for the potion this House so desperately needs.

I want so much to be the person you see in me. There's a mirror in my dorm and I dare not glimpse into it now. I'm far too afraid I will see someone completely different than you do. How am I supposed to face others when I cannot even face myself?!
Your cowardly cousin,

[Image: uHwnE8q.png]
September 2, 1893
My Darling Millie,

Oh Millie, I know it's hard. And whatever road you go down will not be an easy one. You will always be a Ravenclaw, just like I will always be. To think we are connected by more than just blood. And you will always be connected to those in your house, too. I know you're hurting now, but that will not always be the case. Eventually this will just be a memory. It may be one you dissect later on, and it may always be painful, but it will hurt less than what you're feeling now. I think you just need to keep your chin up. They cannot be mad forever, and if they are than they were not true friends to begin with. Hogwarts has so many wonderful people and any one of them would be lucky to call you a friend.

Oh Millie. You are strong and you are good with your words. You have read so many books, that surely you could take some inspiration from there? Or, better yet, write them a letter to tell them how you feel. Give yourself time to think, digest, just like they probably need time too. I don't think you've done anything wrong. How could you have known, when speaking to Miss Parkison, what she would say? You couldn't have, unless you're secretly a seer. All you need is time, Mills. Time to let things heal. You can smile, sit next to them in silence, show them that you are there and still want to be friends.

You will one day Mills. I am so proud of you, and the person you're becoming. You are your own worst critic, but there is nothing you can do or say to make me think otherwise. Do me a favor tonight? Before you go to bed, take a look in the mirror. Squint if you have to, lean in close, making funny faces, but I want you to try to see the girl I do. Because she's beautiful and funny and wonderful. She's loyal to boot. When you see her, you'll see what all the other Ravenclaws do too. They'll surely forgive you.

All My Love,

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   Millie Potts

[Image: dXN9cvh.png]
Set by the lovely Lady<3

Saturday Night, The Same
Of all the hopes and wishes I have for the girl in the mirror, the only one I see within its frame right now is me. Just plain me. I don't see the strong witch you do, nor the perfect daughter that Papa does. Just me. I suppose she must be there somewhere, for I don't even see the horrible example I've set for Ravenclaw either. Perhaps they can't all exist in one reflection and the mirror only chooses to show me one at a time.

Regardless, I will take your words to heart. I will try to exercise patience and give myself the time you prescribe. It still feels as though I am the new Ravenclaw ghost, doomed to be only looked-through and not truly seen. I am grateful classes won't begin until Monday, I couldn't possibly apply myself to any assignments right now. When it comes, I will gladly welcome sleep and dreams that, I hope, will be a happier world to live in than the one I have lived today.

I cannot wait to see you, Zin. I already miss our summertime adventures, our secret-sharing, and your experimental tea blends. I miss just sitting in the same room with my book and you with your paints, not needing to speak to be companionable. There are fewer words that come to mind to write here but to thank you for your never-ending wisdom and advice.

Until October.
Your faithful cousin,

The following 1 user Likes Millie Potts's post:
   Zinnia Gallagher

[Image: uHwnE8q.png]

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