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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

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The Late Herbert E. Fudge
Full Name: Herbert Ellison Fudge
Nicknames: “Bertie” by his wife; “The Late Mr. Fudge” and “The Ghostly Proprietor” by people intending to be funny and/or dramatic.
Birthdate: April 1st, 1849
Deathdate: July 9th, 1887
Current Age: 39
Race: Ghost
Occupation: Proprietor of the Sanditon Resort
He died but is still metaphorically kicking. This is disconcerting to some.
Residence: Sanditon Resort in Sussex, England
Social Class: Middle Class
Winifred Fudge née Fisk, Wife [1852]
Somersby Fudge, Son [1871]
Holliday Fudge, Daughter [1873]
Irene Fudge, Daughter [1875]
Paxton Fudge, Son [1877]
Sunday Fudge, Daughter [1878]

Gilbert Fudge, Father [1805-1881]
Eugenia Hobday née Pince, Formerly Fudge, Mother [1814]
— Jedidiah “Uncle Jed” Hobday, Stepfather [1803]
— — Florinda Hobday, His Late Wife [1819-1860]
— Bonnie ----- née Hobday, Stepsister [1845], and family
— Orson Hobday, Stepbrother [1852]

In life, Herbert was a tall man with sandy hair and blue eyes, and a delightful smile. That same smile still adorns his rather more transluscent features, but any pigmentation has been lost to the rigours of spirit-hood. He remains in the suit in which he died, and his legs dangle even more uselessly beneath him than those of most spirits, for they were crushed in the accident that took his life.
1849 - 1853 | After ten years of trying to produce a child, Eugenia Fudge finally succeeds in producing her husband with a child, named Herbert Ellison Fudge. The only child of a troll specialist and an experimental potioneer, Herbert had a loving, if unusual, childhood.

1854 | Herbert’s first act of magic sees him accidentally transfigure an iguana into a small dragon. Whoops. The appropriate authorities are called in once the reptile sets a small fire in the house.

1860 | Upon arrival at Hogwarts, Bertie’s natural curiosity sees him placed in Ravenclaw house. Though not the brightest in his house, he does love to learn.

1862 | A long-time interest in magical beasts of all sorts sees him choose Care of Magical Creatures as an elective. He also takes on Earth Magic for good measure.

1864 | A particularly aggressive bludger to the head during a club quidditch match at the end of the term sees him miss the last two weeks of his classes, and he fails two of his examinations as a result. Fortunately, they are not his OWLs.  He does not return to quidditch in the fall.

1865 | With the exception of a P in History of Magic, Bertie passes all of his OWLs. When he returns for his sixth year, he chooses to take Charms, COMC, Potions, Earth Magic, and Herbology.

1866 | As detention for overfeeding the groundskeeper’s hippogriffs, Bertie is tasked with tutoring three younger students in Care of Magical Creatures. One of them is a Hufflepuff, Miss Winifred Fisk, who would later go on to become his wife!

1867 | Herbert completes his Hogwarts education and begins apprenticing under Uncle Jed, a well-respected magizoologist who is not actually related to him but a very good friend and colleague of his father.

1869 | He becomes reacquainted with Miss Fisk, now working for her family’s business after leaving school following her OWLs. By the end of the year, the pair wish to formally court, but both his family and hers are opposed given his young age.

1870 | So they elope and move in with Uncle Jed.

1871 | Bertie is pleased to learn that not all women suffer from his mother’s childbearing woes as Winifred presents him with a healthy son, Somersby Jedidiah.  The birth of their first grandchild brings Gilbert and Eugenia to realize they should probably stop being mad at their only spawn, AND EVERYONE IS HAPPY ONCE AGAIN.

1872 | Bertie publishes his first book and becomes a proper magizoologist in his own right.

1873 | Holliday is born.

1874 | Whilst away researching merfolk in Greece, Herbert accidentally goes to bed with the wife of a local Herbologist. This is his first of many infidelities, all of which he will swear with his dying breath were entirely unintentional. He returns home with lots of guilt gifts to learn that he’s gone and missed his son’s first sign of magic.

1875 | Irene is born.

1877 | Paxton is born in February.

1878 | Sunday is born in July on, go figure, a Sunday.

1879 | Irene’s first act of magic breathes life back into a dying rosebush.

1880 | Whilst on a family vacation at the seaside, both Holliday and Paxton make their first displays of magic. The former transfigures a muggle toddler into a turtle and the latter causes a bolt of lightning to electrocute a local fisherman. The Ministry of Magic is forced to come clean up the mess, and the Fudge family swears off holidays as there is no safe way to do so with so many magical children.

1881 | An errant troll club falls upon Gilbert’s head, killing him instantly. The surprisingly large amount of savings that he has passes, naturally, to Bertie, but as a trade-off, his mother moves in with them. Some of the money goes into expanding their Godric’s Hollow home to accommodate her, but the rest is invested.

1882 | When one of their investments pays off particularly well, Herbert and Winifred decide to take their savings and put it towards their lifelong dreams: a place by the sea for her and a menagerie for him. They sell the family home and buy up some land near Sanditon, upon which they begin to build up a magical resort. That fall, Somersby goes to Hogwarts.

1883 | In May, the resort formally opens, and is even featured in the paper!  The first season is modestly successful, and proceeds go towards establishing Herbert’s small zoo.

1884 | April sees Eugenia remarry at the ripe old age of seventy to none other than Uncle Jed! The plague makes for a poor summer at Sanditon Resort. Holliday starts Hogwarts in the fall.

1885 | The resort bounces back from the previous year’s poor performance, but Bertie is almost caught in bed with the wives of one of the guests!

1887 | Herbert is crushed to death during the disaster at the Wizarding World Market. Unsatisfied that he had accomplished all of his life he might have wished, he remains in the mortal realm as a ghost.
❧ Formerly a halfblooded Ravenclaw alumnus; died July 9th, 1887.

❧ His old wand—Dogwood, twelve inches, and swishy with a mer’s hair core—was mounted after his death and sits above the fireplace in his study.

❧ Was a strong swimmer and a skillful illustrator. The latter is why his scribe’s poor drawing skills drive him mad.

❧ In addition to English, Herbert is fluent in Mermish and French. He is proficient in Latin and Greek, and can swear in German.

❧ Can float through walls. That’s sort of a skill, right?

Name: Kayte
Age: 27
Contact: PM Aldous Crouch

who doesn't want a ghost dad?

graphics by mj ❤ —
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