Monday, April 15th, 1894 — morning class, Transfiguration classroom (amdist THIS debacle)
Standing at the front of the room, exhausted and drawn out, Basil watched with his hands laced behind his back as a few of the usual faces - the reliable ones at least - toddled in. He wondered, idly, if given the lack of structure and reinforcement there was out there in the halls, how many of his less than studious pupils would be skipping today’s lecture… Basil himself had almost decided to cancel todays classes in light of everything going on but— as the world did not stop spinning merely because of unusual circumstances, he didn’t think it fair to shortchange those who were willing and eager to learn, simply because the adults had gone and made a muddle of things.
The remainder of the group settled and soon enough, Basil began the planned lecture. They were to be practicing their softening spells today. He’d laid out on each desk already a wooden block that the class would be softening into a sponge-like texture. “Remember, the most important facet of transfiguration is visualization,” he concluded. “One must have a clear picture of what it is one wishes to create in mind, else these blocks will remain as solid and sturdy as they are.” Basil glanced at the clock just by his desk. They had half of class remaining to practice. “Please begin! I will be walking around to answer any questions or correct technique as necessary.”
- For reference, Basil is not, himself, under the influence of the wine. He's quite his normal size/age -
James Callum, Philippa Rowle, Callum Finnigan, Maxwell Beck, Nathaniel Gallivan II, Katherine Arundell, Charity Lloyd, Morgan Valenduris, Lucy Tatting, Honoria Rookwood + anyone I missed and/or curious child-staffers! Or anyone really, regardless of year/status. Who's gonna stop you. Not Basil lol. ( Elenora Brierley, Ignatius Prince, Gus Lissington, Reuben Crouch, Meserimus Valenduris, Constance Sykes) Chaos encouraged.
James Callum, Philippa Rowle, Callum Finnigan, Maxwell Beck, Nathaniel Gallivan II, Katherine Arundell, Charity Lloyd, Morgan Valenduris, Lucy Tatting, Honoria Rookwood + anyone I missed and/or curious child-staffers! Or anyone really, regardless of year/status. Who's gonna stop you. Not Basil lol. ( Elenora Brierley, Ignatius Prince, Gus Lissington, Reuben Crouch, Meserimus Valenduris, Constance Sykes) Chaos encouraged.