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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Vampiric Vegetation? - Level 2

You find yourself in the medicinal plants zone, which features some hands-on activities! Will you be harvesting shrivelfigs? Or defanging vampiric vegetation? What about sopophorous plants? Those around you seem to be having an easy time of it! Just watch out for the shrivelfig juice, it stains if they squirt!

Are your characters stuck in the smalltalk loop?
Does your imagination feel like it just can't perform as it used to?
Mid-thread crisis getting you down?
Unable to get that post up?
Is your relationship suffering because of your inability to satisfy your partner?
With a little intervention from The Suggestionizer your RP life could be back on track in no time!

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Known side-effects include: chronic ridiculousness, immense satisfaction, itching, uncontrollable laughter, burning, deep regret, despair, shock, horror, incidental dismemberment, joy, and death. Use at your own risk!
Richard had wanted to escape anything relating to work today but that did not seem to be his destiny. Someone had asked him about his expertise in the medicinal plants so he had ended up in this area. Even so, it was great fun and he had no issue with his imparting his knowledge when it was asked of him. Thankfully, his friend had since wandered away so Richard planned to finish defanging the vampiric vegetation. At least, that had been his plan if it had not been for the person next to him getting him right in the eyes with shrivelfig juice.

graphics by Lady!
Maddie found herself immersed in the vibrant ambiance of the medicinal plants zone. Excitement coursed through her as she surveyed the various hands-on activities available. The prospect of learning about the magical properties of different plants for her beloved animals filled her with curiosity and eagerness.

In her pursuit of a shrivelfig, Maddie reached out and accidentally squeezed it too tightly, she had not been expecting its ripeness! The flesh to give way with so little pressure. The resulting squirt of juice landed directly on the person next to her. Realizing her blunder, she gasped, her hand instinctively covering her mouth in shock.

"Oh, my goodness! I am so sorry!" Maddie exclaimed, her voice laced with genuine concern. "I didn't mean to squirt you. That was a complete accident. Please forgive me!" She quickly took in the person's features, finally recognizing the familiar face from the ball. The realization hit her, and her eyes widened in surprise.

"Mister Gladstone! It's you! I didn't realize," Maddie said, her cheeks colouring with renewed embarassment. Maddie's looked around for a nearby source of water or a cloth to help clean him up. She mentally scolded herself for the mistake and seeming to impose the aquaintance on him - which was built on so little - a mere dance at the Coming out Ball.

"Let me find something to clean you up" Maddie offered, her voice filled with earnestness. "I promise I'll make it up to you, and pay for any repairs." With a slight blush coloring her cheeks, Maddie cast about for somewhere to clean him up.

[Image: axFsLGd.jpeg]
A familiar, young woman was quick to apologize as Richard tried to at least free his eyes from the purple liquid. His skin was left quite stained by the juice but at least he wasn't likely to go blind anytime soon. "It's all right," he assured as he kept wiping at himself. His handkerchief was very quickly stained purple and not likely to get the job done.

He smiled as she seemed to recognize him. "That would be very kind of you. My handkerchief seems to have quit on me," Richard chuckled. "And no repairs need be done." It was just a stain, after all. And he handled such plants regularly so it wasn't like this had never happened to him before.

graphics by Lady!
Relief washed over her, knowing that her unintentional mishap had not caused any serious harm. Still, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt for her clumsy actions.

With a shy smile, Maddie reached into her pocket and retrieved a soft white handkerchief. Delicately embroidered with an 'M'. She extended it towards Mister Gladstone, earnestnessly.

"Here, please take this," Maddie said softly, her voice laced with a blend of apology and concern. "I believe this handkerchief might be of better use in cleaning the stain. It's the least I can do." Maddie's cheeks flushed with a renewed sense of embarrassment, but also with a tinge of excitement.

"I truly didn't mean to impose upon you, Mister Gladstone," Maddie continued, her voice filled with sincerity. She glanced around, scanning the area for any signs of a water source or a cloth that could aid in the cleansing process. The vibrant ambiance of the medicinal plants zone seemed to fade into the background as her attention became solely focused on the man before her.

"I promise I'll make it up to you," Maddie added, her voice barely above a whisper. "And please, allow me to cover any expenses that may arise from this unfortunate accident. It's the least I can do to atone for my clumsiness." Maddie's gaze remained fixed on Mister Gladstone, her eyes reflecting both her regret and her genuine desire to rectify the situation.

[Image: axFsLGd.jpeg]
Richard sheepishly swapped out his now very violet handkerchief for her clean one. "Thank you, I will have it cleaned and returned to you," he promised. He was at least dried off now albeit purple stained. But that would go away on its own, he knew from experience. He chuckled and waved away her apologies. There was none needed, he felt.

"Accidents happen and the colour will fade away on its own," Richard assured as he pocketed her handkerchief. As he had promised, he would have it cleaned off and send it back to her. "I don't think any expense will occur and I am not so boorish a man that I would require you to pay it."

graphics by Lady!
Maddie's heart raced as Richard sheepishly accepted her clean handkerchief, promising to have it cleaned and returned. His kind demeanor and polite manners left a favorable impression on her, but she couldn't deny her approval of his unconventionally handsome features. She didn't want him to think poorly of her, especially not as the clumsy girl who had unintentionally ruined his clothing.

"Mister Gladstone, please let me do something to make it up to you," Maddie insisted softly, her voice filled with genuine concern. "I feel awful for causing you such inconvenience. I wouldn't want you to remember me in a negative light, after having twice been so gentlemanly." She searched his eyes, hoping to find understanding and a willingness to let her make amends.

"Perhaps there's a small gesture I can offer to express my gratitude and ensure that you don't carry a poor memory of our encounter." She paused for a moment, considering her options. The vibrant ambiance of the medicinal plants zone faded into the background as she focused solely on Richard. Maddie's nature pushed her to rectify her mistake.

[Image: axFsLGd.jpeg]
She was being rather insistent and Richard couldn't in good conscience deny her a third time when she was being so genuine about it. "I would never have remembered you in a negative light but all right, if you insist," he said with a chuckle. He did wonder what she had in mind as he had not a clue. It wasn't like she had done it on purpose and he was all set for the time being.

"I cannot think of anything, my apologies," Richard said, his focus more on her now than the plants they had been tinkering with earlier. "Perhaps a morsel from your familys bakery next time I stop by there?" Since first meeting her at the Coming Out Ball the year before, he had realized why her surname had felt familiar to him.

graphics by Lady!
Maddie felt her cheeks flush with a delicate shade of pink as Richard acknowledged her insistent request, and the idea that she couldn't leave him with a poor impression. She fidgeted with a long strand of her blonde hair. His chuckle washed over her like a warm breeze, and she couldn't help but find his laughter infectious. Maddie murmured, her voice soft and bashful. "I'm relieved at least to know you wouldn't think poorly of me. It means a great deal to me."

His suggestion about a morsel from her family's bakery filled her with enthusiasm, and her eyes brightened with excitement. "Oh, yes! Absolutely!" she replied with genuine enthusiasm. "That is a promise I can keep." she gave a small laugh. She glanced down briefly, her lashes casting soft shadows on her cheeks.

"Thank you for being so kind, Mister Gladstone," Maddie said, her gaze meeting his once more. "I'll make sure to prepare something special for you, as a gesture of my gratitude."


[Image: axFsLGd.jpeg]
Richard found himself blushing faintly at the young womans words. He could hardly think why she might feel so greatly about his opinion of her. It was flattering though he personally didn't think she had to worry over it. She seemed a lovely young woman, both externally and internally.

He smiled at her enthusiasm, wondering what she might end up preparing. He wasn't particularly fussy when it came to the food he ate. Hell, most of the time these days, he barely had time to even taste what he was eating. "I look forward to it."

graphics by Lady!

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