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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1894. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
It’s quite unusual for a caster's patronus to be their favourite animal, but very possible that it will take the shape of a creature they’ve never before seen or heard of. — Amy
As he fell, Ford recalled the trials of Gulliver during his interactions with the Lilliputians.
Potato Wars

December 2023

Another Activity Check Reminder
'tis approaching fast this Sunday! See this post for requirements.

Winter Skins
I really wish y'all could see the chat we had for this one, but before I grace you with the various clips of the chat, I present to you our new Winter 2023 Skins!:
  • Indigo Intrigue by MJ
  • Winter Waltz by Bee
  • Highland Holiday by Lady
  • Merry Measure by Lady

Yes we planned for all of these to be alliterative, here is the chaos that ensued in our quest for alliteration:

MJ — Today at 3:16 PM
"Snow on snow on snow" <- for lady's #1
it's from in the bleak midwinter

Olive — Today at 3:16 PM
Nova's favorite kind of midwinter
fuck off Nova you're not helping

Olive — Today at 3:25 PM
My brain: Magic Moose

MJ — Today at 3:25 PM
forest frost etc then

Lady — Today at 3:25 PM

MJ — Today at 3:25 PM
absolutely not

Olive — Today at 3:25 PM
Elk on the Shelf

MJ — Today at 3:28 PM
really trying to get one that fully rhymes but the best i can do is deer on the mere
caribou on the ...loo?

Olive — Today at 3:28 PM
Doe on the Snow

MJ — Today at 3:33 PM
going down a list of rhymes like "deer in tangier?"

Lady — Today at 3:34 PM
Maybe taking from Shadow and Bone, "Morozova's stag"
uhhh "Something startig with S" 's Stag

MJ — Today at 3:34 PM
Silver Stag

Olive — Today at 3:34 PM
Snape's Stag

Lady — Today at 3:34 PM

Lady — Today at 3:36 PM
why did I just suddenly think of "Winter's Maw"

Olive — Today at 3:36 PM
Staggering Stag

Lady — Today at 3:37 PM
tbf, before I corrected the color, the woman's hand on the stag looked really bloody >.>

Olive — Today at 3:45 PM
Highland Hoar-frost
Highland Holiday

MJ — Today at 3:45 PM
treetops glisten
is not alliteration but

MJ — Today at 3:45 PM

Lady — Today at 3:46 PM
you know what, me neither actually

MJ — Today at 3:46 PM
it fits the setting

Olive — Today at 3:46 PM
Skiing Stag

Lady — Today at 3:46 PM

MJ — Today at 3:47 PM
i'll sign off highland holiday please stop
i'll even sign off stag season now

Lady — Today at 3:47 PM
my brain is mush

MJ — Today at 3:47 PM
my standards have dropped
or doe on the snow

Olive — Today at 3:47 PM
Mountain Moose

MJ — Today at 3:47 PM
no moose
kayte will hate you

Olive — Today at 3:47 PM

Lady — Today at 3:47 PM

MJ — Today at 3:50 PM

Lady — Today at 3:51 PM
For MJ's sanity, Olive

MJ — Today at 3:51 PM
i don't want to go to bed and wake up with buck on a truck

Olive — Today at 3:51 PM
Buck on a Duck?
I've made it Highland Holiday, if anyone thinks of something better by tomorrow we can always change it

Lady — Today at 3:52 PM
thank christ

Lady — Today at 3:53 PM
to say that we harnessed the power of the staff braincell in this chat is nebulous at best

Olive — Today at 3:54 PM
how dare you Staggy Stag was inspired

Olive — Today at 3:55 PM
I don't know if I have it in me to write the post up tonight

MJ — Today at 3:56 PM
it can be a one-line post for all i care
"ft thingy by thingy, thingy by thingy, etc, and olive threw them up"
"you get the gist"

MJ — Today at 4:04 PM
i'm going to brush my teeth now but THANK YOU FOR YOUR PROMPT WORK OLIVE ❤️

Lady — Today at 4:04 PM
much apreciated!! ❤️

MJ — Today at 4:04 PM
and the many horrible suggestions

Olive — Today at 4:04 PM
thank you all for your alliterative assistance

MJ — Today at 4:05 PM
stag on a crag i CAN'T

Olive — Today at 4:05 PM
there's a crag next to Arthur's Seat, there could be a Scottish stag on a crag at this very moment
Shivering Stag should've been suggested

MJ — Today at 4:06 PM
schrodinger's stag

Lady — Today at 4:06 PM
oh god not again you guys

MJ — Today at 4:07 PM

Olive — Today at 4:07 PM
Mamma Mia Here We Go Stagain

MJ — Today at 4:07 PM
here we DOE again you dummy

Olive — Today at 4:08 PM
Here Doe Stagain

Lady — Today at 4:08 PM
both of you

MJ — Today at 4:08 PM
i'm cracking up now

Lady — Today at 4:08 PM
so help me

Olive — Today at 4:08 PM
You'll understand when you get to December, Lady

Lady — Today at 4:09 PM
i am operating
on five hours of sleep

Olive — Today at 4:09 PM
it's a new world here in December
fucking December shit me sideways I've horrified myself

Lady — Today at 4:09 PM
which i realize is not that impressive given the collective sleep schedule of staff
I know, realizing that it's already december is terrifying

MJ — Today at 4:10 PM
personally I think olive's presence is just radioactive to my brain cells
the closer I get the more I lose

The following 3 users Like Philomena Sprout's post:
   Basil Foxwood, Daffodil Grimstone, Henry Berkwood

The results are in! The following players have completed at least one level of NaNo and earned a stamp:

2.5K Words
Chris - Violetta DeCroix
Jordan - Millie Potts
Kit - Tycho Dodonus
Lady - Philomena Sprout
Nichole - Calla Potts
Steph - Henry Berkwood

5K Words
Dante - Madeleine Backus

The following players have also earned an immortality discount and a set or moodboard from Lady

10K Words
MJ - Elias Grimstone
Beanie - Cassius Lestrange
Fox - Basil Foxwood

12.5K Words
Fallin - Sisse Thompsett
Gin - Gus Lissington
Lynn - Reuben Crouch
Athena - Elisabeth Champagne

Lastly, our top three participants Lynn (36K), Gin (16K), and Athena (12.8K) are going home with an against the odds, too! Thanks to everyone who participated and I'll see ya next year!

As per usual, if I flubbed something just reach out and let me know, my brain is sort of exhausted lol.

[Image: Daff-Sig-Spring24.png]

Activity Check
Another activity check come and gone!The list of inactive accounts has been compiled and deactivations and list maintenance are underway :) If you lost a character you'd like back, you may post in Maintenance starting Wednesday, December 6th. If you have no currently active characters you can post in maintenance immediately!

(If you lost a character before the AC, you can post there whenever you'd like!)

Posting Wizard
Our November Posting Wizards are Steph (Henry Berkwood) with 57 posts and Kit (Tycho Dodonus) with 27 posts! Good luck to our December competitors.

MJ made this!
AC Approaches
The next Activity Check will be in one week on Sunday 7th January! Please ensure that:
  • Your mini-profile is filled in
  • All of your characters have been listed in the Character Directory—check back on your entries to make sure they were processed properly! Anyone reactivated this month will need to be placed back on. 
  • Characters made before the last AC have posted at least once since the last AC
  • Profile has been filled in if not done during acceptance (Did you get a "DIY" PM? You'll need to do this!)
  • Your character's height is displayed in their mini-profile—if you reactivate an account, this may need doing!

In Other News
Posting Wizard signups are open, give us your January IC events, aaaand a Happy New Year to all tonight!

And prepare yourselves for Winter Labyrinth...

look ANOTHER beautiful bee!set <3

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