January 1, 2022 – 11:45 PM
Last modified: January 2, 2022 – 1:54 AM by Bethel Nye.
Bethel Nye — Played by Bones
(I didn't see this asked anywhere else, so hopefully I'm not asking dumb questions here) Alright, so, the documentation here and the HP Wiki say that it takes several generations for sons of Hags to stop producing Hag daughters; as in great-great grandmother or beyond.
So putting aside the "why" of a wizard/hag coupling (maybe the hag was in disguise? I've only seen it said that hags can't hide themselves/their true form from
muggles, and then besides that it said somewhere they have shapeshifting capabilities)...
Anyway! In that case, what would a human girl of hag decadency categorize as? A regular human or a half-breed? A quarter-hag? Considering how far down the line from the original hag you have to go to get the possibility of a human daughter, I'm not sure how you would label that; would anyone outside the family know at that point? (Maybe they would, as I imagine doing the deed with a hag would be a big hit to your and your family's reputation...)
Other random questions regarding this:
- Would hag descendants have a possible proclivity towards the dark arts?
- Could, theoretically, the son of a hag go on to marry a muggle (maybe a desperate attempt to escape judgement by the Wizarding World...) and still have hag daughters? I'd assume yes, but just a thought, especially given how the Ministry has their "keep everything magical secret" motto going on even in VE.
- If you made such a character (a child of a hag/human or a descendant of such a couple), would they fall under the non-human template or the human one?
- NEW(/edit, ty for this one Kelly <3): would a play-by for a half/part-hag (or maybe even some further down the line) by allowed hair of an unnatural color as a physical oddity? I believe I saw that hags can have anywhere from black to green hair...
this may or may not be for be a character idea I have on the back burner for later... ;3
Lovely set by Kit <3
January 1, 2022 – 11:56 PM
Acacia Darlington — Played by Kelly
Half-breeds/quarter-breeds/ect. go with the human template, like my darling Acacia here! You just have to make sure the non-human characteristics are mentioned in the appearance section and were else applicable!
February 6, 2022 – 9:50 PM
Aldous Crouch — Played by Kayte
- For daughters, you're either a hag or you're far enough removed that human; there's no diminishing percentages like there are for other halfbreeds!
- Re: proclivity, I don't see why not but it would not be a 'must'
- Son of a hag marrying a muggle would still produce hag daughters—it would legally be no different than a wizard marrying a muggle!
- Sons would go under human template, daughters would go under non-human as they're still hags. Anything from 1/16 onward would have a shot at being human even if a daughter and therefore could use whichever template applied!
— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. —
![[Image: TrSGeWR.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/TrSGeWR.jpg)
— graphics by lady ❤ —
February 11, 2022 – 7:46 PM
Acacia Darlington — Played by Kelly
When a human daughter is born, could any sister she has be born a hag? I know human genetics typically means variation and such (for example, Acacia is a red head and Chrysanta is not), but magic seems more of a grey area, so I'm curious.
February 11, 2022 – 8:04 PM
Last modified: February 11, 2022 – 8:04 PM by Cadawalader Selwyn.
Cadawalader Selwyn — Played by Dante
I would imagine it's like a binary genetic disease - where any child at that generation has a chance of being human or hag.
Like my grandad had marfans but of my mums (true story) 12 siblings she is the only with who got it - so while each had a 50/50 shot of getting it, only one crapped out.
![[Image: Dmd4EHa.png]](https://i.imgur.com/Dmd4EHa.png)
Behold the Awesome of Stefanie!