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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
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Vincent Hanrahan
10 Posts
Played by Kelly
Co-Owner of Hanrahan's Clocks & Repair
75 year old Vampire
5 ft. in.
❤   Complicated
Full Name: Vincent Hanrahan


Birthdate: September 14, 1817

Age: 75

Gender: Male

Occupation: Co-Owner of Hanrahan's Clocks & Repair

Blood Status: Vampire/Former Halfblood

Residence: London

Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff


Wife: Siobhan Hanrahan née Curren (1852)
Daughter: Gabrielle Hanrahan (1874)
Son: Elijah Hanrahan (1877)
Son: Josiah Hanrahan (1880)

Deceased Parents: Mr. & Mrs. Hanrahan (d. 1837)
Brother: Victor Hanrahan (1813)

Ward/Live-In Maid: Eliza Mitchell (1874)
General | Vincent's hair is a well-placed mixture of brown and blond. His eyes are a kaleidoscope of blues and greens. He stands at five foot nine and three-quarter inches.

Expressions | His smile can be really kind, though can also be rather punch-able. He can come off as smug even when he doesn't feel it.

Deportment | Vincent has kept up professional habits from his father and his time in the Ministry. Maintaining a professional composure and being mindful as to how his posture might read to others.

Fashion | Vincent has a formal business suit that his father had given him that he wears during anything seriously important, a few fancy casual outfits for business purposes, and several work outfits that definitely has plenty of stains.

Accessories | He has a ring that was passed down several generations in his family. That's really it for anything notable.

Scent | His breath has the distinct scent of blood, which he tries to cover with peppermint. He tries to wash up often to continue the efforts to erase the blood smell as much as possible. A muggle may find this scent concerning and he will attribute it to frequent visits with his doctors.

Distinguishing Characteristics | Vincent has the classic vampiric characteristics that can be noted on any vampire. For a muggle, his teeth are a little weird and he's 'sickly' pale.

Face Claim | Joseph Morgan
1817Vincent is born as the second son to Mr. and Mrs. Hanrahan. Mr. Hanrahan was a halfblood who owned a clock shop, making and repairing clocks both in muggle tradition along with magically charmed for those who liked a bit of extra flare. His wife was a muggleborn, who brought in more interest to reach out with the more mundane clocks that they made for muggle clientele. The family was a happy one, running a successful business in London.
1822Having accidently dropped and broken one of his father's watches, Vincent starts panicking and, before he realizes it, the pieces start putting themselves back together before his eyes. His first act of magic.
School Year
1829 — 1830
Like his brother before him, Vincent heads off to Hogwarts. He is placed in Hufflepuff, which disappoints both of his parents a little, both having come from different houses and hoping he would match like his brother had.
School Year
1831 — 1832
Vincent takes muggle studies to make his mother smile, though isn't all too interested in picking up any other electives.
School Year
1834 — 1835
Vincent isn't too keen on taking on a full seven classes for his NEWTs, and decides to settle for five. With his interests, he does drop muggle studies, much to the dismay of his mother. Having a talent and overall need for it, he keeps charms, potions, and transfiguration in the hopes that these will aid him in shop work and day-to-day needs. He takes DADA because it's practical, though he doesn't have a natural talent for the class and was barely able to move on to the NEWTs level for it at all. He takes history of magic because he genuinely enjoys it and it keeps him in good spirits through the rest of his Hogwarts career.
The Ministry
1836While Vincent would have been content to stay and help with his father's shop alongside his brother, his father wanted more for him and stated that he needed a job. So, Vincent decided to become an intern in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement at the Ministry.
1837Mr. & Mrs. Hanrahan die in a house fire while Victor is at the shop and Vincent is at work. The news is devastating for both brothers.
1838Vincent begins working as a clerk for the department. It keeps him busy, and he definitely helps his brother in the shop when he can. He tinkers with new spells to make the clocks more unique during his free time and writes down any ideas he comes up with. Often when something works, he will share these ideas with his brother, and they end up becoming part of the displays and merchandise.
1840Now Vincent has begun his work as a Junior Lawyer for the department. He isn't as excited as he could be, but he works hard and wants to do well for the sake of helping others and his family.
1843Becoming a full Lawyer, Vincent sees different cases and is not shy on his own opinion among his peers. He's for equal rights and the benefit of all. This doesn't sit well with everyone, but at least people know where he stands.
1847The Assistant Head position in the department opens up and Vincent decides to apply. Despite how people may not always agree with him, his hard work speaks volumes and lands him the job.
1854The position for Department Head opens up and Vincent decides to apply. Obtaining the job, Vincent is surprised by how thrilled this makes him. By this time, he is also beginning to ponder the idea of looking for a wife and starting a family. While his brother is older and the owner of a business, the man is a workaholic and has yet to find a wife of his own.
1858Vincent finds a nice young lady and the pair begin a slow courtship. With Vincent's busy schedule, they don't get to meet too often, but the lady seems patient enough. The trouble is Vincent's heart isn't fully in it. She's nice, but how far can that take anyone? She's not altogether opinionated, he finds himself holding back on discussing his political views, which doesn't happen too often. It doesn't feel right, but this is the way of things. So, the courtship is slow.
1862Engagement is on the table. It all feels like he's wading through water. He asks for her father's blessing, the man says yes. He asks for her hand, she says yes. Vincent finds himself with his friends in a pub a week later. He tells himself that he is celebrating. That any hesitation is cold feet. This is how it is supposed to be. But he can't stop thinking about his parents. They were so much happier than he felt.

So what does Vincent do? He tries to ignore it. He wants to talk about anything else. Before he knows it, he's in heated debate with a stranger about politics. The man's face is young, but his eyes feel older. Vincent has had about two too many to register that the man is a vampire. His friends don't seem to notice either. But Vincent clearly gets under the vampire's skin, when the man storms out of the pub and into the night. An hour or two later, Victor of all people comes to fetch him.

The walk is companied by lectures about proper behavior and how a Head of a Ministry Department shouldn't act this way. Merlin, Vincent wasn't being that bad was he? This wasn't a regular thing. He was celebrating after all. Even with the disappointed tone of Victor's voice ringing in his ears. Something feels off. The streets are empty, it is rather late after all. His friends are still back at the pub or have gone home by now. But what is it?

A rude awakening hit with the vampire's attack. Victor is knocked to the side, not the main target, and Vincent doesn't fully registered that the wind has been knocked out of his brother for the moment while Vincent himself is being tackled. It takes Victor long enough to recover that Vincent is nearly dead before the vampire his hit with a magical blast. Vincent doesn't remember that much, and everything after is a blur from that night.

The news isn't slow to travel. He is a Department Head after all. Or... was. It's not like he can do any of the magical parts of his position anymore. He had been turned into a vampire. The vampire in question was apprehended by the Ministry and dealt with according to law. This was a high-profile incident after all. The engagement is swiftly broken off, though Vincent isn't altogether heartbroken over the issue.
A Change of Pace
1863Vincent takes to being part of the shop's work full time, in the background. Any spells that he had even been working on are given to his brother and the shop staff. He can't help but feel depressed and it shows. One thing is constant, his brother remains by his side through it all. So much so, that Victor eventually convinces Vincent to try and turn him. A shop hand stays back and is ordered to stop Vincent if he goes too far. By some miracle, it actually works. It had been his brother's choice, though Vincent still feels a pain of guilt. They were in this together now. Most clients deal with the wizarding staff more often than not, to attempt at keeping stigma away from the shop. Vampire is kept clear from the advertisements when possible.

What is in the advertisements is a new introduction to instrument repair and tuning. Vincent has always had a knack for the skill, but never much time for it. Now he did. It was with the hope that this could help bring in more business even despite Vincent and Victor's new condition. Especially with muggle clientele, who are only told that the brothers are sickly, which is why their services are limited to London in respect to house calls.
1872A decade since he was turned and Vincent has found a routine for his life. The shop is everything for him, though his politically inclined brain still attends the rallies that he is welcome to, and he keeps himself busy most days. Then he meets her. She's beautiful and enchanting. While Vincent wants to keep her at arm's length given that she is human and there was no way she would wish to be associated with a vampire, her actions are rather the opposite. She wants to get to know him, asking for his time and correspondence. Her parents seem less than thrilled, but that doesn't stop her. He explains his circumstances as they get to know each other.
February, 1873Unlike with the young lady before, the idea of proposing to Siobhan gives Vincent a thrill. Her father is reluctant to agree, but Siobhan is convincing enough to have the union permitted.
Starting a Family
July, 1873Despite both families having reservations on the union, Vincent and Siobhan are married.
1874Siobhan's pregnancy is met with less-than-ideal responses from both sides of the family. Vincent can't help but sense the disappointment from his in-laws, though they are polite about it. Victor, on the other hand, calls the couple mad. He knows Vincent too well. Vincent will one day find himself heart broken when the child grows old and dies. Even now, their parents being gone leaves him sad at times. But Vincent and Siobhan are incredibly delighted to welcome their baby girl into the world. Vincent wants the world for her. Wants to give her everything that society refuses her. The right to be who she wants, to vote, to marry or not. Everything and anything.
1877The muggle riots occur. While the urge to pack up everything and flee is strong, the family resort to staying where they are and being careful about the whole business by remaining in magical London. A son arrives the same year.
1885Gabrielle goes off to Hogwarts.
Summer, 1886Their girl comes back from Hogwarts in tears. Her new friend — Miss Eliza Mitchell — cannot stay in school due to her grades and her family's lack of ability to afford it. The Mitchell family are far less financially well off than the Hanrahan's and have even more mouths to feed. Not to mention that the whole lot of siblings are also half-vampire, which as how Gabrielle and Eliza had grown so close so quickly, so Eliza's circumstances without an education are even less than ideal. So, Vincent and Siobhan offer to take the young girl in. She will learn from the loaned maid that Siobhan's natal family had originally provided and eventually that maid will fully return to the Curren family's employ — which the maid seemed more than fine with, having refused to stay in the Hanrahan household overnight.
The Ban
1887A marriage ban between humans and non-humans is put into effect, along with a half-breed ban at Hogwarts. Essentially, Siobhan and Vincent’s marriage is dissolved, and their children are rendered bastards by the Ministry. The family keeps their displeasure largely quiet, only expressing their anger among friends. Vincent wants to say more but keeps himself in check fully for the sake of his wife and children. There is enough stress in the house due to all of this, and his own anger won't help anything.
1888While the marriage ban stays in place, the Hogwarts one is lifted, and the children can go back to school. Gabrielle's education had been interrupted by a year and she will graduate a year later than her former peers, which frustrates Vincent to no end. Elijah will be able to begin his own education with hopefully no further interruption.
1891Josiah begins his Hogwarts journey. Vincent was partially hesitant to even send him at all. The ban had left a sour taste in his mouth. While Gabrielle was earning a full scholarship due to her outstanding grades, Elijah was not. The poor boy was struggling in several of his classes and Vincent had threatened to take him out of school altogether repeatedly. While they can afford to send their children to Hogwarts, the supplies were the real killer, especially with Gabrielle's determination to take as many classes as she could. Josiah seemed even less interested in the academic environment but was desperate to be part of Hogwarts's quidditch. So, Vincent made it clear before his departure, if he couldn't at least keep up a partial scholarship, he wouldn't make it past his third year and could live with practicing quidditch at home. That definitely put a fire under the kid's butt. Siobhan doesn't seem to take the threat seriously, Vincent doesn't take the threat too seriously, but the kids don't need to know that.
1893Gabrielle graduates and Elijah joins her in departing Hogwarts due to two failing grades. While Gabrielle joins the broader work force in a NEWTs level career, Elijah joins Vincent and Victor in the shop. The additional bonding time seems to help ease the sting of not being allowed to continue his education. A flying ban in Hogsmeade is issued. While this doesn't impact the Hanrahan family too much, they are actively vocal against the issue. A new Minister election is coming up and Vincent hopes that an anti-marriage ban candidate will be elected. If he weren't a vampire, he would run himself. But he does hope to find out more about the candidates to find if anyone would be ideal towards his own political leanings that he could support.
In Public | Vincent has been more outgoing as his children get older and they make their own journey into the world. It's brought back his spark in a way even his wife hasn't. He speaks openly about his political views and how he feels towards social injustice. He's friendly and sees debates as something that can and should be perfectly friendly, up until it isn't. He also loves to discuss his hobbies and the charms that he misses practicing so much.

In the Home | His family is his world. He's tough but loving towards his kids. They can and should achieve their best and when they disappoint him, they know it. But he still tries to show support regardless. His wife is shown respect and love, along with immense appreciation for everything. His in-laws have a cold distance with him, and he has since decided to mostly ignore them in turn. He and his brother are close, and Victor is more than happy to be openly opinionated about everything Vincent does. Vincent in turns likes to be extra bold whenever it would most annoy Victor.
Hanrahan's Clocks & Repair

Hanrahan's Clocks & Repair has been in business for a century. The current owners have held the shop for over fifty years, and haven't aged much since the first day they ran it. It's difficult to beat that kind of precision and care. The shop has two storefronts — one only accessible to magical clientele, the other available for all, though typically left to muggle clients — complete with their own display cases.

New Clocks & Watches | What is a shop without new merchendise to sell? Crafting new timepieces is a point of pride for the brothers. Many of the pieces in the magical storefront are charmed and enchanted using spells that go back generations, though handled by the wand-wielding employees.

General Watch & Clock Services | Within the shop, it's easy to care for smaller clocks and pocket-watches. The general turn-around time is a week, though it may take longer if the repairs are extensive and require extra attention. Every piece is handled with perfect care and delicacy, and often returned in better-than-new condition.

Instrument Repair & Tuning Services | In addition to their clock services, about thirty years ago, the brothers began offering to care for and tune instruments within the shop. Every piece is handled with the same care they offer their clock clientele.

House Calls | Not every clock or instrument can be brought into the shop, of course. Pianos, grandfather clocks, and other large pieces won't even fit through the shop door. Muggle clientele can expect house calls within the boundaries of London; magical clientele may request service just about anywhere, so long as they are prepared to pay for the service.

Click the graphics for information (updated regularly)

Amortentia | Roses and blood

Patronus |

Boggart | A cloaked figure

Hogwarts Clubs |

Western Star Sign | Gemini

Hobbies | Music via a variety of instruments, activism, studying history

Pets |
Magic by Athena
Vincent Hanrahan's Most Liked Post: RE: How I Met Your Parents | Post Subject: How I Met Your Parents | Numbers of Likes: 2