Character A (female) is in a relationship with
Character B (either gender) until(?)
Character C (male), who is Character B's brother/bestie, accidentally (or purposefully?) sleeps with Character A, prompting a falling out between
everyone. Maybe there's even a
Character D, who is Character C's partner/spouse/crush who is now
also pissed. Things get worse when Character A gets pregnant from the union and everyone is split on how to handle it. Maybe Character A doesn't want to abort it, maybe Character B wants it gone, maybe Character C doesn't want to claim it but
also doesn't want it dead, and Character D's just wallowing in their own sorrow.
Character A thinks s/he's a perfectly legitimate child until they go off to work at the Ministry/Hospital/Wherever and start noticing small similarities (that increasingly become much bigger similarities) between them and their boss (Character B) until they realize *gasp* they're their actual father. Maybe they saw their mother chatting with them and had an epiphany or maybe Character B knows and accidentally let's it slip (among other options!).
After witnessing a crime and being forced to make an unbreakable vow at wand-point (is that the proper word?), Character A tries to find a way around any of the technicalities of the vow to help resolve the crime.
Character A is a lackey in a criminal organization and is sent undercover by Character B (bonus points if they're a romantic partner or someone who they really love) to infiltrate a rival group or the people who they're investigation and realize some of the truly horrific things Character B has done that's been hidden from them.
After Character A commits a crime (seriousness level up to the player), Character B, who's involved in law enforcement (but who's also a family member/spouse/friend to Character A), struggles between following their heart and following their morals.