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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Adoptable Plots
Adoptable Plots

Do you have an idea for a plot but no characters to carry it out with? Are you looking to shake things up with your crew, but struggling for ideas? Dump your ideas here, however vague, and maybe someone will give them the loving home they deserve!

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Instead, please contact Ursula Black, Aldous Crouch, Cassius Lestrange, Elias Grimstone or Philomena Sprout with any questions, issues, or concerns.

For reasons of their own, Character A convinces Character B that they are not who they think they are — they are actually the long-lost/disowned/bastard/whatever child of some prestigious wizarding family line, like the Lestranges or Pendergasts. This creates quite the family drama for Character B (the larger their played family tree, the better!) as they come to terms with their new "identity," and that's before we even get in to whatever Character A's scheme is!

hybrid ideas from A Gentleman's Guide to Love & Murder and Anastasia #noshame

The following 1 user Likes Ophelia Devine's post:
   Greta Gillenwater
I am not responsible for what my mind comes up with after midnight.

Borrowing from HP: PoA with a ~romantic twist
    A young woman (Character A) gets trapped in her ~domestic animal~ animagus form and ends up as a pet for another struggling young woman (Character B). After noticing romance starting to bloom between Character B and a potential suitor, Character A goes out of her way to make the two cross paths whenever in public together. Would work great if the animagus form was something small so she could be a stowaway.

    Character A falls in love with Character B and enlists their animagus or metamorphagus friend (Character C) to spy on Character B to see if their feelings are returned. All the better if Character C is really suspicious, very straightforward, or gets caught way too easily to where it makes things #awkward.

The following 2 users Like Bella Scrimgeour's post:
   Balthazar Urquart, Prudence Browne

Inspired by my Grandma's tale of The Scandal Of The 1960s here in the small town I'm in:
    A somewhat respectable (or at least respectable enough to where people would believe her) woman who's been lover to multiple gentleman stands up in a crowded room while under the influence and proclaims that she has "sinned" with three-four gentleman who are either married, engaged, courting, or otherwise unblemished from a reputation standpoint. Whether these claims are true or not are up to the players, but they definitely cause drama all around!

The following 1 user Likes Bella Scrimgeour's post:
   Declan Wood

An Emperor's New Clothes-style situation where someone turns up naked/outlandishly clothed for a function Wink

The following 2 users Like Aldous Crouch's post:
   Declan Wood, Roberto Devine

— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. —
[Image: TrSGeWR.jpg]
— graphics by lady ❤ —
Have your character take up genealogy as a hobby with the fervor of your aunt who just discovered ancestry.com. Have them make ridiculous comments or claims in threads relating to their new "expertise," such as telling a WC man he's the last living descendent of a deposed foreign Duke, or writing a short treatise for the DP on how [powerful pureblood family] are all descended from a very Muggle Knight of Arthur's round table and cause a scandal. At some point, this character should relate an ancestral crime as an amusing anecdote ("did you know, the only reason your last name has that French prefix is because your great great grandfather kidnapped, raped, and married a Frenchwoman? It was a family secret until it became vogue to have French blood.") and be challenged to a duel by the offended party, who wants to defend their family's honor.

At least 60% of the claims this character makes should be bullshit.

The following 2 users Like Ophelia Devine's post:
   Aldous Crouch, Declan Wood
Have a character send in Daily Prophet articles about the adventures (or misadventures) of another magical society figure. This could be anyone from a dragon tamer to a plucky but downtrodden debutante. They start out semi-anonymous and rely on pseudonyms, but with context clues it's easy for readers to piece together who they're really about. The adventures keeps getting published and readers start to be invested in the ongoing series and waiting for the next installment. Little do they know, the columnist is actually the same person the columns are supposedly written about, and most of the adventures are either entirely faked or greatly embellished in a bid to increase their social capital/get famous.

Obviously it all comes out sooner or later for scandal and drama purposes, but so much threadding potential in the meantime (and so many DP articles for us to run~)

The following 1 user Likes Ophelia Devine's post:
   Declan Wood
Have a character fall so deeply in love until they realize their lover's patronus is an animal that they're allergic to or otherwise tried to attack them at some point in their life. Have them side-eye their lover and then reconsider the entire relationship simply because of that. Stupid assumptions and over-thinking are the best sorts of plots lbr.

set by MJ!
Post Log

Character A (female) is in a relationship with Character B (either gender) until(?) Character C (male), who is Character B's brother/bestie, accidentally (or purposefully?) sleeps with Character A, prompting a falling out between everyone. Maybe there's even a Character D, who is Character C's partner/spouse/crush who is now also pissed. Things get worse when Character A gets pregnant from the union and everyone is split on how to handle it. Maybe Character A doesn't want to abort it, maybe Character B wants it gone, maybe Character C doesn't want to claim it but also doesn't want it dead, and Character D's just wallowing in their own sorrow.

Character A thinks s/he's a perfectly legitimate child until they go off to work at the Ministry/Hospital/Wherever and start noticing small similarities (that increasingly become much bigger similarities) between them and their boss (Character B) until they realize *gasp* they're their actual father. Maybe they saw their mother chatting with them and had an epiphany or maybe Character B knows and accidentally let's it slip (among other options!).

After witnessing a crime and being forced to make an unbreakable vow at wand-point (is that the proper word?), Character A tries to find a way around any of the technicalities of the vow to help resolve the crime.

Character A is a lackey in a criminal organization and is sent undercover by Character B (bonus points if they're a romantic partner or someone who they really love) to infiltrate a rival group or the people who they're investigation and realize some of the truly horrific things Character B has done that's been hidden from them.

After Character A commits a crime (seriousness level up to the player), Character B, who's involved in law enforcement (but who's also a family member/spouse/friend to Character A), struggles between following their heart and following their morals.

Character A and Character B are Hogwarts students—most likely the same years and either sex—who are both super smart and have been trying to prove themselves as the smartest since they arrived at Hogwarts. They're forced to face years of hatred when they're assigned to work together on a heavily-weighted class assignment, and promptly deal the soul-crushing realization that they don't hate each other as much as they thought they did.

(Alternatively, they both work together at the Ministry after years of hatred at Hogwarts and are forced to work together on some assignment that leads them to the same conclusion.)

set by MJ!
Along these lines, there should be more "creative" detentions used at Hogwarts. Have the transfiguration professor turn your student into a mouse for five hours so that they can get into the crevices of the classroom and clean out all the crumbs. Have said student be chased by someone's cat during the middle of their detention and then get no sympathy whatsoever from the professor, just a 'Well I hope you still managed to finish it all, otherwise I'll see you back tomorrow night.'

Accidentally knocked over a fragile plant in herbology? Your student can carry around the seeds for the next two weeks to incubate them and get them ready to be planted. They require an hour of direct sunlight a day, regardless of the weather, and scream if they get too cold. Have fun with that.

Care of Magical Creatures detention? Wrangle up the knarls and clean out their bristles with a toothbrush - careful, though, they don't like it and you'll likely end up covered in quills by the end of the day. Hopefully you aren't allergic.

In trouble for spreading rumors about one of your professors? Enjoy a few days wearing an amulet that grows heavier and heavier with each lie you tell.

/etc etc

The following 4 users Like Ernest Mulciber's post:
   Billie Farrow, Carius Bulstrode, Prudence Browne, Sisse Thompsett

Brought to you by "Mommy Dead & Dearest," the HBO documentary on Gypsy Rose Blanchard:

"In the Disney movie Tangled, the girl's mother keeps her locked in a tower her whole life. In the end, Mother Gothel dies, because Rapunzel stands up to her and says she wants to leave the tower. But Tangled is a fairy tale, and real life isn't. Things don't end the same way in real life. I found that out the hard way."

... have your character identify with a character from a book or fairy tale and take inspiration for what to do next from said story, only to have it backfire horrifically.

(the documentary is pretty good, I recommend it).

It was relatively common in the VE for a broken engagement to result in one party suing the other for damages:

this article Wrote:Asking a woman to become his wife and then changing his mind could have serious repercussions for a gentleman's bank balance. Some women enforced their right to compensation for a man's selfish behaviour by suing him for breach of promise to marry. Usually they obtained £100 damages (current value approx £10,000), but a few came away from court with damages of £1,000 or more to soothe their hurt feelings if a man's conduct was considered particularly bad.

... And we've just had quite a few "broken engagements" as a result of Amortentia, haven't we? Enterprising or money-grubbing women, step up to the plate!

Didn't have anyone propose under Amortentia? No problem:

Quote:Nine out of ten women who claimed for breach of promise received some money from their former suitor. This high success rate encouraged a few fraudulent claims from artful hussies whose family and friends concocted an unlikely story about a man proposing; or plied him with drink until he did so.

I'd willingly sacrifice Ben for the latter if anyone felt so inclined.

The following 1 user Likes Ophelia Devine's post:
   Adelina North
An adult son is set to receive his inheritance after his father's passing... except said father returns as a ghost and claims that he's still very much able to handle his own estate, thank you very much. A legal battle, family battle, battle of wills, etc. ensues, leaving a fractured family? /It's up to you.

1889 is definitely a year I want to be full of soap-opera worthy threads and plots, so I present a list of potential plots (small-scale or board-wide) that fit that definition.

Party Like It's 1889

For some reason or another, a seer (probably one that's very charismatic but overestimates their own abilities) predicts that, gasp, the world is scheduled to end in 1889. They gain a number of followers who believe that the Department of Mysteries (and therefore the entire Ministry) is planning to "restart" the wizarding world by erasing their memories to brainwash them. You know, conspiracy shit.

There could be uprisings, riots, and DP reporters could even start believing and publish slanderous articles Wink

Trouble at Hogwarts

... Probably not "Voldemort is trying to kill a student here every year"-level trouble, but trouble nonetheless. Maybe there's something wrong with the headmaster's barrier. Maybe there's a unsolved murder (Kristoffer Lestrange, your time to shine is now :P), or maybe students begin disappearing and no one can figure out the connection between them. Maybe students begin rapidly aging one week or there's unexplained body swaps happening. Idk xD

The following 3 users Like Bella Scrimgeour's post:
   Acacia Darlington, Elwin Abercrombie, Richard Addle

"He would be back from India one of these days, June or July, she forgot which, for his letters were awfully dull" (Mrs. Dalloway, Virginia Woolf)

Have your character forget when their child/sibling/ significant other is returning from abroad, to hilarious effect.

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