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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
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Issue #174 - 5 Soon To Be Spinsters Who May Surprise You

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Bewitched Stockings - Fashionable or Scandalous?
Shown is the Shooting Star Twinkle pattern and is available in black, gray, or navy.
Here at Witch Weekly, we entrust ourselves to keep our readers up to date on the latest fashion trends. The latest trend - just spotted this week for sale at the most fashionable House of Lytton in London - is bewitched stockings! The stockings are particularly spectacular in that they have had stars, constellations, and heavenly dust sparkles embroidered within them that reflect the night sky. It is speculated that this enchantment is of the same variety as is used in the Great Hall at Hogwarts. This writer can vow first hand that they are both warm AND beautiful! The House offers these in a variety of colors, whether you wish to match your dress, personality or Hogwarts house. We’ve been informed special orders are being taken to match the night sky on a specific evening - such as a birthday or wedding day. An insider has told us that several fashionable ladies have picked up pairs of these, including Miss Ophelia Dippet — special ordered for the date of her upcoming nuptials, Miss Violetta Lestrange — emerald and silver of course, for Slytherin house, and Miss Regina Lacey — Leo constellation, for her star sign.

There are also ladies who have less than stellar reputations whom are likely to be donning these beneath their full skirts, such as the unfortunate Miss Bella Scrimgeour, the infamous Miss Adelia Lovegood and the terrifying Van Helsing sisters… which leaves us to wonder — are these less fashion forward and more scandalous? It could be argued that these are just for personal novelty as they are hidden beneath skirts. The other side of the coin says that because these are hidden beneath skirts, it encourages scandalous thoughts for those that catch a glimpse of them! What are your thoughts, readers? Are these stockings innocent entertainment or are they inviting temptation and salacious advances?

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Oftetimes seemingly small, subconscious choices in our everyday lives can tell us more about ourselves — including in choices that seem as straightforward as perfume! Your Ideal Gentleman Based Off Your Favorite Perfume!
Upon their debut, many young ladies think they know what they desire in prospective husbands, but as you can see with our "Soon-to-Be Spinsters" article this week, many debutantes fall into the trap of pickiness and spend the rest of their lives as a lonesome spinster. Today, Witch Weekly will be helping you avoid all that fuss by helping you decide what gentleman you should be chasing, based off nothing else than your preferred perfume!

Lavender Oils
You're a cautious woman that pays no mind to "frivolous trends" and prefers to stick to timeless (and often subtle!) choices for you everyday apparel and hair-styling. What you need more than anything is a gentleman is one that can provide a stable income, pleasant conversation, and an overall charming demeanor. You have no need for a gentleman with risky pursuits or questionable hobbies that may put a damper on your tranquility of life! In our best opinion, you'll find the perfect husband in a humble Ministry employee like Mr. Percival Adlard Jr.!

You're a high-aiming, fashionable woman who aspires to reach the likes of the late Mrs. Olivia Pendergast in terms of social success, and you cannot be without a husband who can help you reach that goals! Your ideal husband is one who enjoys the finer things in life and knows how to have a good time, yet is without unseemly habits that may cause scandal in your family! It would not hurt to find yourself in acquaintance with ambitious gentleman such as Mr. Lionel Lupin!

You're an upbeat, fun-loving woman who seeks adventure... without the risk it comes with. You cannot stand the bore of small-talk, instead preferring deep, meaningful conversations — and often exciting ones, too! However, when talk of wild escapades turns to action, you shy away from the notion of leaving your comfort zone. Nevertheless, you need a husband who can keep you on your toes and make you feel alive, all while providing the comfort and attention you need. Perhaps your ideal husband could be found in the likes of Mr. Kentigern MacFusty!

Unlike women who prefer citrus perfumes, you often become frustrated when talk of thrilling experiences are never put into action! You have no desire to stay put in one place, and find stability to be a term used by those who wish to normalize their boring preferences! A gentleman who is as equally thrill-seeking — perhaps Mr. Tierney Walsh or Mr. David Pettigrew — may be for you!

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Five Soon-to-Be Spinsters Who May Surprise You
The true enemy of every debutante is time. While it may be a good idea to be picky regarding one's future husband, there becomes a point at which one cannot afford to be picky anymore, and that is generally around when the first gray hair appears. The following five debutantes, who are all less socially awkward than Miss Adelia Lovegood, are increasingly likely to remain unmarried for the rest of their lives. Cautionary tales for the temperamental among us.

Miss Lily Huddleston: at risk of dying alone.
Miss Lily Huddleston, a Bartonburg resident, turned 23 at the end of March. Miss Huddleston has an excellent reputation and has the luck of being her father's only child. Unlike many potential spinsters, Miss Huddleston is a charming woman, who does not seem to have any man-associated anxieties that may cause her to die alone. Yet despite her good looks and charming personality she has not had a public engagement with a man, suggesting that she has fallen into the trap of many unfortunate debutantes: pickiness.

Miss Violetta Lestrange is yet another aging debutante. A Wellingtonshire resident and pureblood, with connections to the Lestrange and - (more unfortunately, given Miss Annabelle Scrimgeour) - the Scrimgeour family, by all accounts Miss Lestrange should have been married by now. Instead, her seasons have been failures, and she has never been connected to any man to speak of! Witch Weekly reporters believe that Miss Lestrange may have started to go gray, as well. It likely does not help that our sources report that Miss Lestrange is not particularly skilled in the feminine arts. If her next season is another flop, Miss Lestrange may as well give up.
Like Miss Lestrange, Miss Ligeia Baudelaire is a Wellingtonshire resident and pureblood. One of her early romantic disasters was not her fault - Miss Ligeia Baudelaire was engaged to Mr. Nero Bloxam, who readers may remember drowned after he fell in love with a mer! Perhaps this added to her romantic trauma, but this was many years ago and she should have recovered since then. Unlike Miss Lestrange, Miss Baudelaire has two sisters - both of whom are successfully married. This includes her younger sister, Mrs. Antigone Lestrange, and must be very embarrassing for Mrs. Baudelaire as she ages.
Miss Ligeia Baudelaire: another likely spinster.

Miss Porphyria Dempsey, a poet, may be less surprising than the other women on our list due to her family's eccentricity. But she should still be noticed as an especially outlandish case - Miss Dempsey's rudeness at social gatherings has presented her from finding a husband, even as he friends became Mrs. Malfoy and Mrs. Devine.

Miss Wilhelmina "Minnie" Pendergast is yet another increasingly risky debutante. Miss Pendergast is a former Pendergast Rose, and her delayed debut makes her less dubiously positioned than the other listed ladies. But, like the others, Miss Pendergast is aging - perhaps too much. We'll see. At least she did not leave a man at the altar.

Make sure not to be too picky or awkward, so that you don't end up on a list like this!

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Missed Connections
About Last Month

I'm sorry, and saying it here because we both know I wouldn't be able to say it in person. I know you read this magazine and am hoping you see this. I want a fresh start. You know how to reach me.

I was sitting behind you on the train from London to Hogsmeade recently. You worked on the same Daily Prophet crossword puzzle the entire trip. I can't help but wonder whether there was something more on your mind to distract you and would have loved to have spoken, but could not find the words for an introduction. You struggled for some time on a ten letter word for a small tree spirit; the correct answer was "bowtruckle."
The Anonymous Admirer

Flowers were delivered this past Thursday from an admirer, though I am certain the florist misspelled your name as I have tried to write and the letters return unread. I would very much like to know the name of my admirer; perhaps you might send gardenias, this time?
Fire When We Locked Eyes

I saw you across the crowd at the protest outside the House of Lytton last week. You had golden hair and a green dress. Our eyes locked and I started your way to introduce myself, but was deterred by the impromptu blaze between us. By the time the fire had been extinguished, you had vanished. I cannot continue on without at least knowing your name. I shall attend the Ministry's open house this week wearing a green vest; please know my interest there is not political but only the hope of meeting you once more.
Reckless Driver

Carriage on Pendergast Court Friday afternoon nearly killed myself and my young daughter as we walked home from Asphodel Cemetery. Blue sides, white trim, and an exceptionally rude (or potentially blind!) driver. Whoever was in that carriage: you shall see yourself on the receiving end of a lawsuit should our paths cross again! Chastise your coachman and take better care at what speed you cut corners in such well traveled streets!

You play the violin in an upstairs room on Paracelus Path, or one of the neighboring streets in N. Bartonburg. With the slight change in the weather I have started to hear you through an open window. I am seeking to learn the instrument — perhaps you would offer lessons for a small fee? I have my own violin, though it is secondhand and may be in need of some maintenance.
The Woman Who Hates Veela

To the young wife overheard speaking quite disparagingly of Veela and HalfBreeds in the Painted Lady: I am a woman of similar age, position, and ideals and believe we have the potential to be the best of friends. I wanted so very much to introduce myself but could not find a reasonable way to interrupt your conversation to do so, and unfortunately was whisked away by a companion a mere moment after you arrived. I shall make every effort to visit the tea shop this coming week and shall sit in the corner table by the window; please come and see what else we might have in common.
There's no such thing as the One That Got Away! Send a letter in with your personal advertisement or response to have it printed in the next issue. Address your letters to: Missed Connections, Witch Weekly.

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