Welcome to Charming
Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Garden of Eden | Briar's Networking

Hello, I'm Briar, and welcome to my plotter! So far, I only have Sylvia but will hopefully have more characters to plot with! I'm not used to plotting and am usually an 'anywhere the wind blows' spontaneity type, but I will do my best!

Feel free to dm me or message me on my Discord: Briar#6312. Happy plotting! <3




Sylvia Shacklebolt
Sylvia Shacklebolt is the third surviving child of the second branch of Shacklebolts, a reasonably wealthy middle-class family. Formally charming yet bashful, she reverted into a reserved and self-deprecating child after the death of half her family including her half-sister and brother. Because of her low self-worth, she pushed away any potential friendships and pureblood cliques thus lowering her reputation. As years flew by, Sylvia started to open up with the help of her sisters and is included in the Frog Choir and Transfiguration Club. Her goal in life is to be a Healer like her mother and aid in the creation of more antidotes to prevent any more unfair deaths in the Wizarding community.

  • Friends! Transfiguration Club members, Ravenclaws, Frog Choir, and Hogwarts students here! She has more acquaintances than friends due to her reserved nature, but will usually mesh more with the silent-types and bookworms. She is a big musical/theatre fan so those are welcome too! Despite being from a soft purist family, she is cordial with all types of people and is willing to be friends with Muggle-borns provided they don't come to her home.
  • Enemies! With her low self-worth, minimal slouching, and cowardly disposition, Sylvia can easily be a target for bullying. Not as courageous as the other Shacklebolts, she passively agrees with any insult thrown at her which can either cause laughter among her bullies, confusion, or ridicule that she won't fight back. Pureblood students can be disappointed as she doesn't hang around the 'right' sort, doesn't uphold the popularity of her siblings and cousins before, and shunned a popular group of upper/middle-class girls continuously. The fifth-year is also a bit competitive and can be quite passive-aggressive to her rivals.
  • Lovers! Sylvia is a pretty girl and could attract the eyes of others if she fixed herself up a lot more. She looks a little similar to her sister beautiful Eugenie facial-wise, who was popular in her grade for her large derriere that needed no bustle but is a lot slimmer. She's had a few crushes in her year but didn't pursue any of them due to fear. Dissimilar to her shy demeanor, she has a thing for bad boys with no disregard for the rules, but she can easily settle for someone with the same temperament as her.

  • #2
    I have @'Emma Binns' - she is a fellow Ravenclaw, she is book worm (uncle owns a book shop and he is one of her favourite people) but she isn't quiet. If Sylvia wants a chatty shadow Emma can oblige!

    I also have Meserimus Valenduris - he is the head of Slytherin and potions proff! He has a very lucrative apprenticeship up for applications at the moment. If you want threads doing personal/extra credit projects, careers counselling or just about anything else we can get that sorted!

    I have Cadawalader Selwyn - he is a Upper class pureblood, pretty purist - it would be kind of disgusted with the fact that she spurns the pureblood cliques, and while he wouldn't be cruel to her, because she is both below his class and a girl, he would blank her. He is younger than her, so I doubt a crush would work here.

    [Image: wl0I79B.jpg]
    Lady is a wonder
    [Image: preg.png]
    She and Ruby Urquart could be friends! Ruby used to be a bubbly and friendly girl, until her twin was turned into a werewolf and her father lost his Minister position. She has bullied because of that and she doesn't trust people easily. She's a member of Hogwarts' Art club and her favourite class is Divination.

    The following 1 user Likes Meta Lestrange's post:
       Aldous Crouch
    I also generally like to ~let things happen with small kicks to get the ball rolling!

    SO for Sylvia, I have...

    Holliday Fudge a year her senior and also in Ravenclaw house! Holliday also doesn't like seeing others bullied, and would definitely have something to say if she witnessed anyone having a go at Sylvia. Sylvia's feelings about Holliday might be coloured by the fact that Holliday's best friend (Ruby's sister) was outed and expelled as a werewolf.

    George Waterford is the male prefect in Sylvia's year in spite of the fact that she's not actually male #funtimes #secrets

    Bellona Zabini this one is more of a stretch and would definitely have to be a ~summer thing. Bellona's mother is Ghanian, and though publicly she's not on terms with the Zabinis anymore, it's entirely possible that she Shaklebolts still retain some connections with Bellona and the sibs, particularly given their upper class standing.

    The following 1 user Likes Aldous Crouch's post:
       Sylvia Shacklebolt

    — Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. —
    [Image: TrSGeWR.jpg]
    — graphics by lady ❤ —
    Hello again! I've got a few for you <3

    I unfortunately have no fifth years because I'm apparently A Slacker this year, but I do have some characters who she'll possibly know! Because of the class system on Charming (all first/second years are grouped together, as are third/fourth/fifth and sixth/seventh), she likely knows my OWL-level students, but would have also taken classes with my NEWT students at one point!

    Holly Scrimgeour is a gem and loves to hate everyone for whatever reason she can find—assuming they've done something to warrant her disdain. I don't think she'd particularly think ill of Sylvia, especially given her own antisocial ways, and they might have studied together in the past! What electives does Sylvia take? Smile

    Cameron Gillenwater is a year beneath her in Gryffindor and is a jock through and through. He also don't hang around with the crowd that society expects him to; his friend group is comprised with Gryffindor girls (& one Hufflepuff!) in the year beneath him. He's friendly, and as long as she's not openly purist around him he'd have no reason to dislike her.

    Frida Lestrange probably fits in the category of "girls Syliva should be hanging around". Despite her surname she doesn't really fit the profile of her family at all. She's sweet, patient, and avoids conflict when she can, but has learned not to let people step all over her in recent years. Frida would likely reach out to her and include her in social activities whenever possible.

    Eldin Bones is head boy and the captain of the Slytherin quidditch team. He's the naturally friendly sort, and he'd definitely be friendly to Sylvia given her heritage. If she was struggling he'd offer to tutor her, etc. etc.

    I have a bunch of other students who you can look through! Archie Diggory Flora Mulciber Orinda Ruskin Hortense Selwyn

    The following 1 user Likes Holly Scrimgeour's post:
       Sylvia Shacklebolt

    set by MJ <3
    Hello again!

    I have woefully little for you, my sixth year is currently inactive, but I have Sloane Bixby my spunky third year Gryffindor metamorphmagus quidditch player. Whooo that's a mouthful. She's pretty outgoing, not the best student and a total tomboy, so I'm not sure if they'd really know one another, but she's there!

    I also play the herbology professor Mason Skeeter who is pretty easy going!

    Lastly, I have the headmaster Phineas Black but he's grumpy old man who hides in his office more often than not.

    The following 1 user Likes Elsie Kirke's post:
       Sylvia Shacklebolt

    [Image: Elsie-MJSig.png]
    MJ always makes her so pretty
    I also have Idunn here who I adore, but who is not the warmest of souls xD

    The following 1 user Likes Idunn Fraser's post:
       Sylvia Shacklebolt

    Graphics by MJ ♡

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