@"Elsie Beauregard" I think Maggie would like and admire Sloane a lot!
Samuel St.John-Black I think Maggie and Emma could be friends, as they seem similar. Meserimus may be annoyed that Maggie has trouble focusing in class. :P
Cassia Fawley I'll let you know if Maggie needs any tutoring!
Amelia Evans Sunday seems similar to Maggie, so I think they would get along well! Maggie will be respectful to Cordelia and try to behave around her.
Ruby Urquart Maggie will be friendly to Ruby if they interact, even if Ruby isn't as receptive. Maggie isn't as much of a troublemaker as Meta, but she may admire her and find her fun to be around.
Samuel St.John-Black I think Maggie and Emma could be friends, as they seem similar. Meserimus may be annoyed that Maggie has trouble focusing in class. :P
Cassia Fawley I'll let you know if Maggie needs any tutoring!