(July 4, 2019 – 4:52 AM)Amelia Evans Wrote: I HAVE:
Amelia Evans– they were close in classes (but different houses), and they also have a mutual good friend in Phyri, so they've probably know each other for a long time!
- Kingsley Wells – he's one of her co-workers as well as a Ravenclaw. A little bit on the airy side, but endearing and smart as hell, so they'd probably enjoy each other's intellectual company.
- Cordelia Fawley – Cora would probably be available as a tutor for Honey; I'd like to see Honey try and mention boys to her and make her excruciatingly uncomfortable. That and I imagine Honey and Cora's younger sisters would be close in age, so she'd self-righteously feel like she'd have to be a role model for those younger than her and close to her sibling's age.
- I also have Cora for October! They're a year apart but undoubtedly know of each other, so we could hurl them together and see how they fair together?
A big yes to Amelia! There kinda similar in terms of personality and Barney Skeeter so I think they'd get along really well. Phyri also a big plus! And on Kingsley, Iris wouldn't mind him being airy. She probably finds him a nice change since everyone in the hospital is so serious.
Hahaha! I'd like to think that she is more comfortable with opening up with Cordelia than her own sisters so she will definitely talk about boys. I'll hit you up more on this one on September.
Yes hurling! Do you prefer if I start or if you did?
Aside from friend hurl with October let me know if you want to do Iris/Amelia or Iris/Kingsley :D