Welcome to Charming
Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Sh*t My Husband Says (About Charming)
Jack: *points at Alfred's PB* Is that Jon Snow?
Lynn: No, it's the lead singer from The 1975.
Jack: *googles Kit Harrington*
Lynn: They've both got dark, curly hair. That's about it.
Jack: No, they totally look alike. *holds phone with Kit Harrington up next to Alfred's av*
Jack: Well... this guy has a beard. And a different nose. And his mouth is...
Lynn: It's just the curls.
Jack: Okay, I was sure they looked really similar, but now that I look at them, every single feature is different.
Lynn: Told you.
Jack: Well... they both have... high cheekbones.
Lynn: Sure.

The following 2 users Like J. Alfred Darrow's post:
   Holly Scrimgeour, Jupiter Smith

MJ made the most Alfredy of sets and then two years later she made it EVEN BETTER
Re this letter:

Jack: So it's a 30-something year old man pretending to be a teenaged girl writing to a 50-something women pretending to be a 30-year-old man?
Lynn: Yep.
Jack: And actually you're both modern day women in your twenties. Cool.

The following 3 users Like Emrys Selwyn's post:
   Elon Wildsmith, Finnian Byrne, Somersby Fudge

Lou made this! <3
Me: *explaining the Smith family strange naming habits to Mike*
Mike: wait. Does that mean there's an Uranus?
Me: Well he's not played but yeah.
Mike: those parents really went there, huh. Like they were guaranteed to have said "go play with Uranus." at some point.

The following 3 users Like Jupiter Smith's post:
   Chrysanta Ruskin {Ocean}, Ophelia Devine, Somersby Fudge
(March 1, 2020 – 3:40 PM)Jupiter Smith Wrote:  Me: *explaining the Smith family strange naming habits to Mike*
Mike: wait. Does that mean there's an Uranus?
Me: Well he's not played but yeah.
Mike: those parents really went there, huh. Like they were guaranteed to have said "go play with Uranus." at some point.

And as if naming him Uranus wasn't bad enough, the poor boy is also a squib, LOL XDDD

The following 1 user Likes Bragi Holm's post:
   Jupiter Smith

[Image: bragi-sig.jpg]
(got Jack's help brainstorming a thing earlier today and told him I was going to share it with someone on Charming)

Jack: Did you pitch my idea to your Charming friend?
Lynn: Yep. She said she liked it. She's going to think about it.
Jack: Man, I'm so good at this site. I should play. I would win. Every time.

The following 5 users Like Ophelia Devine's post:
   Elon Wildsmith, Holly Scrimgeour, Jupiter Smith, Natsuko Foxwood, Somersby Fudge
I keep a spreadsheet of all my characters that has quick facts about them (i.e. what their wand is, their house, the exact years they were at Hogwarts, star sign, star sign, rep etc DON'T JUDGE ME). I was editing this tonight in bed and Chris saw it.

Chris: Wand, 'f*ck you'?
Me: Yeah. It's for my vampire character who doesn't have a wand.
Me: She's very violent.
Chris: ...okie doke *goes back to playing Gameboy*

Chris: *catches a glimpse of the Diricawl page on my laptop*
Me: lookathis bird it's so cute!
Chris: Is this a magic bird?
Me: It's a dodo!
Chris: Is this a magic bird?
Me: I want one.
Chris: Is this a magic bird?
Me: I want one.
Chris: Okay that's fine then we can get one cause it's a magic bird so they don't exist

The following 4 users Like Amelia Evans's post:
   Elsie Kirke, Holly Scrimgeour, Roberto Devine, Rumour Mill

[Image: gvM7opq.png]
Mike is hanging out with me as I post.
Me: I'm putting on music because I need to do a shippy post.
Mike: Are you putting on sea shanties?

[Image: dqAG6wz.png]
beautiful set by mj
*talking to Mike about how to respond to the latest Macy post and explaining the whole widow mourning process*

Mike: is he (Percy) with someone?
Me: no. He's single and she's a widow. They're both technically single. But she still has two more years of mourning to go go through.
Mike: well, she has afternoons and evenings to go through too.

The following 4 users Like Margaret Goyle's post:
   Elsie Kirke, Ophelia Devine, Sisse Thompsett, Tae-min Yi

Beautiful set by MJ
[Image: cXcCy3a.png]
Me In a very non-competative thread

John: Are you winning?
Me: Its not that kind of thing
john: Avada kedavra him
Me: thats not how it works
John:Avada kedavra him..
Me: Thats...
John:Avada kedavra!

[Image: axFsLGd.jpeg]
Not Charming exactly, but Harry Potter related.

Dan and I do this thing where when we're falling asleep we draw a picture on the other person's back, we're weird, okay I know. I drew Fluffy and told him it was from Harry Potter. He goes through a list and comes up with, "Falco." I'm like babe, there's no Falco in HP, he tries a few more and finally goes, "you know the bad guy!" No, he didn't mean Voldemort, he meant Draco.

I cried I laughed so hard.

The following 6 users Like Eavan Miller's post:
   Amelia Evans, Beau Miller, Billie Farrow, Dorothea Birdwhistle, Lucretia Zabini, Ursula Black

(Watching SNL hosted by Timothee Chalamet)

Jack: That looks like your next Charming character.
Lynn: huh?
Jack: Look at him. His hair. The way he's dressed. His expression. He's got "your character" written all over him.

Owain Edwards Guess we have some commonalities?

The following 1 user Likes Ophelia Devine's post:
   Elon Wildsmith
Jack: What's this one?
Lynn: His name's Emrys Selwyn.
Jack: Oh, I know that name.
Lynn: You do?
Jack: Yeah, sometimes your character names pop up as login suggestions when I'm on some random website.
Lynn: Oh, no.
Jack: That's how I know when you have a new character. I see some random-ass new Victorian name show up in the login bar.

MJ made this <3
Lynn: Pick a number 1-5.
Jack: Does it have to be an integer number?
Lynn: ...? Yes.
Jack: Okay. Got it.
Lynn: ...
Jack: ...
Lynn: So what is it?
Jack: Guess.

MJ made this <3
(January 19, 2021 – 4:43 AM)Reuben Crouch Wrote:  Lynn: Pick a number 1-5.
Jack: Does it have to be an integer number?
Lynn: ...? Yes.
Jack: Okay. Got it.
Lynn: ...
Jack: ...
Lynn: So what is it?
Jack: Guess.

I found this exceptionally hilarious this morning!

[Image: 2SyywhH.jpg]
^  Look what Lady did  ^
Not a husband nor is it about charming but had a fun convo the other day that I wanna share.

Sarah: I want a kitty.
Me: We can't right now, Grandpa is allergic.
Sarah: Whats that mean?
Me: That means if we have a cat living here, Grandpa will get very sick.
Sarah: He can move.

(describing an upcoming plot)
Lynn: It's going to be so much fun.
Jack: Alright everyone, here's what we'll do. We'll create people who are as realistic as possible. We will cause them immense amounts of pain. From that pain, we will derive pleasure.

The following 6 users Like Reuben Crouch's post:
   Billie Farrow, Cassia Fawley, Felix Prewett, Melody Crouch, Roberto Devine, Seneca Lestrange

MJ made this <3

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