Welcome! My name is Lady and this is where you can see who I have available for networking! If you need to contact me, please do so by Discord or PM Philomena Sprout If you have any questions or need clarification on anything feel free to reach out and ask! <3
(If you would like to use this coding, I compiled it from various sources around the site, so it is not 100% mine, but pls feel free to use it if you wish <3)
working class characters — students — beings
— click on a character name to jump to their corresponding networking! —
PLOTS: I often do like to have at least a vague idea of what the plot is going to be. I'm not the biggest fan of being kept in the dark about plots unless I know from the very beginning that all bets are off and #Things could happen. That isn't to say that I must know every single detail in other situations, but if something drastic is going to happen that would be considered straight out of left field for my character, it's something I would like to know about. The types of plots that I love: dramatic, unrequited love, friendship, intense, you name it.
POSTS: I generally like to match post length as much as I can, but it is only a personal preference and not something I necessarily expect! Generally my posting time can vary. It’s taken me a while to come up with my new system and I’d say it’s working out alright. I’m still ironing out the kinks it it so some posts may take longer than others. Please always know though that you are more than welcome to poke me for posts if you’d like. I like to rapid fire and set posting dates with people because it puts characters at the forefront of my mind, however I know that’s not always everyone’s preference so it’s also not something I would ever expect of a posting partner.
SUBJECT MATTER: When it comes to threading subject matter, I'm up for writing out just about anything except anything involving non-consensual sexual material.
DEAD THREADS: lol so I tend to be extremely time-blind when it comes to threads. What I think is 3 weeks since I've replied could actually be 2 months. Additionally since I write posts separately in Notion, there have been times when I swear I've replied and turns out I actually never did the copy + pasting. So please, please know this is never anything personal and 99.9% of the time I am always down for reviving and continuing threads! <3