Professor of Alchemy; 43 years old (*1851); Slytherin class of 1869
Middle class half-blood
Perpetual bachelor; bisexual
Best for
Complex plots; Dark magic storylines
Intense and fast-paced; adult and serious themes
Not a casual guy, so not the best for very casual threads

SAMUEL -- News and wants
Sam is my main guy! I always want more for him <3
Currently looking for an Auror or cop/detective for a cat-and-mouse plot! Plot ad here
I have active want ads for his siblings and a family plot here: Wanted: Agatha and Ebenezer Griffith
Would love to link him up with students who want to make the most of their time at Hogwarts and are really ambitious and/or interested in dark magic and alchemy.
Interested in past threads!
In a secret affair with fellow professor Themis Lyra
Getting into a world of trouble with famous disaster Don Juan Dempsey
Awkwardly parenting his niece and ward Eleanor Griffith
Securing his inheritance with unforgivable curses
Seriously considering patricide

Rich do-nothing; 22 years old (*1872); Gryffindor class of '89
Upper class half-blood
Procrastinating on realizing his ridiculous business idea
Straight-identified situational bisexual
Best for
Fun antics; casual threading; romance
Vic is my joker, I throw him at anything!
Here for laughs with a dash of melancholy

VICTOR -- News and wants
- More stuff! I am not picky about what. I just want to throw him at something/someone and see what happens.
- Ideally something with the option for multiple threads
- Victor is a girl chaser and needs more girls to chase
- Looking for party friends and bad influences
His conduct with Violetta DeCroix led to the breakup of her betrothal. He is still very sweet on her, but she is not even out yet.
Might be challenged to a duel soon
Befriending notorious urchin Charley Goode

Professor of Ancient Studies; 33 years old (*1861); Ravenclaw '78
Upper class pureblood from a nouveau riche family
Spinster; primarily interested in women
Best for
High magic plots (Morg is a proper WITCH); odd social interactions
Here to lean into weirdness and spooky vibes
Happy to thread her with any kind of person
Both casual and intense plots

Morrigan -- News and wants
I dearly love Morg and it saddens me that she has so little going on. She could be great for students and people who are outsiders or struggle with unexplained magical phenomena.
She is extremely well-traveled and could do past threads with cursebreakers and traveling types all over the world.
Befriending shut-in seer child Ariana Dumbledore

Fourth year Slytherin; 14 years old (*1880)
Working class pure-blood
A downtrodden little guy
Suffering through puberty
Best for
School threads; street-kid antics; awkwardness
Leo is a little people-pleaser who has recently started acting out. Will he get it together?
Here for the sweet and whimsical and also the sads

LEONARD -- News and wants
- Friends at school!
- Enemies at school!
- A matron or teacher who might take this poor sod under their wing
Got detention on his first day by putting a frozen slime-icicle down the shirt of prefect Violetta DeCroix
Got discovered to be illiterate by her and is very embarrassed about it
Somehow made the quidditch team, can barely fly

17 years old; Gryffindor 7th year
Upper class pureblood from Ghana (aka the Gold Coast)
His diplomat parents returned to Ghana after 10 years in London, leaving him behind
Best for
Coming-of-age stories; school threads but also first society events
He's very social but also an outsider -- good for unlikely friendships
Casual threading

Rufus -- News and wants
I want to get him started! He is a lively and extroverted type and he wants to have fun, but he also wants to help if he is confronted with struggle -- so both light and more serious plots would work for him.
Rufus is my newest addition and he does not have a lot going on yet.
Disgraced woman/mother/artist; 27 years old (*1867); Durmstrang Alumna
Middle class pureblood from Germany
In a dead marriage; bisexual
Best for
I am not sure!
She was created for the story of Don Juan Dempsey but I would like to explore her more

Elfie -- News and wants
More threads. Perhaps romance? I can see her being a prospect for married women and men especially. She does not have much to lose anymore and her husband hates her.
Her past threads are busy! She just got busted for having an affair by Rowan Yaxley and the crumbling of her life is imminent.

About me
26 years old; German; she/her
middle class muggle
bi, therefore writes exclusively queer-ish characters
Best for
Hi! Thanks for reading all that! Writing gives me a lot of joy and feeds my dopamine addiction. If I am around, I write fast and I enjoy to plan little story arcs. I like to think that I am easy to get along with and I want my writing partners to enjoy our shared stories. Please feel formally invited to reach out to me if you would like to thread <3
Best is discord but PM works just fine. Or post right here!
Charley Goode, Don Juan Dempsey, Themis Lyra, Violetta DeCroix