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Did You Know?
Braces, or suspenders, were almost universally worn due to the high cut of men's trousers. Belts did not become common until the 1920s. — MJ
Had it really come to this? Passing Charles Macmillan back and forth like an upright booby prize?
Entry Wounds

ISSUE #283 — Lonely Hearts [And More!]
Your trusted source since A.D. 1666
Witch Weekly
One knut
Issue #283, 10th September 1893
September 1893

Teammates For Life

Athletic young woman wants to meet someone who shares a love for Quidditch and flying. Hoping to find someone who wants many children — seven is just enough to fill a house with joy and fill up a Quidditch team roster!

Inquisitive Mind Seeks Companionship

If you have marriage in mind, pass this advertisement by; I am unlikely to offer what you need. If, on the other hand, you are a woman who finds yourself in want of companionship — someone to listen to you talk, to challenge your opinions, to care — and are open to finding it without a ring attached, write me.

Desiring a Noble Quester

A lady of well-repute and sweet connections seeks a gentleman to draw in eternal matrimony. She blossoms never blooms and yearns for a true admirer who might appreciate her finer details. Seeking a kind, patient man who possesses a clever mind, a sharp eye — or a magnifying glass — to be her everlasting Prince Charming.

Spinster Seeking Someone

This woman is no longer young, nor much of a lady – she possesses no wealth, and not much refinement – but she is a loyal friend and has a romantic heart. She has modest expectations, but much affection to give: if you are a working man without much luck in love, please write.

A Cheerful Charmer

A carefree young man seeking the calm for his storm. Loyalty and strong values of family are a must. An interest in starting a family is preferred.

Graceless & Desperate

I won’t mince words, I fear I have ruined my first season with a torn dress and an incredibly pushy mama who scares away all of my potential suitors and it has left me desperate. I don’t want to end up a lonely spinster, so this young lady is looking for a gentleman who is understanding and kind, one who is sensitive and sweet; someone who doesn’t mind that I’m graceless and plain and won’t ever turn heads. I can still be a good wife to you and a good mother to your children if you give me a chance.

A Second Chance at Love

Gentleman in his thirties is looking to marry. His heart has been bruised before, but he is of high hopes and resilient spirit: he is seeking a sociable young woman from a good family with whom to turn over a new page. Ideally she is organised, passionate and ambitious, and an interest in learning, languages or literature is preferred. (Women of no means need not apply.)

Like Minds & Active Spirits

A young active lady, who enjoys the outdoors, horse riding and nature. From a large, sociable family, she enjoys society, dancing and dogs. The young lady seeks a gentlemanly companion with a like mind to see if there is any potential in a companionable match.

Young Woman Seeks Letter Courtship

A young woman of excellent manners, good education, and good reputation seeks to correspond with potential suitors. Unfortunately I am not at my best in large social gatherings, and have somewhat despaired of making a genuine connection in these circumstances. It would be much preferable to me if I might become acquainted with a gentleman first via letters, and progress to social interactions once we've established a connection so that I might feel more comfortable. If you have patience to nurture a new connection in this unconventional way, please write.

In Search of a Wife

Young gentleman seeking a wife. A lady who is opinionated and outgoing. Class and blood purity need not be an issue.

In Search of Amusement

Young lady fears she may die of boredom without a pen-pal who is clever, fun and energetic to challenge and entertain her. His blood and class are irrelevant – a quick wit matters more. For best results, the letter-writer should be no older than twenty-six. Romantic overtures are not necessary: just save her before she perishes.

Similarly Studious

A gentleman of good family, and good fortune seeks a lady of pureblood and good breeding for marriage. The gent is of a quieter and scholarly disposition, seeks a similarly studious companion in life, but a lady with the ability to encourage him in society.


Dear Absent,
Caught in the rain today. Waited 27 minutes. Black shoes forgotten on the hearth. If only. Eyes wide open, lips are sealed. Come in the twilight. The skin of your upper arm gave you away. Your gait is uneven. Knock four times and I answer.

Happiness is just an owl away! Send a letter in with your personal advertisement or response to have it printed in the next issue. Address your letters to: Lonely Hearts, Witch Weekly.
Also in this issue...
Support Sweetie Whitledge's campaign for Minister of Magic.
Page 3 — Breaking a betrothal: Dos and Don'ts

Page 5 — Sweetie Whitledge: Trying too hard?

Page 12 — Charles Macmillan's 5 biggest failures

Page 15 — Ten ways to decline an invitation to tea

Page 16 — Evangeline Darling's Open House: Who does she think she is?

Page 23 — Jude Wright: A Mother's Failure?

Page 27 — When your yellow wallpaper goes too far

Page 30 — Ozymandias Dempsey and the curse of childlessness

This issue is made possible by our sponsors: The Hogsmeade Women's Institute
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Your trusted source since A.D. 1666
Witch Weekly
One knut
Issue #283, 10th September 1893
Sweetie Whitledge: Trying too hard?
Smells Like Desperation
Written by Gitone Minerve

A political campaign is like a courtship, a dance, if you will, where each candidate sets out to woo as many voters as they can with their charm, knowledge, and what they can bring to our fair country. As ladies, perhaps we notice this more than our brothers, fathers, and husbands do, but as they go to each campaign event, they are left feeling like they have fallen for a candidate or put off by one. But, as with most courtships, as we know, there is a fine balance between making yourself available to be seen by Society by attending key events that will help the finest gentleman catch your eye and ask you to dance, and attending every event in sight and looking rather desperate for any bit of companionship, and this is the side of that fine balance where Miss Sweetie Whitledge resides.

Her enthusiasm in throwing as many campaign events as she can in a single month and seeing what sticks can perhaps be attributed to her youth, at only one and twenty years of age, but for many it also makes one think that she knows she has no experience, no credentials, and she thinks she can get by on charming the ladies of Great Britain alone. Ladies, rather than gentleman, as many of her campaign events seem to specifically only cater to that demographic: days spent frolicking in the park with children, charity events for servants, and you’ve certainly seen far more women attending her rallies than men, speaking about women’s suffrage.

While her events are perfectly lovely, they are far better suited for a lady of the house than a Minister for Magic and while she may earn some fans of the younger sort, they aren’t the ones that will be voting. One can only assume she wishes to charm all of Great Britain, not just the men, and while that can be commendable, it seems that instead of focusing on what is important about being a leader, speaking on political issues, focusing her attention on a few key concepts for her platform, Miss Whitledge is more inclined to cast a wide net as if she is some desperate Debutante on her last Season before Spinsterdom.

And, one begins to wonder if her natural inclination for desperation is the reason why she has not yet found a husband of her own, despite the fact she clearly has the ability to run a household if she’s fond of charity events and days at the park. Of course, we cannot blame her completely for how she turned out, being that she is from a rather eccentric family, orphaned, and most everyone knows she has a history of a troubled relationship with her eldest brother and guardian. But, if a gentleman with good breeding cannot seem to commit to being with a woman like Miss Whitledge because of the way she handles herself, how can we expect our country to?
Written by Athena

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