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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Syna Hyslop

Full Name: Syna Hyslop
Nicknames: N/A
Birthdate: June 23, 1875
Current Age: 16 Years
Occupation: Student
Reputation: 8 because she's seen as a bit strange by her peers
Residence: Hogsmeade, England
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Wand: 10 & 3/4 in, reasonably flexible, dragon heartstring
Blood Status: Pureblood
Social Class: Middle class
Family: Tristan Hyslop (Father)
Medea Hyslop (Mother)
Helixa Hyslop (Twin, Ravenclaw)

Syna is a rather tall for a woman at 5'6". A slender girl, Syna prefers lightweight, flowing robes in shades of either her own or her sister's house colors when she's not wearing her usual Hogwarts uniform. That said, it should surprise absolutely no one to hear that she sometimes trades clothes with her sister, just for the fun of confusing people about who is who.
1875: Syna and Helixa Hyslop are born.

1877: The Hyslops move from Winchester, England to Hogsmeade.

1870s-1885: The Hyslop twins are close as ever. More of an extrovert than her sister, Syna finds some of society's rule stifling. Beliefs about girls in relation to certain careers (that they shouldn't do them), sound ridiculous to her no matter how many times her mother reinforces these expectations. It's always been their mother's goal for them to marry up, and she's done her level best to ensure they have all the lessons they need to blend in with their upper class peers. Syna doesn't mind her mother's goal persay, but it isn't her main motivation in life.

September 1886-1887: The twins board the Hogwarts Express and start their scholastic journey. Not long after arriving at Hogwarts they're shocked to be sorted into different houses. It's the first time they've really been separated. Syna spends most of the feast afterwards thinking incredibly unflattering things about the sorting hat, and paying little head to the yearmates around her. For the first year she focuses mostly on her studies, though one or two of her fellow students do manage to befriend her. She develops a love of potions, quickly and eagerly resigning herself to becoming a teacher's pet, at least in that one class. After doing well in her first year classes, Syna is relatively more relaxed going into her second year which passes without much of note.

1888: Third year and time to choose electives! Syna signs up for Ancient Runes, Arithmancy and Earth Magic. She's not wholely certain what she wants to do after she graduates, but she's determined to be more than just a pretty face. Since these aren't core classes, but electives she chose she feels more pressure to succeed in them. Perhaps she didn't need to choose the maximum number of electives she was allowed, but why wouldn't she? If she wanted to be more than just a pretty thing on someone's arm, she needed all the knowledge she could get. Knowing about the muggles' crusade against magic when she was younger only strengthens this belief.

1889-1890:  Fourth and fifth year pass relatively uneventfully as she preps for O.W.L.s. In between her studies, her interest in other cultures grows, as do her ponderings about her future. She still hasn't decided what she wants to do, and it's becoming a real problem. When she was younger she wanted to be a curse breaker, but as her mother has constantly reminded her "that's not a career for a young lady". She's considered many of the 'appropriate' options several times over, but she doesn't particularly want to be a hatmaker, or a healer, or a ladies' companion. The only society-approved career she's thought about with any seriousness would be a Hogwarts professor, but for that she needs the very best grades, for her pride's sake if nothing else. The thought of being a potioneer is also appealing, and if it gives her more of an excuse to bother her professor about the how's and why's of potion making, so much the better. She comes out of her O.W.L.s relatively satisfied with the results, but she knows once the summer ends classes will be that much harder, despite taking less of them.

Personality: Ambitious | Studious | Active | Strange | Privately enjoys weirding out or fooling others with her twin

Class.                        OWL
Astronomy                  E
Charms                      A
DADA                          E
Ancient Runes.          O
Arithmancy                E
Herbology.                  O
History of Magic.      A
Potions.                      O
Transfiguration.          E
Earth Magic                O

Sample Roleplay Post:
"Come see how my garden grows, with briars and roses, through white snow." Her voice carried softly as she watched Fel admiring the roses. He stood tall, their faerie lord, and the shadow he cast was long. It would be hard indeed for anyone who succeeded him to fill his shoes. He had earned Irie's trust long ago, through his own actions. Oh, she'd respected him all her life. As a former soldier in her lord's army, her father had instilled as much in her at an early age, but as she grew older she could honestly say she trusted him because of him. Not because she was told she ought to, or because everyone around her did, but because she'd watched and listened to him as he ruled, and judged him worthy of his position.

The rest of her family was busy preparing for tonight's celebration. Ela was sure to shine tonight, as she did every night, and every morning. Her sister was made for times like this, when people put aside their reservations, socialized, and just had fun. She could already picture the little sprite twirling her way through the flowers. "I will see them tonight. I suspect they're already having plenty of fun, even without me there." She said, looking completely at ease. The Calanmai celebration was always enjoyable, but she could always join her loved ones later. "I suppose I could say the same for you. If tonight really is to be a festival unlike any other, shouldn't the Spring Lord have an even greater involvement in the preparations?"

It was bound to look strange, them meeting like this. Felnarel was two centuries her senior, and it was clear just by looking at them that they were not biologically related. Surely others would see it as odd that she enjoyed spoiling him so much. Did it get tiresome, having someone seek him out like this with such intentions? There was always the chance he could grow weary of her little habits.

Would she stop if he told her he had? She honestly wasn't sure. She definitely didn't want to. She'd always loved spoiling the people close to her, and since he was included among them, well...he likely wouldn't be getting out of it any time soon. "I do appreciate you indulging me in times like these, even if you could easily purchase something of equal or finer quality yourself." She said holding out a small box. It always made her happy to lavish those dear to her with trinkets. For the most part she tried to restrain herself to birthdays and important dates like this one, but how successful she was at it was debatable. She'd labored over this gift for some time. It was hard to decide what to get someone who seemingly had everything. Eventually she'd decided to use the talents her mother taught her in her younger years to make him a ring. It may not be the most elaborate gift, but hopefully he'd like it all the same.

Name: Jane
Age: 20s
Contact: PM/C-box
Other Characters: N/A
How did you hear about us?: I was a member a while back

[Image: WkCGRfg.png]
MJ makes lovely graphics!
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We hope your time here is magical!

look ANOTHER beautiful bee!set <3

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