Full Name: Katherine HolmeeNicknames: Kath
Birthdate: march, 30, 1660
Current Age: 221
Race: Ghost
Occupation: Existing as a ghost
Reputation: 10 just a normal ghost
Residence: usually hogsmeade
Social Class: middle (do ghosts have classes?)
Family: none living
Appearance: long hair, height: 5ft 4, wearing a long dress, was left handed, has a necklace she wears that was given to her by her mother.
History: born in San marino in 1660. Died in a fire in 1712. She refused to stay at her place of death, and instead traveled. Now just floats around hogsmeade and occasionally Hogwarts.
Personality: wants to befriend as many people/ghosts/other as possible.
Other: fluent in Italian, knows enough English to have a conversation, but prefers to speak italian
Name: LalaAge: 16
Other Characters: Mabel rose, Clara rose
How did you hear about us?: looked up hp rp sites