Nicknames: Neri, Nuisance
Birthdate: December 28th, 1866
Current Age: 24 Years
Race: Mer - Siren
Occupation: Sanditon Attraction
Reputation: 8? He's more flirtatious with men than he probably should be but he's also a male siren.
Residence: Sanditon Resort
Social Class: N/A
Oceane - Mother - 1832-1883
Pontus - Father - 1832 - 1883
Six brothers, all born between the years of 1849-1863
Appearance: Neridan has dark hair that used to flow long and free. It was recently cut short when a group of human children got candy stuck in it much to Neridans indignation. He has one blue eye and one hazel eye. He is considered to be on the smaller side of his species at 6 feet, 4 inches from the top of his head to the tip of his tail. His tail is a shimmery blue-green color and he takes great pride in grooming it. He likes to affix baubles to his face as well as wearing jewelery in general. His prized possession is a long string of pearls that he earned over the years. He wears it around his neck and down his abdomen.
1866: Neridan is born and is considered the runt of his family. His brothers take to protecting him often which suits the young siren just fine.
1871: Neridans parents are lost in a hunting excursion gone wrong. Neridans eldest brother takes charge of the family.
1876: Neridan and his brothers go in search of a better place to reside when their own area becomes a little too populated by fellow sirens and fish alike.
1880: While out exploring, Neridan is captured by a human. It becomes increasingly evident that the human wants to raise Neridan to breed with the female siren already in the humans possession. Neridan has zero interest in this, instead taking a lot more enjoyment in hitting on the human. Not that the human is likely to have understood what the young siren was doing.
1882: Neridan is sold to yet another human, his life is pretty okay in captivity but he misses the sea and he misses his brothers.
1883: Neridan is taken from Greece to Sussex to be part of a place called the Sanditon Resort. This is a lot better experience than his previous two captors. He is 'paid' for his services which suits his more materialistic side. There is also an abundance of human males for him to enjoy tormenting and flirting with.
1887: Herbert Fudge dies and comes back as a ghost. Neridan can't help but wonder what that must be like.
1890: The Sanditon Terrace is opened to the public which means a lot more people to play with but no more construction workers to leer at.
1891: Neridan is playing with a group of human children when a couple of them accidentally get candy stuck in his hair. What was previously long, luxurious dark locks are shorn short when the candy proves almost impossible to remove.
Personality: Flirtatious. Playful. Mischievous. Vain. Creative. Materialistic.
- if he tries to drown you that probably means he has taken a special liking to you.
- can understand English and can sing in it. Does not speak it. Whether it is because he cannot or simply chooses not to because he thinks the English language sounds 'ugly' is anyones guess.
- has a beautiful singing voice as is typical of his species.
![[Image: giphy.gif]](
Age: 33