Hi folks! I'm in the very preliminary interest phase of a nonhuman character but wanted to see if they'd have any threadding potential first. Please let me know if you have characters who you would like to plot/thread with one of the following:
- a poltergeist. Has the most open thread potential I feel but they're most typically found in places where children roam unsupervised, and I'm not interested in playing Peeves, which means I'd have to pick another haunt and keep them there. Mungo's Home for Inconvenient Children seems like the best bet but does anyone actually interact with that residence IC? Could also maybe swing the Sanditon or a particularly large/ rambunctious family with young kids?
- a mer. Similar problems with limited thread potential since they'd be stuck at either the Sanditon or Black Lake but I do know some characters speak mermish... who are you and are you interested in threads or plots along these lines?
- a centaur. Most mobile option but I'd probably want them to have some consistent plot hook that brought them to Hogsmeade frequently rather than just meandering through the woods, haha.
- a ghost. Doesn't really qualify as nonhuman but for the right plot hook/ thread potentials I might consider it. For this to work I'd want them connected to some existing character(s) =)
<3 ty friends!

MJ made this <3
- a poltergeist. Has the most open thread potential I feel but they're most typically found in places where children roam unsupervised, and I'm not interested in playing Peeves, which means I'd have to pick another haunt and keep them there. Mungo's Home for Inconvenient Children seems like the best bet but does anyone actually interact with that residence IC? Could also maybe swing the Sanditon or a particularly large/ rambunctious family with young kids?
- a mer. Similar problems with limited thread potential since they'd be stuck at either the Sanditon or Black Lake but I do know some characters speak mermish... who are you and are you interested in threads or plots along these lines?
- a centaur. Most mobile option but I'd probably want them to have some consistent plot hook that brought them to Hogsmeade frequently rather than just meandering through the woods, haha.
- a ghost. Doesn't really qualify as nonhuman but for the right plot hook/ thread potentials I might consider it. For this to work I'd want them connected to some existing character(s) =)
<3 ty friends!

MJ made this <3