Nicknames: Charlie
Birthdate: May 4, 1865
Current Age: 26
Occupation: Lawyer in the DMLE
Reputation: 7 or 8
He eloped with his late wife in 1886.Residence: London [Main Residence]
Southampton [Additional Estate]
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Wand: Chestnut, 11", flexible, single unicorn hair
Blood Status: Pureblood
Social Class: Upper Class
Late Wife: Melissa Marshall née Boyd (1865-1887)Appearance:
Son: William Marshall (1887)
Father: William Marshall (18??-1884)
Mother: Mary Marshall (18??-1884)
Sister: Katherine Marshall (1868-1884)
Sister: Alice Marshall (1870)
Brother: Francis Marshall (1873)
Sister: Cassandra Marshall (1875)
Eyes: His eyes vary from blue to grey, depending on the lighting.History:
Hair: Brown
Height: 5 ft. 9 in.
Clothing: While Charles wears respectable outfits, he doesn't care much for fashion.
Dominant Hand: Right
PB ~ David Corenswet
1865: Charles is born as the first child of William and Mary Marshall.Personality:
1868: Katherine is born as the first daughter of the couple.
1870: Alice is born.
1873: Francis is born as the second and last son.
1874: Grandfather and grandmother on father's side pass from dragon pox, and father inherits as the oldest son.
1875: Cassandra is born as the third daughter and last child of William and Mary.
1876: Charles goes off to Hogwarts and gets sorted into Ravenclaw.
1877: The muggle riots occur and the Marshall family move to Hogsmeade. They could have stayed in the country estate, however they chose to keep close to the social scene and keep away from any potential muggle encounters for the time being. They choose not to sell the London home.
1878: Deciding that not having a job wasn't really an option for him - as he would grow too bored from the day to day as a gentleman of leisure - he spends all summer talking his parents into letting him attend muggle studies on the grounds that it would aid him in a job that might involve aiding any wizard from muggle harm. In truth, he doesn't even care about muggles, and sees his argument as a rather valid one.
This leads him to meet Melissa Boyd, a halfblood girl of the middle class. They are of different houses, but the same year. She can become rather odd at times, but on the whole a rather friendly young lady. For a halfblood.
1881: Despite different stations and blood status, Melissa and Charles become closer and closer. Often talking to one another between classes. Katherine eventually notices and expresses her concerns to him. When he brushes her off, it is brought to mother and father's attention. A stern letter forbades him from continuing to mingle with the halfblood. It isn’t deemed right or proper. Reluctantly, he complies. Melissa - understandably - does not take it well.
1883: Charles graduates with acceptional NEWTs, and becomes an intern in the department of magical law enforcement.
1884: The most notable thing of the year is not that he becomes a clerk of the department, but that mother, father, and Katherine die of the laughing plague. The house burns and the Marshall family abandon Hogsmeade completely to move back into the old London home. Charles isn't quite sure how he will manage being the guardian of his living siblings. He does quite well, despite his worries.
1885: Visiting the country estate, Charles is unaware that visiting the garden in the moonlight would be unsafe. Suddenly, he's been bitten, and an unexpected face has found him just in time. Melissa had never disclosed her seer ablilites, but what would he care? She had just saved his life. Despite everything, how he had treated her, their distance. She'd come to check on him on a vision that could have been totally inaccurate - as most of hers were.
He has to figure out his situation. He magically repairs an abandoned shed on the property and puts protection charms and sound proofing charms on it, this is for him to go to for the nights where he needs to be restrained, and Melissa expresses a willingness to do her best to heal him the morning after. She is working her way towards becoming a full healer, after all. He becomes a junior lawyer at the end of the year.
1886: Their shared secret leads them to grow closer and closer. His siblings remain unaware, as does the rest of his family. He knows that they will never fully accept Melissa, but he cannot find it within himself to part with her welcomed company again. He eventually asks for her hand in marriage and they elope in the middle of the year. His maternal grandparents are furious, though he is not their heir and cannot do much about it. His siblings are baffled, each having varying opinions on the matter. Society has their own opinions and conclusions.
1887: Charles and Melissa's one and only child is born in November. He is a healthy baby boy, named after his grandfather - despite the fact that the man would never have accepted them. Melissa dies in childbirth. Charles is devastated. It takes months before he starts to heal.
1889: Drama over his marriage dies down. He becomes a full lawyer of the ministry.
1890: With a young child to take care of, Charles realizes that he will need a wife. He is hesitant, but William is growing so fast, and he has his sisters to worry about as well.
Amortentia: Scotch and Melissa's perfume
Patronus: N/A
Boggart: A plain bed with a sheet covering a person, and the covered person can clearly be heard laughing uncontrollably
Star Sign: Taurus
Hobbies: He enjoys a variety of respectable UC male oriented sports.
Pets: A Neapolitan Mastiff and a St. Bernard
Age: 22