February 26th, 1891 — Ministry Break Room
Ford couldn't make a habit of planning overnight trips on work-days, because he'd been tired all morning as a result. At least today was Friday, though, and no serious work ever happened on Fridays, in his experience. He'd muddled through his morning and made it through to lunch, so half the day was gone already, and the afternoon promised to be even lighter than the morning had been.
He usually brought a lunch with him from home (it saved money, though he might have made up some excuse about it feeling cozy or something if anyone ever asked him about it), but coming straight from the manor he hadn't bee able to do that today. On his lunch break he ventured out into Muggle London just far enough to secure an apple and a cup of hot broth, which would get him through until it was time to go home, he supposed. He'd finished the broth and half the apple when suddenly Dorian Fisk walked in to the break room he'd chosen to eat in that afternoon.
He hadn't seen the other man since their encounter in the post office, and had no desire to talk to him now. He wasn't sure he could get through a conversation without saying something he might regret, and his last letter had been too curt to be deemed polite. The letter alone would have been enough to make him nervous about trying to talk with Fisk again, but with everything else... there was no way he could manage it. Fortunately, an apple was a mobile food item — he could just take it with him, and get out of the break room before he had to say anything at all.
That was his plan, anyway, but when he stood to leave, the door had disappeared. He stopped, staring at the wall for a moment, then shot a hasty glance towards Fisk as if he might have done it on purpose. Probably not, though — if he wanted to talk, he could have just asked, without resorting to weird magical tactics. And if he'd wanted to talk, he wouldn't have picked a break room where other people were sitting around eating lunch.
"Uhm," he said, shifting his weight to the other foot. "Anyone seen the door?"
(Dorian Fisk and open to 1-3 other Ministry employees, 2 days or 2 posts!)

Set by Lady!