August 10, 2020 – 1:22 AM
Last modified: August 10, 2020 – 1:24 AM by Egeria Rivers.
Egeria Rivers — Played by Jen
Unrelated to what follows but still related in a way I need:
- a upperclass pureblood family for mummy-dearest to come from that would semi-disown their child for eloping to the middle class and fully pretend she doesn't exist after her publicly recognized death. Originally Ada was fairly tied up to a lot of characters genetically before she left and I'd like to create a family web for her again. She currently lives and acts as a Lady's Companion to an aunt from this side who has taken pity and uses her as a project orphan. I imagine to qualify she'd be either a childless woman, a spinster aunt, or have children grown and married already. I currently NPC her as she is currently staying at Sandition on holiday but ......
So this has been a plot I've errrrrrr.... been sitting on for a while
ten years - basically a month or two after making Ada I came up with it and would actually like to finish if anybody is willing.
Click for what has happened
Egeria's parents were Hogwarts Sweethearts and married despite the objections from both sets of their parents. Her father was too young to support them and definitely not established, his family while once a respectable upper class family was essentially ruined even though they had began to reclaim some of the wealth they had once held with industry (they could now be considered upper middle class but nowhere near as wealthy as her mothers family), and in general they were just too young.
Things however go quickly downhill after Ada's birth. Their love which had burned quickly and fiercely burnt out and Egeria's mother began to resent her father and seek affection elsewhere - and into the arms of a vampire. She was turned and died a first death that the families publicized was due to tuberculosis as they wished to avoid the public shame of a married woman running off with a vampire. They endeavored to erase her existence despite the fact that her daughter remained as a physical reminder.
To Ada's father this was a boon as it allowed him to reclaim the youth he thought he had lost and he left Ada to be reared by his family until such a time his mother advised him that he needed to be settling down himself and begin courting to provide a mother-figure for Ada and if possible a male heir for the Rivers Estate for while Ada's existence meant he had an heir a male one would be better.
While out 'hunting' I mean courting he met the lovely "Odette" who was staying locally to avoid the rather ardent obsession of "Rothbart, a suitor obsessed with her and the Dark Arts. Awkward at first because their love was very much a recovery for both of them after they both had rather disastrous first romances they fell in love and everything would've gone smoothly had "Rothbart" not tracked her down.
"Rothbart" uses "Siegfrieds" previous romantic history (baggage) to trick/trap "Odette" and Ada gets caught in the middle of a magical conflict. I have a romantic view of a spell getting flung in-front of the eight year old Ada and her father actually manning up and sacrificing himself and her accidentally turning him into a piano trying to help him but I'm fuzzy on the details. End of that story is Rothbart wins, "Siegfried" is essentially out of commission as a piano. Both Ada and her father are left alive as a means to control "Odette"s future actions.
He leaves behind several cursed objects, including a horxcrux in the form of a necklace at the house.
Click for requirements and needs I have for this story to continue
existing character needs
- I have Ada's ongoing fascination and need to cure her father as a motivation to get involved with DADA and the Dark Arts (so if anybody involved in healing fields, DADA and Dark Arts) would be great for a 20 yo sticking her nose places where it doesn't need to be stuck even polyjuiced for respectability would be great as would friendships that come from it.
- Next I would need somebody to help Ada stir up those memories about what truly happened that night and who wants to get to the bottom of it. A pensieve would be great. I think Ada has probably either had a memory charm cast on her or has repressed the memories
- an occassion where Ada can see "Odette" and "Rothbart" and realise that the story isn't over for Odette and she needs her help - Gryffindors shine! Somebody to be there while she has a minor breakdown and panic attack because her Boggart is "Rothbart". Also. Kinda want to do a random boggart attack now just to get somebody curious about the shadowy man.
I'm not sure about the order of these two occassions.
- I'm looking for other ideas and suggestions. I know I'll need to bring an auror in at some point but I'd love some help finishing this off!
For most likely new characters I need
- "Odette" - a wealthy socialite, she is married to Rothbart to a) save "Siegfried" from having more done to him; b) is under an imperius and married to him c) dosed up on love potion
- "Rothbart" - a Dark Wizard who was obsessed with "Odette" and wanted her to marry him, now she's been married to him for a while it's been twelve years since the above story completed and aging his eye is beginning to wander to Ada. he may have collected a harem of swan maidens if you like that idea; or women he's captured and transfigured so they don't stray He is very entrenched in the dark arts and it's likely Ada carries one of his horxcruxes with her.
- Mummy "Odile" and her vampire lover. Her mother was either used in person or just in mention to allow 'Rothbart' to get a hold of Odette in the first place. I would love her to enter the scene as on Ada's side as a silent protector or even just [creepily] watching over her these years, not that it would make up for years of absenteeism but it would be a start. They could even be on the side of Odette either supportive of her father moving on or just in general horrified about the situation.
- Not yet but its' coming "Siegfried" - Ada's father. - He's a piano. He's motivation for Ada to get involved in the Dark Arts and its defence and poke her nose where it doesn't belong and other things... Totally not useful right now and I see him as a later character either when Rothbart is either defeated or to provide complications for Odette and Ada midway through this story. He would have missed out on twelve years of life stuck as a piano.
All of this I expect will create some delightful chaos and characters will lose lots of standing and reputation because it plays with inter-creature relationships; divorce and whether or not a person who is a vampire would still be considered married after a seventeen year abandonment. Along with problems about a marriage to a Dark Arts practitioner under coercion.
This is all really in the ideas phase and I'd love to bounce it off people and get some other views and opinions.