Nicknames: N/A
Birthdate: January 13, 1864
Current Age: 24 Years
Occupation: Ophelia Devine's Lady's Maid
Reputation: 10
She, nor her family, has not done anything to tarnish their reputations.Residence: Hogsmeade
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Wand: cedar, dragonheart string, 10 3/4 inch, bendy
Blood Status: Halfblood
Social Class: Working
Lionel Kaylock, Father (b. 1839)Appearance:
Ellenor Kaylock (nee ------), Mother (b. 1843)
- Stephan Kaylock, Brother (b. 1861)
- Angelia Kaylock, Sister (1868-1880)
- Louelle Kaylock, Sister (b. 1869)
Stnading at just under five foot and weighing in the low hundreds, she is entirely unobtrusive in her physical demeanor. A plan girl, her face is rounded, rather than sharp angles while her body is only sharp angles with little to speak of in curves. Dark brown eyes are framed by hair only a few shades darker, both easily appearing black in a darker set of lighting. She uses her wand with her right hand. Clothed mostly in simple, homemade clothes, they do tend to be made with very elaborate stitching, a lingering habit from her time training as a seamstress.History:
Personality:1864 | The first daughter is born to the Kaylocks, a small, undersized child by the name of Perenia Charity. From first glance, she doesn't appear as if she had much time to live, having been born early though her life is saved by the use of magic.
1866 | Her brother shows his first signs of magic and everyone is happy though his dreams seem to be crushed slightly when he is told they can not afford to send any of their children off and that he must start work soon in a shop or something.
1867 | The first of her younger sisters, Angelia, is born in a slightly better state than Perenia.
1869 | The last of Perenia's siblings are born, a sister by the name of Louella.
1872 | The first signs of magic from the young girl, late, but there as she was helping her mother clean at their work when she was teased by a few upper-class girls her age, causing their hair to turn green. However as she had no wand, no blame could be rightfully placed on her and her reputation remained. Her brother also received his letter this year, however, they could not afford tuition past his first year's scholarship and he did not go for even a year and instead received an apprenticeship at a nearby wizarding store.
1876 | Having worked away from her mother at a seamstress shop for a few years along with her two sisters, when she receives her letter to Hogwarts it comes with a scholarship paid for by the owner of the shop. She wanted her girls to be to some degree educated and part of the job was school fees being paid until their graduation [it made her look better, honestly]. Therefore, she was allowed to attend Hogwarts, making the relations between herself and her siblings very uneasy.
1878 | Relations between Perenia and her sister, Angelia, grow ever tenser as no letter ever came for her sister, officiating that her sister had somehow been born a squib even with many many generations of wizardry.
1880 | Just as it seemed like their family would produce yet another non-magical child, Louella is granted a Hogwarts letter, surprising her whole family as the girl had yet to show any signs of magic. However, as she worked at the same seamstress shop as Perenia, she was allowed to go, on the assumption that the shop would cover her schooling after her first year's scholarship. Even still, Perenia tended to worry over her sister as unlike her schooling, which was going well and placing her as one of the tops of class, her younger sister was abysmal at her magic abilities, leaving Perenia wondering if she was better off having no magic.
Halfway through her fourth year, Perenia was forced to withdraw and come home when her Angelia was killed in an accident in the potions shop she had started to work in, having been cleaning when a potion reacted badly to non-magical touch. While she might have been more impacted when the two were younger, and closer, at that point she would have With one less income, her mother need help at home and a higher income than Perenia and Louella made - the one mostly dedicated to their school funds. They were forced to leave their jobs and find a new one as maids, Perenia to a widowed middle-class lady with no other relatives.
1883 | Perenia worked under the middle-class lady until her death early in the year in which she was forced to find a new job, of which she found under the Dippet household.
1888 | The upper-class woman under which she works is married in March and Perenia transitions to Ophelia's new household and is made a lady's maid - her duties don't really change, she had been acting as one in all but name for years.
blunt . honest . observant . harsh . relentless . pessimistic . responsible . detail orientedOther:
Age: 18
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