I was thinking that it would be fun if there were shenanigans at Hogwarts regarding April's Fools, orchestrated by Peeves and maybe some trouble seeking students?
My ideas:
Share your ideas here, use this thread to plan threads, etc!

set by MJ
I was thinking that it would be fun if there were shenanigans at Hogwarts regarding April's Fools, orchestrated by Peeves and maybe some trouble seeking students?
My ideas:
— Peeves spreads rumours that some classes have been cancelled. Your student could lose house points for not showing up to class!
— Tied to the above, your student is the only one who shows up for class and is wtf about it, until another student arrives.
— Peeves tells you that X person has been asking for you.
— Peeves tells you that X person insulted you. Do you go confront them?
— You find random books in the wrong library section.
— You receive a letter that a member of your family has been seriously injured/died/eloped.
Share your ideas here, use this thread to plan threads, etc!

set by MJ