Welcome to Charming, where swirling petticoats, the language of flowers, and old-fashioned duels are only the beginning of what is lying underneath…
After a magical attempt on her life in 1877, Queen Victoria launched a crusade against magic that, while tidied up by the Ministry of Magic, saw the Wizarding community exiled to Hogsmeade, previously little more than a crossroad near the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. In the years that have passed since, Hogsmeade has suffered plagues, fires, and Victorian hypocrisy but is still standing firm.
Thethe year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.
Complete a thread started and set every month for twelve consecutive months. Each thread must have at least ten posts, and at least three must be your own.
Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
I apologize profusely for the length between my correspondence, I do hope you'll forgive me! I've been so unbelievably, incredibly busy that I hardly even realized Christmas was only a couple of days away! I've included a new quill, made from a molted Thunderbird feather, to hopefully soften the blow of my absence- and so you'll keep writing to me! I'm expecting Da in a few day's time to ring in the New Year with me. I have no idea how it'll go, he's been expertly mum on the whole leaving him in Scotland thing, but I don't suppose he's particularly broken up about it.
Tell me all about you! What have you been doing? How's the aviary? I'm sure it's all doing splendidly in your very capable hands, but I do worry about my birdies when I can spare a moment's thought on anything other than this fascinating journey I'm currently on.
First let me lay your worries to rest by saying you birds are doing marvelously! Of course they miss you, dear Eavan; you have such a way with them and they are used to it. And they're not afraid of letting me know! Why, one of them sought to remind me exactly how wrong I was, I scarcely made it out of the cage alive! It was my mistake, I assure you, I almost fed him his safety blanket instead of his food. Rest assured it will not happen again, bless him.
I should have you know I am writing to you with the exquisite quill you've gifted me! How smooth the writing is, I shall truly treasure this forever. I do hope this reaches you - I chose the sturdiest looking owl I could, and I am still worried about it. Please find included a first edition of [insert zoological book that let's pretend they were gushing about a lot this past year]!!
Would you believe it? I found these in a rare bookstore in Irvingly. I...also may have found the bookstore whilst wandering about with a man named Konstantin Fisk. Eavan have you heard of him? He and I met at the Zoo, his dog Brian managed to take me down one day and we got to chatting. He's terribly charming and polite, Eva, and of course, Brian loves the attention as well!
Do say hello to you father for me, and should I not speak to you until after Christmas, I hope you two have a wonderful holiday! I miss you terribly, but I am absolutely overeager to hear of your adventures in America soon!
You tell Bastien not to be a pest! Threaten him with a spritz, the little monster hates water. I am so glad to hear everything is going alright, not that I doubted it for a minute, but I know they can be a handful (and a half!).
I am also thrilled to hear you like the quill, I thought it was so handsome when I found it! I immediately thought you would appreciate it. Thank you for the book, I cannot wait to devour it by the campfire light.
Amelia! You went in for books and found a man? How scandalous! Tell me more!
I do hope you've had the most wonderful holiday, give my best to your family and my love to Penny. Still missing you!
Oh, Bastien is being a perfect prince! He does miss you so, and given that fact, sometimes he does throw little fits and disappears on occasion. Normally it's just to his bed, but last night I caught him trying to nest on top of Penny. I must admit I did have to spritz him a tad. He's not too happy with me about that, though I do believe that he'll come around once I feed him in the morning.
I'm glad you got your present! Let me know about Chapter 7, I've heard it's one of the best he's written so far.
As for this man...Eva he's terribly kind – not at all like...well, you know who. And he works as the Assistant Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. Merlin, I would hate to think that he's perhaps only hanging about because he might get some sort of inside scoop on Mooncalf breeding for a top-secret Ministry program (perish the thought, we'd all be in trouble if our futures depended upon these creatures –– one threw a fit yesterday because he forgot I'd already fed him). But with my history, I daren't hold my breath.
I'm seeing him tonight at the Irvingly Arms! Oh, the one year you are not here to share the new year with me. You know I'm not good in large crowds. I must admit I'm both excited to see him and perhaps a little nervous. Perhaps the only reason he sought a meeting with me tonight is to tell me he's found someone of a better station.
Oh, Merlin give me courage, Uncle says it's time to go. Wish me luck! And I hope you and your family have the happiest of New Years, Eavan!
I need details about your evening with Mr. Mystery Man, like who he is!
Da's been here for a couple of days and it's been lovely having him. I think he's enjoying himself very much too. Very cheery. I think I figured out who was most pleased that I chose to pursue this opportunity (besides me of course!).
Oh Amelia, it's beyond anything I could have imagined! Despite the hot weather (of which I am not a huge fan) working so closely with these magnificent animals is truly mind-boggling. They're so little when they hatch, then to watch them grow! There was a batch that hatched right after I arrived and now almost six months later are taller than I am! We have another hatch coming up in a few weeks and I simply cannot wait!