27th November, 1889 — Salem Square, Irvingly
When he’d rescued the baby Runespoor from the clutches of poachers in Africa, it had been startlingly small, half-dead, and unfortunately stupid. Now it was grown and well, and a healthy six feet long, and still, as it happened, remarkably stupid.
None of its three heads had ever gotten along with one another, which was not unusual for the species, but amongst these three, none was particularly good at its supposed specialty. It wouldn’t have lasted a week back in the wild, poor thing.
Lucky for it that Irvingly was not a wild place, then.
Unlucky for Conall that the Runespoor had figured that much out, and that its heads had banded together for once in their short, stupid lives to go exploring.
It couldn’t have escaped long ago, because it had deposited its snack of a dead mouse along the street, apparently disinclined to eat it. Luckily, it hadn’t set off to try its luck eating any zoo mammals... though less luckily, it looked like it had gone towards the centre of town.
Which was much more humanly populated. If it didn’t go after anyone there, there was every likelihood someone would spot a big orange snake slithering around the place. And if they did, he’d get hauled straight off to the Ministry’s complaints office, no question.
So, better find the Runespoor, and fast. He strode up along the streets, dead mouse held forgotten in hand, surveying the gutters and corners of the street so thoroughly that he hadn’t been looking in front of him at all, an oversight that only struck him when he barrelled right into someone.
None of its three heads had ever gotten along with one another, which was not unusual for the species, but amongst these three, none was particularly good at its supposed specialty. It wouldn’t have lasted a week back in the wild, poor thing.
Lucky for it that Irvingly was not a wild place, then.
Unlucky for Conall that the Runespoor had figured that much out, and that its heads had banded together for once in their short, stupid lives to go exploring.
It couldn’t have escaped long ago, because it had deposited its snack of a dead mouse along the street, apparently disinclined to eat it. Luckily, it hadn’t set off to try its luck eating any zoo mammals... though less luckily, it looked like it had gone towards the centre of town.
Which was much more humanly populated. If it didn’t go after anyone there, there was every likelihood someone would spot a big orange snake slithering around the place. And if they did, he’d get hauled straight off to the Ministry’s complaints office, no question.
So, better find the Runespoor, and fast. He strode up along the streets, dead mouse held forgotten in hand, surveying the gutters and corners of the street so thoroughly that he hadn’t been looking in front of him at all, an oversight that only struck him when he barrelled right into someone.