— The —
Daily Prophet
Daily Prophet
Price One Knut
July 27th, 1889

Death in Hogsmeade
Whitledges: Permanent Mourners
On the night of July 25, Miss Pumpkin Whitlege was murdered in front of her uncle's home in Wellingtonshire. Both a surviving witness and the autopsy can confirm that the death was caused by yet another vampire attack.
Miss Sweetie Whitledge had been in the home, grabbing supplies to aid in a search for her missing cat. Why to young ladies would do such a thing while out in the dark is beyond us here at The Daily Phrophet.
"I had just came out when I saw a feminine figure standing over my sister's form. She was not moving, and when the figure turned, I saw blood dripping from her chin and immediately grabbed my wand. I cast a spell to immobilize the creature before calling for help."
A stunning display of magic for one so young, and just as she had grown to the legal age of practicing magic outside of Hogwarts. The spell wore off and the vampire fled before help arrived, likely spooked from the interruption. A clear description could not be given by Miss Sweetie Whitledge. Sadly, Miss Pumpkin Whitledge did not survive the encounter.
Miss Sweetie Whitledge had been in the home, grabbing supplies to aid in a search for her missing cat. Why to young ladies would do such a thing while out in the dark is beyond us here at The Daily Phrophet.
"I had just came out when I saw a feminine figure standing over my sister's form. She was not moving, and when the figure turned, I saw blood dripping from her chin and immediately grabbed my wand. I cast a spell to immobilize the creature before calling for help."
A stunning display of magic for one so young, and just as she had grown to the legal age of practicing magic outside of Hogwarts. The spell wore off and the vampire fled before help arrived, likely spooked from the interruption. A clear description could not be given by Miss Sweetie Whitledge. Sadly, Miss Pumpkin Whitledge did not survive the encounter.
Ian Pengloss