Nicknames: Zenny, Zen
Birthdate: August 7, 1874
Current Age: 19 Years
Gender: Female
Occupation: American Debutante
Reputation: 9
Residence: Visiting Wellingtonshire, Hogsmeade
Hogwarts House: N/A - Attended Ilvermorny - Pukwudgie
Wand: 10", hazel, supple, fwooper feather
Blood Status: Pure
Social Class: Upper
mother: Zarina Honeysuckle & b. 1826
brother: Zacharias Honeysuckle II & b. 1845twin to Zarin
brother: Zarin Honeysuckle & b 1845, twin to Zacharias
brother: Zaccheus Honeysuckle & b. 1847
brother: Zebulon Honeysuckle & b. 1849
height: 5 ft 1 in
build: slender
eyes: Green
hair colour: Red
hair style: Worn up with ringlets
wand hand: Right
scent: a light whiff of roses and lilacs
fashion: Zenobia's fashion is that of a typical Southern Belle in the era. She favours pastels and bright colours, her favorite being lavender and purples. She has a fondness for butterflies and flowers with these motifs often being part of her clothings embroidery, adorning her hair or otherwise part of her jewelry. She is never without a parasol or fan.
A Surprise Birth | |
1874 | Zenobias birth came as quite the surprise to an upper class American couple who had believed themselves now free to copulate without the use of contraceptives. They were wrong and Zenobia was born. Her father runs highly successful candy factories in Georgia and Zenobia wants for nothing growing up. With twenty five years between herself and the sibling who had been born before her, she is quite sheltered as the much older brothers prove rather over-protective. |
1880 | Zenobia shows her first signs of magic by causing the butterflies in her nursery decor to come to life and fly around the room. |
Time For Education | |
1885-1892 | Zenobia goes off to Ilvermorny like her brothers had long before her. She is far from being an academic prodigy but is quick to make friends. She is generally oblivious to any bullying she might have experienced but has friends that have her back. Even if she doesn't always realize that anything said to her was meant in offense. She is stronger in Charms and Transfiguration than she is in most other classes. She is labelled an absolute menace to plants early on into her Herbology education due to her unintentional tendency to kill them. Which is ironic considering her personal love for flowers. |
1892-1893 | Zenobia graduates from Ilvermorny alongside many of her friends. Rather than debut immediately, she opts to attend a year of finishing school alongside her friend Sutton Holbrook. Being a debutante will be much more fun with her bosom friends by her side. And by now, Mama has become a bit too weary to fight against Zenobias's whims so long as she remains a respectable young woman. |
Adult Life Begins | |
1893 | Zenobias debuts in Atlanta, Georgia. She has grand fun during her first season but does not secure a courtship. Most suitors tend to be intimidated by the sheer amount of brothers she has. It does not help that they are purposely scaring some of these men off but Zenobia is none the wiser. |
1894 | Zenobia is invited along on a trip the the British Isles! Her parents happily let her go since Mrs. Holbrook is along for the ride and she is sending one of her most trusted maids to help look after Zenobia in her stead. Zarina is of the mind that perhaps Zenobia will have an easier time of it away from her brothers looming figures. That is, if none of them follow her to the Isles, of course. Unbeknownst to Zenobia, someones mama has messed with the dance cards of one of the society events. She is as happily oblivious as she ever is. |
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