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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Take You to Church
12th June, 1888

Miss Lestrange,

I hope that my letter finds you well, and that your summer holidays have so far lived up to expectations! I must apologize for writing out of the blue, but our conversations over the past term have stuck with me, and so I hope that you'll be indulgent, at least for the moment.

Given your curiosity as to my faith, I thought that you might wish to accompany to church this Sunday. Once a month, practitioners of our faith meet apart from our usual congregation, gathering instead at Hogsmeade Hall to better understand the teachings of Jesus the Wizard. I should be honoured indeed if you would consent to be my guest, and my aunt shall accompany us (in case your guardian is worried!).

Blythe Fairchild

Are You a Believer?Join the Faithful!

— graphics by rune ❤ —
13 June, 1888
Miss Fairchild,

I would be most delighted to join you this Sunday! I'm sure my Uncle Priam—as member of your faith—would have no issue with me attending. Is there a certain code of a attire I should follow?

Miss Frida Lestrange

set by mj  —
15th June, 1888

Miss Lestrange,

A modest dress code is necessary, though I daresay nothing in your wardrobe would conflict with that! A hat, too—not the pointed ones we wear to school, but something more fashionable. The Lord prefers that we keep our heads covered in His presence, though candidly, I never did understand why.

I am excited indeed to have you along! With the fog that’s enveloped Irvingly, I suspect Aunt Temperance and I shall take the train in tomorrow, so as not to be late. I shall meet you by the doors at Hogsmeade Hall for nine o’clock!

Blythe Fairchild

Are You a Believer?Join the Faithful!

— graphics by rune ❤ —
16th June, 1888

Miss Lestrange,

We were turned away from the train today, told our need to get to Hogsmeade was not urgent enough to justify our passage, given the fog! How outlandish, that we should be denied the opportunity to travel when Ministry workers are moving hither and fro. The train, after all, is already in motion; what trouble would two more bodies bring?

This, sadly, means we will be unable to attend church tomorrow. My aunt is beside herself, and I feel awful to have to cancel on you so last minute. I pray that this owl reaches you in spite of this ominous weather—and does so swiftly! You have my most sincere apologies.

Blythe Fairchild

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Are You a Believer?Join the Faithful!

— graphics by rune ❤ —
16 June, 1888
Miss Fairchild,

Do not fret! If the Ministry feels it is unsafe for the general public to move between the villages, there muse be a plausible reason. The fog is certainly a growing concern in my home. Perhaps we can attend the next meeting together?

Miss Frida Lestrange

set by mj  —
20th June, 1888

Miss Lestrange,

I pray the fog will abate in time for us to do so. I am wary even of attending church service here in Irvingly, given how difficult it is to see—particularly in Hawthorne Hollow, where St Fergus' lies—and am uneasy with the situation as a whole as it has unfolded. Is it much better in Hogsmeade?

Blythe Fairchild

Are You a Believer?Join the Faithful!

— graphics by rune ❤ —
22 June, 1888
Miss Fairchild,

I doubt it's much better here, but I hardly feel the same sense of impending doom that I did when the laughing plague struck years ago. I originally thought it would last no more than a week or so. We may not be permitted to use magic at our age, but it makes me uneasy that no one would be able to in the event of an emergency.

Has news of the recent troll attack reached Irvingly yet?

Miss Frida Lestrange

set by mj  —
25th June, 1888

Miss Lestrange,

It has—you were not involved yourself, were you?! I have included those wounded in the incident, as well as poor Mr. Honeyduke and his shop, in my prayers since the news reached me. I confess, I'm rather worried that something similar might happen here, should the fog affect the enclosures at the zoological gardens. Aunt Temperance thinks it is in all our best interests to remain indoors for the moment, and I cannot say I blame her in the slightest!

Blythe Fairchild

Are You a Believer?Join the Faithful!

— graphics by rune ❤ —
28 June, 1888
Miss Fairchild,

Heavens, no! My Aunt Nephele has required that every adventure outside the home has a purpose with the fog having consumed the entirety of our village, and it's terribly difficult to justify trips without our supplies lists having yet arrived.

I suppose the best we can do at this moment is hope for the best; there has never been a tragedy in Hogsmeade that has not faded with time, and I expect no less for this fog.

Miss Frida Lestrange

set by mj  —

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