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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Charolette Whymper
Full Name: Charlotte Whymper
Nicknames: Lottie
Birthdate: May 17, 1878
Current Age: 15
Gender: Female
Occupation: Fourth Year Student
Reputation: 9
Working mother. People may have mixed opinions that Lottie volunteers at various charities during the summer.
Residence: Bartonburg, Hogsmeade
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Wand: Cedar, 12", slightly springy, Ukrainian Ironbelly dragon heartstring
Blood Status: Halfblood
Social Class: Middle Class
Father: Charles Whymper (1845-1878)
Mother: Primrose Whymper née Endicott (1853)
Twin Brother: Charles Whymper Jr (1881)

Maternal Aunt: Evangeline Darling née Endicott (1843)

Maternal Uncle: Horace Darling (1816)
Cousin: Victor Darling (1864)
Cousin: Matthias Darling (1868)
Cousin: Effervescence Darling (1876)

General | Lottie stands at a height of five foot even. Her brown hair often likes to wave a little more than any of her maid's attempts at styling it. There always seems to be a sparkle in her brown eyes, unless things are in a serious level of upset.

Expressions | Her face gives off her emotions rather easily, though she always tries to keep things positive. If anyone was destined for laugh lines, it would be Lottie.

Deportment | Her posture could use some work, but she does try to be graceful when she's actually thinking about it.

Fashion | While her family isn't as rich as some of her friends or her cousins, she does like to look her best. Any gift given from a more financially well off person in her life is treasured greatly. She's often torn between wearing her nicer clothes often or saving them for a special day. As she has gotten older, she's begun genuinely putting an effort into making her nicer clothing last, especially as for when she stops growing.

Accessories | Like with other fashion, nicer accessories are treasured. Often times, Lottie is scared of losing any jewelry so reserves when she wears them. Green and purple jewels are often preferred. Often times, she loves to wear hats and will often give a few customizations to her plainer ones. These are the accessories she chooses to wear on a more frequent basis.

Scent | Floral scents are her preferred, though she will often be thrilled to receive a perfume or two from her aunt on the many Darling travels.

Face Claim | Nichole Bloom
1878Charolette is born a little while after her brother. Both are cleverly named for their deceased father, who had died months beforehand. Effie Darking is a constant playmate.
1884Springtime comes around and Cousin Matthias comes to live with them in the wake of his parents and sister leaving to travel abroad. Charolette couldn't imagine being dropped off and knowing her family were off on adventure without her.

During this time, she and her twin begin their studies. She likes it okay, but isn't as in depth with her studies as her brother.
1886-1887Matthias leaves for his own travels upon finishing his schooling. Effie soon joins the household for her own studies while her parents continue their travels.
1889The twins are off to Hogwarts and Charolette is placed in Hufflepuff. She's quick to make friends and likes to associate with other students from different walks of life than her own. She soon joins the garden club and the book club.
Summer 1890With a lack of Hogwarts to keep her occupied, she elects to find something to do with her idle time. Reaching out to a few friends, one of her wealthier companions suggest volunteering at their parent's charity. Helping organize fundraisers and writing invitations/thank you letters. She enjoys the work and leaves the summer in good standing with the family. This becomes a continued trend for the rest of her summers.
1891Charolette takes Earth Magic and COMC for her electives because they sound really fun. Lottie also joins the Creatures Club because it also sounds fun. She wonders if she will join her family in the work force. Healing sounds stressful, with people losing their lives or at least being seriously injured. She does want to help people. More charity work could be a possibility, but she wonders if it will be enough for her. Meanwhile, Lottie gets into romance novels and loves to read them often, asking for book recommendations from friends and heavily favoring them as gifts.
1893The Darlings are returning, and Lottie will miss Effie living with them. Influenced heavily from her romance novels, Effie finds it necessary to finally find her mother the next love of her life. She combs through Lonely Hearts in her Witch Weekly subscription and has sent at least one submission on her mother's behalf in the last few months.
IN PUBLIC: Lottie always attempts to portray a friendly face. Her friends are welcome to seek her for either advice or a shoulder to cry on. Even a stranger may feel welcome to ask for help should they need it, and Lottie often complies to reasonable requests for aid - not that she gets many. Still, Lottie may also forget to finish a task or two when it has been a while since she began said task. A while can vary from a few hours to a few months depending on how invested she is in what she is attempting to accomplish. While Lottie does hold feminist values, she has never been abundantly vocal on the matter, though rallies do intrigue her, and she's more than happy to attend and sign petitions.

IN THE HOME: If anyone attempts to enter her room, they may find more than a few notes placed on various surfaces as reminders of various tasks she wants or needs to get done. ... Okay, there might even be a few scattered around the house. Her willingness to help and be friendly follows her wherever she goes, but her faults become more apparent when you actually live with her.
Amortentia | Cookies and fresh snow

Patronus | N/A

Boggart | Her mother sobbing uncontrollably

Hogwarts Clubs | Garden Club, Book Club, and Creatures Club

Western Star Sign | Taurus

Hobbies | Lottie loves to read and garden, along with having an interest in learning about various animals. These days, she likes to fancy herself as a match maker. Her main project being her own mother's love life, though she would be more than happy to try helping a friend with a crush.

Pets | An owl named pebbles
Name: Kelly

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— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. —
[Image: TrSGeWR.jpg]
— graphics by lady ❤ —

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