8th June, Whatever This Be The Year
Begin with: To the sovereign beauty of mine afterlife – or, no, To Miss Chevalier, My Celestial Muse, or something of the kind –
Verily I hope you are well and in good spirits, and all your skirts remain in good measure. I write – by way of Greengrass, of the gnomes – I beseech you send your answer back through him – to beg forgiveness for missing you on your walk the other morn. It is for good reason, I vow.
(I was too busy composing a new... but don’t say that! It is to be a surprise.)
Would that you are unengaged a fortnight hence in the eve, I hope you wouldst accompany me to the Hogsmeade Memorial Ballroom? There is to be a gala there for the departed and their friends – 'tis a great spectacle to be witnessed, and I assure you all the most renowned ghosts will be there, should you care to meet them. And myself, of course. It is not much like your usual balls – it is better – (explain it to her, would you) – and is replete with performances and recitations by all the most accomplished Dead composers. And even the promise of some more riotous entertainment later, if you can bear it. (Do you see what I did there, Greengrass –)
– and Greengrass will be there as well, but you must not mind him.
It would be an honour if you would come. All the fruits of my labours will grow overripe and fall unharvested should you not be there to taste them. Indeed, though I never yet shall rest in peace until you grant me your answer – I remain,
Your humble servant, Barnaby Wye et cetera.
(Will that do, do you suppose?)
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Fortitude Greengrass, Tabitha Chevalier, Tycho Dodonus
Fortitude Greengrass, Tabitha Chevalier, Tycho Dodonus