March 12, 2023 – 11:54 AM
Last modified: March 13, 2023 – 7:31 PM by Jonathan Copper.
Jonathan Copper — Played by Willow
Natty's work as a handiman had brought him to the Ministry that day, tending to one of the department's substantial (and rather chaotic) libraries. An ancient sticking charm had finally faded, leaving an entire wall of bookshelves precariously teetering, with no obvious way to reach the back of the shelves and replace the charm. Natty solved the problem fast enough. He shifted the shelves at the far end of the row, allowing him easy access to the rest. A fresh sticking charm, repositioning the shelves, and a bit of tidying up and he was done — nothing had fallen on anyone, nobody had been hurt.
Until a huge doxy leapt out of a pile of parchments and bit Natty's hand so deep it left a chunk of flesh almost completely detached. An exclamation of pain and alarm brought the library assistant rushing through, and the doxy was dealt with in a flash — leaving Natty bleeding and rather light-headed.
The assistant had fussed over him in an unhelpful panic. Natty insisted he could just apparate himself to the hospital, but his wand hand was his injured one, and, to be fair, the doxy venom was bound to disrupt his attempt at apparation. So he was forced to sit down, hand wrapped in a cloth used for dusting, feeling guilty and awkward as a mediwitch was summoned.
"I am sorry about this", he sighed as the young woman was ushered in by the anxious assistant, "I told them not to fuss."
March 14, 2023 – 10:17 AM
Last modified: March 14, 2023 – 10:17 AM by Jonathan Copper.
Jonathan Copper — Played by Willow
At the information that his pulse was quicker than it should be, Natty glanced up at the hovering diagnostic and took a deep, quiet breath to try and steady himself. "That might be down to guilt", he admitted in something of a murmur. A worker of low standing making this kind of fuss in the Ministry... and not even a Ministry member himself. He felt gently ashamed, but kept his composure as always.
"Thank you. Healer Brighton." He accepted the potion and, well, it tasted the way things designed to help you always taste.
"Jonathan Copper", he introduced himself in turn, while obligingly removing the dusty rag from the deep doxy bite so she could inspect it.
August 23, 2023 – 4:49 AM
Mabel Brighton — Played by Lady
She smiled approvingly as he gave in. Mabel wasn’t one for disagreeing with her patients, especially after she’d just healed them, but it seemed perfectly logical to not sweep being a handiman aside. “We all view our professions in some not so pleasant light sometime.” She offered gently. “The way I see it, you and I both seem to repair other peoples accidents, do we not?”
September 7, 2023 – 9:52 PM
Jonathan Copper — Played by Willow
Her job here was done, but here she remained, talking him through something he hadn't realised he needed to be talked through. But she made a good point indeed. Several, in fact.
Natty nodded in agreement, and then could not help but re-define her job with a slight smile;
"Healer and counsellor, hm."