17 August, 1892 — Atlantis, Wellingtonshire, Hogsmeade
Victor wasn't used to spending much time in the club. He visited on average once a week, and when he had been a member of Excalibur he had often alternated which club he would visit. During the Season it was often less, since his social calendar became more full while his work didn't ease up. Fortunately he was in a position to write his own schedule, so he could usually attend anything he particularly wanted to, but the overall amount of hours worked didn't change for someone with the position of Assistant Head, so he had less time for leisure and lingering at the club. This week he'd made a point to be there more frequently, though; any time he could squeeze an hour in between work and other obligations, he would. He was on the prowl for Ozymandias Dempsey. Of course, if he'd been really serious about things he could have written to him to arrange a time to meet, or visited the Dempsey household, or even bypassed the older brother entirely and gone straight to Miss Dempsey's father. Any of these options would likely have made their way back to Miss Dempsey in some form or other, though; she would hear about the letter or see him coming or going and get Ideas about it, and he wasn't sure he was committed enough to this course of action to give anyone Ideas.
So instead he was staking out the club and hoping to run into Ozymandias Dempsey 'by chance.' Unfortunately, tonight's venture seemed no more successful in that regard than any previous attempt, but he did spy Endymion Dempsey across the club, and that was at least half as good. Maybe even better, depending on how things went. Endymion knew him better, so the fact of their conversing itself might be less remarkable (and less likely to make its way back to Miss Dempsey as a result). On the other hand, perhaps he'd be more capable of picking up on the subtext of the conversation. It was worth the risk, Victor decided; he'd told Miss Dempsey he planned to see her at the floo powder party on Friday, and he only had two days between then and now to gather information.
"Dempsey!" he greeted, waving him over. He exchanged some pointless banter while he allowed the other man to settle in and ensured he had a drink, then launched in to what he actually wanted to discuss. "I met your sister recently at a party."
So instead he was staking out the club and hoping to run into Ozymandias Dempsey 'by chance.' Unfortunately, tonight's venture seemed no more successful in that regard than any previous attempt, but he did spy Endymion Dempsey across the club, and that was at least half as good. Maybe even better, depending on how things went. Endymion knew him better, so the fact of their conversing itself might be less remarkable (and less likely to make its way back to Miss Dempsey as a result). On the other hand, perhaps he'd be more capable of picking up on the subtext of the conversation. It was worth the risk, Victor decided; he'd told Miss Dempsey he planned to see her at the floo powder party on Friday, and he only had two days between then and now to gather information.
"Dempsey!" he greeted, waving him over. He exchanged some pointless banter while he allowed the other man to settle in and ensured he had a drink, then launched in to what he actually wanted to discuss. "I met your sister recently at a party."

Fabulous set by Lady!