Nicknames: None.
Birthdate: November 22, 1880
Current Age: 11 Years
Gender: Female, perceived Female
Occupation: Incoming First Year
Reputation: 9
She can be... a little intense.Residence: Bartonburg
Hogwarts House: Unknown
Wand: Unknown
Blood Status: Half-Blood
Social Class: Middle
Father. -- Tatting (b. 1847)Appearance:
Mother. -- Tatting nee Twilfit (b. 1858)
Brother. -- Tatting (b. 1879)
Sister. -- Tatting (b. 1880)
Hair: Long, brown, wavyHistory:
Eyes: Brown
Height: 4'5 3/4" and still growing--she hopes.
Build: Average for her size.
Clothing: Although she has started to take an interest in designing her own, Lucy is largely subject to the design whims of her mother and aunt, but prefers bright colors, generally.
Wand Hand: Right
1880. Lucy is born in Hogsmeade, the second daughter and third child of her parents. She is born several minutes after her twin sister. The Tatting children spend much of their childhood in and around their mother and aunt's business--Twilifit & Tatting's--and the shop becomes like a second home to Lucy.Personality:
1884. Young though she is, Lucy already has some very strong opinions on some things--strong enough to result in her first sign of magic, when she turns a set of black robes in the shop a very vibrant red.
1887. A designer in the making, Lucy has taken to drawing her own designs--though she's six and they're not particularly good, yet, it's a start. She is routinely baffled by her sister's lack of shared enthusiasm.
1890-1891. Lucy's brother leaves for Hogwarts.
1892. Lucy is excited to begin Hogwarts in the fall, but mostly glad to not be going alone--even if she and her sister frequently don't agree on things, at least she has someone with her!
Sample Roleplay Post:
Harry's laboratory was, like most things in his life, in a perpetual state of barely organized chaos. There was parchment everywhere, most of it covered in hastily scrawled notes, and he'd made an effort to arrange his supply of ingredients in a way that was, at the very least, aesthetically pleasing, but it tended to get disorganized very quickly as soon as he actually needed something.
The lab itself was split into two spaces--a space for Potions, and a space for Chemistry. Some thought the latter was a bit odd, but if you thought about it, Potions was really just magical Chemistry, and he didn't see why he should ever have to give up one for the other. But it meant that, amidst the chaos, was also test tubes and flasks and mundane chemicals of various stripes.
Today, Harry was working on the Potions side of his laboratory, and for once, he was not experimenting on himself. Or, well, he had already experimented on himself, and gathered all the data he could from that. Now, it was time to see what affect his work would have on other people. He'd also brewed a variety of likely antidotes, just in case. He was a scientist, not a sadist.
He was also, rather importantly, a scientist who suffered from insomnia, so he rather hoped this worked. "Right. So, I promise this is not as bad as it looks," he said, handing Mr. Hillicker a small vial of something that was a rather worrying shade of sickly pale green. Despite his assurances, it would taste exactly as terrible as it looked. "How are you feeling now, before you take it? Tired? Wakeful? I imagine I'll need to test this multiple times to get the variations right."
Age: 34
Contact: PM Henry Berkwood
Other Characters: Henry Berkwood
How did you hear about us?: It's been like a decade, I definitely don't remember!