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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

OWLs/NEWTs 1892!
O.W.L. & N.E.W.T. Results 1892

Judgement Day draws nearer: Soon, students who have completed their fifth and seventh years will be receiving the exam results that dictate their entire future. No pressure. Especially if you're just going to be a wife & mother, then there's really no pressure.

But I digress.

While the examinations are administered by the Ministry of Magic, results are traditionally sent by the deputy headmaster—yours truly! As in previous years, I am delighted to offer a personal touch, aka send you your results, with varying degrees of randomization, via digital owl! A couple of notes: If interested, please fill out the appropriate form for each character who would like mail! Results will be posted & tagged to you forthwith~

O.W.L.s (5th year)
[b]Character:[/b] Please tag.
[b]Elective(s):[/b] Minimum of one, maximum of three
[b]You Should Know:[/b] What do I need to take into account when scoring? Consider YOUR GOALS for the character, their WANDWORK, MEMORIZATION, LITERACY, MATHEMATIC, and POTION skills, their INTERESTS and STRENGTHS in subject areas, their STUDY HABITS, what might DISTRACT THEM, any exams you've already noted they think went WELL or POORLY, etc.! If you have set or semi-set outcomes in mind, this would be where you note that as well!

N.E.W.T.s (7th year)
[b]Character:[/b] Please tag.
[b]Courses:[/b] Minimum of three, maximum of seven; ALPHABETICAL ORDER PLEASE
[b]You Should Know:[/b] What do I need to take into account when scoring? Consider YOUR GOALS for the character, their WANDWORK, MEMORIZATION, LITERACY, MATHEMATIC, and POTION skills, their INTERESTS and STRENGTHS in subject areas, their STUDY HABITS, what might DISTRACT THEM, any exams you've already noted they think went WELL or POORLY, etc.! If you have set or semi-set outcomes in mind, this would be where you note that as well!

set by the long-lost bex
Character: Calla Potts
Elective(s): CoMC, Earth Magic
You Should Know: While, in another life, she might have had the ability to be smart, in this one, she tends to not care to much about her academics and most of her studying is done in groups though the productivity varies with what friends she is with at the time. This past year, she has started to take some of her classes a bit more seriously, but has pretty much written astronomy and history of magic off as irrelevant beyound doing the basic requirements. She tends to do the best in herbology and CoMC naturally, but has started to put more effort into her potions and charms classes. She has a far greater interest in hands on classes and this year has preformed more poorly on lecture based classes after her hearing loss, but has admitted to asking her friends for notes afterwards to see if she missed anything. Her goals are to persue cocm, herbology, potions, charms into NEWTs - grades permitting- but not astronomy, transfiguration, or history and is neutral on defense and earth magic. These two will depend on her grades and if she has a friend taking them but nothing else she is.

[Image: SQXZU54.png]
look at the pretties mj made me!!!
Character: Thomas Montgomery (He'll be back next month Smile )
Courses: Charms, History of Magic, Potions, Transfiguration, Ancient Runes, Care of Magical Creatures
You Should Know:
Goals: Thomas's long-term goal is to land himself on the Experimental Charms Committee or the Research Committee. His short-term goal is to land a job within the Department of Magical Accidents & Catastrophes

Wandwork, Study Habits, etc.: He is very diligent when it comes to studying, especially with extracurricular spells and research projects. His wandwork is generally precise, but his temper can affect that, making him moreso an average dueler. He does better puzzling things out than thinking immediately on his feet. His potion skills are above average, but he's not top of his class. His literacy and math skills are very good.

Strengths/Weaknesses: He would have done very, very well in both Transfiguration and Charms. He achieved becoming an animagus in 6th year. His weakest subject was likely Care of Magical Creatures. He took it to help broaden his horizons and gain a different perspective as far as being an animagus goes.

The following 1 user Likes Thomas Montgomery's post:
   Hamish Darrow

[Image: 6RQbibH.png]
By the awesome MJ <3
Character: Holly Scrimgeour
Elective(s): Ancient Runes, Arithmancy, CoMC
You Should Know:

  • GOALS: Obviously Holly's whole personality is based off her assumption that she's better than everyone else, so I doubt she'd start slacking the minute OWLs draw near!
  • WANDWORK: Aggressive and advanced for her age!
  • MEMORIZATION: Probably a little overconfident, but also not lacking.
  • LITERACY: She's an UC girl, I assume she can read and write.
  • MATH: Decent but she's not mathamagician
  • POTION skills Her favorite subject <3

  • INTERESTS: Her fav subjects are Potions & DADA, and that's also where her STRENGTHS lie. She's good with spellcasting but tends to gloss over subject matter she deems boring (astronomy, history, CoMC, any subject/topic she can't use to measure her growth in magical ability).
  • STUDY HABITS: You know Holly. Studying is a personality trait. Competition is her downfall—if she thinks she's trying to beat someone, she'll focus less on her task and more on how other people are doing.

set by MJ <3
Character: Ida Chang
Courses: Arithmancy, Ancient Runes, Charms, Defence Against Dark Arts, Herbology, Potions, Transfiguration
You Should Know: Ida is really striving for straight O's this year. In a different life she would’ve done well in the military - very routine and detail oriented. So her 7 courses compose of all 5 classes she received O’s for in OWLs, and 2 classes she received Es (Arithmancy and Ancient Runes) so she could improve. Her idea of having a good social time is based on study sessions and tutoring.

She aspires to be a leading researcher in Transfiguration or maybe a contributor to Transfiguration today. She is Professor Foxwood's research assistant.

She has sharp and precise wandwork, reads for fun (high-index Ravvie), and memorizes very well, bit of an eidetic memory especially if reading is combined with lecture. Her strength is that she is very mathematically inclined and logical by nature, which is good for Transfiguration (it really grated on her that she did not perform so well on Arithmancy and sort of thinks its a superfluous science - she "took it as an elective”). She accepts potions for what it is but it’s not her favorite, so her roommate and best friend Poppy schools her with it a bit.

Since January Ida has been particularly nervous and distracted about the upcoming season, mostly due to disagreements with her father and brother about marrying well, even if it means going to China. She intends to continue at Flint Institute, and hasn’t told her family. She’s also worried for her friends, and about losing them. She felt fairly caught up with her studies and confident going into her exams, though felt tired and distracted by it all over her least favorite and final exam, Arithmancy.

The following 2 users Like Ida Chang's post:
   Basil Foxwood, Hamish Darrow

[Image: 5jMCu3I.png]
stefanie made this beautiful set <3
Character: Alcyone Slughorn
Elective(s): Arithmancy, Care of Magical Creatures
You Should Know:
YOUR GOALS: Would like to continue on with Arithmancy, Care of Magical Creatures, Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration & Potions.
WANDWORK: Rather average for a girl her age.
MEMORIZATION: A little below average unless the subject matter interests her than it would be more average. These subjects would be Arithmancy, Care of Magical Creatures, Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration & Potions
LITERACY: Very good.
POTION SKILLS: Average but she likes the professor so tends to do very well in the class!
INTERESTS:  Arithmancy, Care of Magical Creatures, Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration & Potions interest her but that does not mean she has strengths in them. She does better in some than others.
STRENGTHS: Arithmancy, Care of Magical Creatures & Defense Against the Dark Arts & Transfiguration are her strongest subjects.
STUDY HABITS: Tends to study in a group setting but is easily distracted from it. Most of her subject information comes from things learned in class.
DISTRACTIONS: Tendency to end up distracted by either her friends or her own imagination.
OUTCOMES: I'd like her to continue on with Arithmancy, Care of Magical Creatures, Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration & Potions so if she could at least get the minimum requirement to continue with these classes (Unless the professor allows entry with permission and they'd let her in xD!). Grades in the other classes I am chill on Smile

Character: Nelson Higgs
Courses: Arithmancy, Astronomy, Ghoul Studies, Herbology, History of Magic and Potions
You Should Know:
YOUR GOALS: He is apprenticing as a (marine) herbologist with Basil Potts! Herbology nerdery is the ultimate goal.
WANDWORK: Hugely subpar, hence no spellcasting classes.
POTION skills: Average
INTERESTS and STRENGTHS in subject areas: Herbology by far the favourite here, for which he does extra research. Arithmancy and Ghoul Studies are apparently "good fun". He enjoys written History of Magic work, but doesn't take it uber seriously. Potions is fine but the subject he has to actively apply himself the most to, since he's less interested in the final product than in the ~process itself.

STUDY HABITS & DISTRACTIONS: Quidditch practices take up some of his time but he has been studying thoroughly all year long – if possibly more time than he needs on Herbology at the expense of other things.

Exam OUTCOMES: Best result in Herbology please! Beyond that, Nelson is feeling Far More Positive with his NEWTs than he did in all his previous years so was fairly excited about exams this year, LOL. Probably no Ds this year, hooray. (His OWL results are here, for your reference.)

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