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Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

The Aftermath
February 14, 1892 - The Bagshot Home, Wellingtonshire

The household had begun to calm after the mistress of the house retired to her room until supper at Malou's insistence that the woman needed rest after her ordeal. An ordeal that she had escaped in much better shape than Malou had.

Yet Malou would let no one touch her. She'd had her wounds healed by Mabel on site and as soon as she had been able she had brought Mrs. Bagshot home. Now home thought Malou was too anxious to stay in her room. She had seen Mr. Prewett on sight, and despite their plans for the evening  (she suspected he would want to cancel them given the evens of the afternoon) she had not gone upstairs for the bath her maid had insisted she wanted. She had changed out of her ruined tea gown into a simplier dress of sage green and had washed her hands and face and fixed her hair into a bun, and despite the lingering smell of smoke around her she simply could not bare to miss Faustus if he called.

The look on his face when he had spotted her reminded her of the worried looks he had given her after the last fire case he had worked on, and of his visits after the Sanditon diaster. No, if he arrived she had to be here to see him right away, to assure him she was fine.

To calm herself Malou had tried to play piano, but her fingers were still shaking. She had tried to read, but her mind wandered. So instead she let her feet wander, pacing the room in a solo promenade.

There was a clearing of the throat in the doorway and Malou spun, her eyes anxious, to see the butler there. He bowed, "A Mr. Prewett for you."

Despite everything a large smile split across her face at the mere sound of his name, but it grew even larger as the man himself came into the room. She was already moving toward him when the butler was bowing out of the room. Her arms wrapped around him to reassure herself he was there.

Faustus Prewett

[Image: MrLhLvF.png]
The immense relief that washed over Faustus as soon as he'd heard Marie had escaped relatively unscathed was damn near overwhelming. Had he not had the Minister to see to, he would have insisted on being there before she was healed to make sure they wouldn't miss anything. But that had not been an option - he had to make sure Ross was alright, then make sure his wife was notified and reassured that her husband's injuries wouldn't be life threatening in the least.

But once done seeing to the Minister, Faustus turned and went straight for the healer he'd seen attending to Marie. She was a small, timid sort of creature who seemed like talking to him was very much the last thing she wanted to be doing. But he eventually managed to coax from her the knowledge that Marie had gone straight home after she was healed, so that is where Faustus went. He was in absolutely no shape to be seeing any variety of mixed company, but then again Marie wasn't mixed company, was she?

He must have looked a state, showing up to the Bagshot residence with dust streaked through his hair and smudged on his clothes and face, but he wasn't paying any sort of attention to whatever the Bagshot butler might have thrown at him as he was led through to the parlor. That the house seemed to be fairly quiet must have meant that the excitement from earlier in the day had died down. It was all Faustus could do to not push past the butler in his haste to make sure she was doing alright, but he waited patiently as he was announced and immediately slipped into the room.

Her smile made her the brightest thing in the room, but Faustus' expression remained pinched with worry as he strode towards her. "Marie," He murmured, engulfing her in his arms. She was here. She was here, and she was safe. Any sort of small worry he had about the state of himself vanished when he smelled smoke in her hair. At least there was no risk of making her dirty - although, that she'd immediately run to him made it clear she didn't care much about that. "Thank Merlin you're safe," He sighed into her hair as he pressed her close. Despite knowing this, his heart still hammered in his chest as if he had only just found out she was caught in the rubble.

She could feel the thump of his heart hammering through his chest in their embrace, as if he had run here. Her hand pressed gently against it, an idle hope to calm its beating and her own which had leapt into action at the sight of him. "I am." She agreed, meeting his gaze, her own worry melting over her features. "Are you alright though? I didn't even know you were there until after everything happened." And knowing him he'd rescued countless people from the rubble of the cafe.

It reminded her of Sanditon and how he had helped her heal Mr. Thompsett's injuries, how he had protected her from danger every ill fated step on the way to find supplies. How he had rescued those girls from the flower shop and then worried over Malou's own safety afterward. How he had been injuried when the culrpit tried to escape. This worry, it was going to be something she always felt, wasn't it? Even if their courtship amounted to nothing she would always have this worry for him. The moment she thought it she realized the truth it in. She would always, always, worry about Faustus Prewett.

[Image: MrLhLvF.png]
Feeling the pressure of her hand against his chest, he gave in against it but only so much that he was able to look down at her. She'd guaranteed that she was alright, and surely enough time had passed that they would know if she had any lingering injuries; but Faustus would not be so easily satisfied, and his eyes kept flicking over her person as if they might find something someone had missed. Even as he took in her appearance again, there was little time to ask after her once more. Marie was already returning the questions to him, and it was then that he realized her features were just as worried as his own might have appeared to be. The pressure of her hand on his chest had not subsided, and he briefly wondered if she was making sure his heart continued to beat.

His hand came up to cover her own and made no attempt to move it. "I am well." He reassured her, pressing her hand to his. "Hatchitt and I had to take care of the Minister. Once I saw I could manage with him, she went to look for you." He cut off there, feeling his own guilt consume him that he wasn't able to be the one to find her. But at least she was spared the tidal wave of worry that had nearly bowled him over when he realized she was in the middle of all of it. Even thinking of the horror that clutched at his chest was enough to send his heart racing again and Faustus had to close his eyes, willing his heartbeat into a lull.

But even still that wasn't enough and he opened his eyes again to peer down at her. "I'm so sorry I wasn't there, darling." His free hand came up to touch her cheek with the back of his knuckles.

The warmth and gentle pressure of his hand around her own was reassuring in a way that Malou wasn't entirely sure was about the fire. It felt like support and comfort, an embrace that spoke of more than the simple words they said. All Malou wanted to do was lean her head against him, their hands together between them, but she didn't allow herself. She wanted to see his emotions on his face, to read between the lines and assure herself he truly was alright.

The events came as little surprise to Malou, Fallon had said as much once they were out. Malou understood, did not begrudge either of them the order of events. She was a healer, not the leader of their world. She would have liked to think she could have got herself out. But in reality, with the other woman, she doubted she'd be able to. A truth she was aware of. Had Fallon not come she would have tried something.

Looking at Faustus's face though she could see worry in it, his eyes closed as he recalled the event. She wished she could wipe away that worry. She was here before him now. But even then his apology still caught her by surprise, his eyes opening to look earnestly at her. "Oh Faustus," She breathed, feeling a hitch in her voice, it was unusual for her to find someone cared about her to such a degree, "There is nothing to apologize for." She met his eyes searching for some way to explain. "I am safe. You are safe. That's what matters." She leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his lips.

He couldn't protect her from everything, just as she could not protect him. While he might have the more dangerous job of the two, that did not mean trouble could not find Malou. Indeed it seemed to have found her quite a bit lately. But he did have to trust that other people could protect her, just as she had to learn that his team could protect him. Knowing that Fallon was on that team would make it just a little bit easier. She doubted in the moment that these thoughts would comfort him though.

[Image: MrLhLvF.png]
As her lips brushed against his, Faustus resisted the urge to lean in, seize her by the waist and puller her closer, as if her mere presence in front of him wasn't enough and despite the fact that both of them were still had quite a bit of the day coated all over them. He pressed further into her, but only for a brief second, allowing himself to savor the moment before he pulled away.

But even as the worry for her safety encircled him, his mind couldn't help but wander to the logistics of it all, and immediately, a dozen questions sprang to mind. How had she gotten caught? Where was she? Was anyone with her, and had they survived?

"What happened?" He said instead, searching her eyes for any sort of sign that she'd endured the loss of a patient.

For a moment she felt him tighten around her, there was comfort in the strength that surrounded her, one that she never wanted to leave. It was comforting. Yet all too soon Faustus's grip loosened and Malou recalled where they were. Given the events of the afternoon surely a breach of priority as small as this was understandable, but she didn't suppose it was worth inviting any additional gossip from the servants.

Malou took a step back, her hand grazing his arm as she reached for his hand (priority could ignore this lapse) and led him to the couch and seated them, legs almost touching before she answered him.

His question had left Malou's brow furrowing in slight confusion as she considered what he meant. Had he not been there she might have thought he meant in general. But he had been there. Was this his job leaking in to their conversation, or merely what had happened to her?

Malou looked up at the strong jaw of his face, those concerned eyes that all to frequently seemed to be concerned for her, and started at the beginning. "Mrs. Bagshot and I were having tea when the explosions started. The room was chaos and I saw a young woman near me fall and hit her head." Surely he understood she could not leave someone injured behind, her wide eyes implored him to understanding - wondering for the first time if Faustus would react poorly to her actions.

"I couldn't leave her behind." Her hand squeezed his, only just realizing she was still holding it between them as she spoke, so caught up in the memory of that afternoon she had entirely forgotten anything other than the comfort of his presense. "Fallon found us and got us out." She glossed over the few moments she had spent desperately trying to protect herself and the unconcious woman and the terror of trying to get out after Fallon had found her.

[Image: MrLhLvF.png]
She had willingly stayed behind, that much was clear. Of course she had, and Faustus fought the immediate sense of fright that clutched at him as he realized that she would have likely made it out if it hadn't been for the girl. He had only known Marie for a short amount of time, but he could have predicted the outcome had he been presented with the scenario. His only frustration was born from knowing that if he had met her there earlier he would have been able to be there with her, and perhaps see her through the chaos himself.

Thank Merlin Hatchitt was able to get her out. Though they had their differences, where they clearly agreed was the safety and well being of Marie. Despite the fact that he'd have liked to be there with him, he knew Hatchitt was more than capable to get them out of the predicament.

"I know you couldn't have," It was in her nature, there was no way Marie would have left someone behind who needed help. "I know you couldn't have left them, darling. That is...." The overwhelming affection that came over him like a tidal wave gave him pause as he realized the words that he was about to say. "that is one of the many things that I adore about you, Marie..."

Without thinking, he brought her hand up to his and pressed a kiss into it. "That is one of the many things I love about you."

Tension released from her body at his first response. He understood. Some part of her had dreaded a response of scolding such as Mrs. Bagshot had given her or her father would have given her mother (or so she imagined). How many other men would have understood that? Would have accepted that as part of who she was? Most men would have railed even over the fact that she was employeed, but here Faustus was accepting not only that but also the fact that she couldn't leave someone behind because her both her nature and her career.

The worry was forgotten with his continuation though. There was such a soft look in his eyes, it echoed with the swelling of her heart. He adored her, the way she cared about others, even if it put her in danger. Her eyes widened at this realization. At the first admittance of actual feelings. She had known they were there, had known there was a connection between the two of them, but it was different to hear it said.

And then he said it. That emotion that was blooming in her. The gentleness that was too great for words that had taken the place in her heart when she looked at him. Love. He loved things about her. Malou felt light even as a warmth bloomed over her cheeks. The word echoed in her mind as she gave him a shy smile, entirely unsure what to say, how to explain the emotion in her own body. So instead she leaned forward and broke propriety once more, placing a gentle kiss on his lips.

[Image: MrLhLvF.png]
In the few seconds after the words left his mouth, Faustus swore he could feel his heart stop. Those few infinitesimal moments where he could swear it wouldn't be any different if he had torn his heart out and handed it to her. He surveyed her, searching for any sign that she might feel the same. But then, oh how she smiled, and his heart began to thud in his chest. A rosy pink color flooded her cheeks as she smiled. "I mean every word, Marie, I love —" He had begun to say it with more conviction, but she leaned forward and kissed him.

His hand came up to cup her cheek, entwine his fingers into her hair as he responded in kind. With the rush of emotions that had swept up inside him like a great wave, Faustus resisted pulling her closer to him and deepening the kiss. He wanted to kiss her more urgently, praying to whatever deity was out there that this was real and this was not some wonderful dream he would wake up from.

But her response was enough to convince him otherwise, and for him to gently pull back only a fraction, his thumb gently stroking her cheek. "I love you." It was only his desire to say those words entirely that prevented him from giving into his urge to hang propriety altogether.

Had she done something wrong? Malou wondered as Faustus pulled back slightly. She hadn't thought she had with how his hand had cupped her face, tangled with her hair. But then he was pulling away ever so slightly his eyes meeting her own.


The words bubbled softly to the surface of her lips, "I love you too." A whisper so quiet, just for the two of them. A sound so small it would never do justice to just what she was feeling. Her hand found his hand on her cheek and gently squeezed it, hoping to convey precisely what she met. A small dreamy smile tilted her lips at the admission.

She loved Faustus, there was no doubt about that any more. It wasn't the same love as she had for Fallon, but a new type. Something she had never experienced before. She loved this man before her, loved his kindness, his concern, his gentleness.

There was a polite cough from the door way and Malou hastily moved away from Faustus, her cheeks a bright red and met the disapproving gaze of the butler. "I thought Miss and her visitor would like some tea."

Malou looked over at Faustus her cheeks bright red, feeling the lapse of propriety all the more. "Would you like to stay for tea?" She found herself asking, trying to ignore the eyes of the butler on her, to ignore the nearness of Faustus, to ignore the emotions coursing through her.

[Image: MrLhLvF.png]
Even though he should have had to strain his ears to hear her reply, it still rang through him clear as a bell and he beamed at her as the wonderful feeling in his chest bloomed into something more, as if her quiet words were all that was needed to trigger a symphony. He meant to lean in once more to kiss her again, but the cough from the door let him know that it wasn't the time, nor place.

Pulling away from her was torture, but it was necessary. They would do this properly, because that is what she deserved. Faustus knew the ropes well, and would navigate them through it without a scratch upon them. But oh how the blush on her cheeks caused a laugh to rumble in his chest. He stifled it with a cough of his own as he followed her cue, moving back a respectable amount.

He ought to go home where there could be no more risk than they had already taken today, but one cup of tea couldn't hurt. And if the butler were staying in the room, well then, what could go wrong? "I should like that very much." Came his reply as he threw another smile at her. His love.

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