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Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

mining for stars in a field of diamonds;;
March 24, 1892 — Mountbatton Residence, Wellingtonshire
Poppy was glad that Easter respite had finally come. She had missed her bed here in Wellingtonshire for what it was: a place of refuge. It did not compare in the slightest to the elegance of her room in Surrey at Dashwood Hall, but it was comfortable. Poppy knew she ought to get even more used to it as, when she debuted, it would be her most frequent stop-over. Hogsmeade had become a fashionable place to host events, almost as much so as London. Perhaps she would ask mama if they could redecorate it a touch. It would give her something to focus her attention on, outside of just the social season.

Today however, Poppy had nothing but thoughts of a social nature. Her Lonely Hearts informative had generated quite a few responses on Atticus’ behalf, and his young cousin was pleased to filter through them for the best candidates. She’d been sitting on a few of the responses since February, corresponding consistently to try and glean the information she could. One such promising correspondence had been handed off to her Aunt Viola, but Poppy was sure it would be handled with all the grace and tact she could only hope to one day emulate. As it was, she hoped desperately to emulate her aunt and mother today, reviewing all she’d ever learned from them about social management on her brisk walk through Wellingtonshire.

It was a touch chilly today and Poppy was glad of her gloves as she nodded to the chaperone her mother has insisted accompany her to the door. With a gentle knock, Poppy waited to be admitted. A butler greeted her pleasantly and she stepped into the parlor.

It was a beautiful entry-way, much as she’d have expected from a home in Wellingtonshire. It had a distinctly foreign touch to it, elegant and graceful in all the best ways. Poppy marveled at the home a little bit and took mental pictures, trying to imagine Atticus in this house. She smiled then at the footman who accepted her calling card, and laced her fingers together as he excused himself to inform Ms. Mountbatton that she’d arrived.

@"Natsuko Mountbatton" & Poppy's outfit

© Fox
Suki's home, the home that had once been her fathers, had changed a great deal since her fathers time. It had been locked up for years, so when Natsuko came into her inheritance following her graduation from Mahoutokoro, she had gutted the place, magically expanded the inside and bent the stately English home to her unEnglish will. The wall papers were from Japan, and beyond the main rooms there were hints of the paper doors of her homeland - her intimate internal spaces; washitsu rooms set out as a tea room, a zen garden and magically created courtyards with róka accommodating the cherry blossoms she had had transposed from her a nursery near Osaka. The paper doors differentiating between the outer parts of the house where her English guests could wear shoes, and the inner rooms where she expected shoeless travel and as such few of her English companions were ever permitted into that space.

Her Butler, an old Japanese man, had shown Miss Dashwood into one of the English parlors, that still had more than a few Japanese touches, painted screens, calligraphy art and a prominent tiger skin rug before the fire, it's head set into a vicious snarl forever.

'Miss Dashwood,' Natsuko greeted with a gracious bow to her guest, Natsuko didn't 'dress down' there was no such thing as a 'casual tea dress' in her wardrobe, and today was no exception, the water patterned dress shimmered and fluttered, the magical pattern moving as she did. The amthsyt and jade ornaments in her hair, standing in stark contrast to her jet black locks. 'I am honoured that you came to call?' she greeted warmly, after their letters it was still a little awkward to be meeting in person off the back of lonely heart letters.

Like a Victorian version of this

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   Poppy Dashwood

[Image: 1h84GbB.jpg]
Gin made something stunning

Poppy marveled some more at the room she was led to, intrinsically feeling just a touch out of place. She was very, very English and entering this house was much like being transported to another place and time. She had to admit, it was thrilling and exciting, in a way she hadn’t expected it to be. (Though, Poppy always discounted her urge to travel and learn about new places and cultures as silly.) Still, today, she would indulge herself a little and hopefully have a chance to ask Ms. Mountbatton a bit about her home, for this looked like the place of a woman who traveled.

Settling in, Poppy waited patiently until Ms. Mountbatton arrived and the very look of her was a surprise! Poppy couldn’t help the shock that flittered across her face at how… beautiful and foreign Ms. Mountbatton actually was! Her hair was astonishing and her attire even more so. Immediately Poppy broke into a grin. If her looks did not radiate excellence, well then Poppy didn’t know what would! But! There was more to a good match for Atticus than simply looks, she reminded herself.

Offering the lady a small curtsey - because she didn’t know what else to do in exchange for a bow - Poppy smiled delicately. “Ms. Mountbatton, thank you for inviting me to your lovely home. I did not realize it would be so exquisite.” Poppy made a vague gesture at all the little trinkets and things that were unfamiliar to her. She resisted the urge to immediately jump into asking about the woman’s travels and experiences, knowing it would be rude to seem so eager. Instead, she carefully passed her coin purse from one hand to the other.

@"Natsuko Mountbatton"

© Fox
Natsuko gave a demure nod of her head, as thought to say 'oh its nothing' but she was still greatly pleased at the acknowledgement of the other ladies approval of her home and immediately added Miss Dashwood to her list of people she rather liked

'Thank you for coming Miss Dashwood, our introduction was a little odd' she acknowledge ruefully in her heavily accented but perfectly understandable english- the strangeness of having met through the romantic portions of the introductions pages, and still it would do her no harm to be better acquainted with the rising daughters of good families, especially those interesting enough to have written letters on behalf of a male relative that they wanted to see married.

She indicated to the maid, who stood in the corner for tea to be brought for them 'Your letter amused me greatly, does your cousin yet know that you wrote on his behalf?' she asked with interest. The tea was served, more of the magical blossoming tea she had sent to Miss Chang. and trays of Dango, castello sponge cake, Yōkan, Daifuku, and a number of English treats, lest her guest not wish to risk it.

[Image: 1h84GbB.jpg]
Gin made something stunning

Poppy couldn’t help the tinkly little laugh that escaped her as Ms. Mountbatton ever so elegantly acknowledged the strange way they’d been introduced. She too could agree that it wasn’t perhaps the most traditional way to meet, even if it was rather exciting.

“It is a bit awkward,” the girl conceded delicately, taking her seat as a maid bustled about with tea and pastries. “I am however grateful for your amusement.” She offered the lady a chagrined smile. “He does not yet know, but I don’t have any qualms about my actions what-ever.” The admission was bold, even for Poppy. She did have plenty of qualms that Atticus would react poorly, especially at the beginning, but with his being a gentleman she knew any introductions she decided to make on his behalf would be honored. He could be as surly and ungrateful as he liked; she still knew she was doing only what was best, what any decent relation, might do to ensure his happiness.

As the maid stepped away leaving behind only the most wonderful assortment of treats and a fascinating tea she was sure Ida had shown her once before, Poppy felt herself settle a bit. She had been nervous for this first meeting, but Ms. Mountbatton seemed utterly charming - at least so far. She dared to broach a topic of much interest. “I hope you don’t think me too forward,” Poppy said then. “But do you travel often?”

@"Natsuko Mountbatton"

© Fox
There was nothing for Natsuko to judge - after all she had written into the letter service. Albeit she had not expected to learn that the applicant was also a woman seeking a companion for a male family member. It had had the rather pleasant consequence of introducing her to Miss Dashwood, who seemed like a rather interesting person in her own right.

'Not as much now as when I was at school, I obviously did not attend Hogwarts, and did some travelling before I returned here for my debut' she explained, 'but I've not been back to my old stomping grounds in more than 2 years.' she said with a small, almost sad, smile. 'It is something that I wish to do, especially as my father had properties in India and Japan, which are now in my possession, but which I neglected in actually visiting' she gave a small laugh, as far as she knew the one in Japan was shut up, and overseen only by an elderly caretaker, the one in India had some.

'Have you been much out of England?' she asked Miss Dashwood, 'I understand that the grand tour is much more reserved for men than for you women.' there was no grand tour in Japan, per se but it's lack of formality meant that more girls did it.

[Image: 1h84GbB.jpg]
Gin made something stunning

Poppy listened with rapture as Ms. Mountbatton replied to her query. The mere concept of travel was so incredibly exciting to the brunette that she almost tittered out of her seat. Forcing herself to sit up straight, and lift her teacup delicately so as to not seem overly-eager, she nodded towards Ms. Mountbatton. How fascinating it would be to travel to such places as India and Japan, much less own private ventures there - and as a woman! “That sounds so lovely!” She exclaimed, honestly.

“I myself have not been out of England much. Mama visits Paris on occasion to shop for the latest trends but as I’ve not yet debuted, I’ve not had the pleasure of accompanying her. I so adore the idea of travel though. I would love to marvel at the Seine and walk along under the cherry blossom trees along the parc de sceaux!” Poppy sighed, wistfully. If there was one thing she knew, it was that when she married she was going to take full advantage of the continent’s offerings, with her husband of course. There wasn’t anything more that she waned in this whole wide world.

“Young ladies do not generally have the pleasure of such a tour unless accompanied by a relative,” she continued. “Mama would certainly not consent to such a thing until at least after my first season, however.” Poppy supposed it made sense; why let a freshly debuted lady run off to other cities to be marveled at by foreigners when those at home had not yet had the privilege of a first pass? She wrinkled her nose at the thought.

@"Natsuko Mountbatton"

© Fox
'That would be lovely,' Suki enthused, 'I would recommend the cherry blossom festival in Osaka if those particular flowers engage you - picnics, parties and sake she gave a little laugh, 'It's so much fun, I can't imagine a happier time I've had with just my lady friends than on a little boat on the Meguro river with the blossoms falling on us like pretty pink rain.' A broad, and unashamedly happy smile crossed her features at the memory.

'Perhaps, as our acqaintance grows, we might arrange for some diversionary travel of our own.' she smiled at the other, it would be nice to have a travelling companion again, and Miss Dashwood seemed both agreeable to the idea of travel and nice enough to warrant spending time with. 'Those properties of mine could use some attention, and I ought to confirm if my memory was as pleasant as I think it was.' she suggested, her eyes bright and enthusiastic. But it made sense that in her first season Miss Dashwood would focus her attentions on gentlemen closer to home. Although if Poppy's machinations and plans for this male relative of hers came to fruit, then they might be family before too long and the longed for travel might not be so outrageous.

'Your first season will have all sorts of delights, you won't even think of the Seine, or anywhere else, until the season is over and you are thinking of your winter wardrobe and a lovely little modiste in the 6th arrondissement.' She topped up the tea and picked up one of the savory bites from the plate. 'Does your cousin have an interest in travel?' she asked over the top of her tea cup, a conspiratorial smile on her features.

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   Poppy Dashwood

[Image: 1h84GbB.jpg]
Gin made something stunning

Poppy was having an absolutely wonderful time getting to know Ms. Natsuko Mounbatton! She was surprised, perhaps, at how lovely a lady could already exist in society and yet Atticus had entirely failed to notice her! It only spoke volumes of the help her cousin evidently needed, and Poppy felt even more justified in her meddling.

“That sounds so incredibly wonderful!”
She intoned. Just imagining floating along in a river surrounded by falling flower petals was enough to make Poppy positively swoon. She was surprised however when Ms. Mountbatton suggested their own travel! (So elegantly, too.) “I would adore to go traveling.” She dropped her head a little shyly. “I must admit, it is one of my more selfish dreams, to go off and see the world!” Poppy thought back briefly to her conversation with Professor Lissington. Even he had agreed it was a worthwhile venture, and she couldn’t help but feel a small tickle to engage more on the topic. She didn’t, but she wanted to.

Instead, the conversation turned to her debut and Poppy here took another small sip of her tea. She nodded appreciatively. Ms. Mountbatton was likely right; there would be so many distractions here at home this first year that the travel bug would hopefully not take too much of her attention, and - if she was lucky - if and when Poppy found a husband, they could travel together! Or better yet, she and Ms. Mountbatton could travel if the tiresome gentleman was not interested! She’d be a married lady after all.

Thinking on Atticus however, she pondered the question. “He’s not averse to it, by any means,” she replied delicately. She’d never specifically heard him talk of wanting to travel much, but then again, Poppy had always been very careful to leave her cousin out of her daydreams. “The Foxwoods have an estate in Bath, and he travels back and forth regularly. As for adventuring on the continent or outside Britain, I know he did a bachelors tour upon his graduation from Hogwarts.” Poppy smiled at the thought. It would be nice for them to have something interesting to talk about upon meeting.

@"Natsuko Mountbatton"

© Fox
Suki couldn't help the thrill of excitement that went up her spine at the prospect, which was rare. She had rather decided she liked Miss Dashwood and regardless as to the outcome of Poppy's machinations. 'It wouldn't be selfish at all!' she admonished in a joking tone 'why it would be practically selfless of you to accompany me to look after my family properties' Suki added with a conspiratorial laugh.

She wasn't sure what she would think of this gentleman that Miss Dashwood was seeking a mate for, but at this rate it wouldn't be a total loss. Although it was interesting to hear that Miss Dashwood believed that her relative would be interested enough in the world beyond England to be considered something of a traveler - well he had done the bachelors tour at least.

'And I presume he does not know anything of your current plan to match him up?' she asked with a gentle smile. It was possible of course that the gentleman had left the matter of his wife into another hands, especially if he was viewing the matter as a transactional reality. But it didn't seem likely if he was the sort of superlative man that his cousin was claiming.

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   Poppy Dashwood

[Image: 1h84GbB.jpg]
Gin made something stunning

Poppy couldn’t help the small smile she tried to hide behind her teacup at Ms. Mountbatton’s words. She would adore to accompany the woman on her travels! It was a veritable dream! “Well,” she lowered her teacup. “Perhaps I can talk to mama after this season ends!” She said, with albeit more excitement than she had intended. “If, of course, you are still in need of a companion,” Poppy added, delicately. It would be rude to presume the young woman was altogether too serious, she could just be making friendly conversation hoping to make a good impression. (And by golly, was she!)

As the topic swung back to Atticus, Poppy couldn’t help the small blush that dotted her cheeks then. “No,” she admitted, sheepishly. “And please do not think he is incapable of finding a wife on his own, for he is very diligent,” she offered a small smile. “I simply want to aid him in finding an agreeable wife” for all of us “and not simply someone he likes on paper.”

For the first time, Poppy found herself wondering how exactly to articulate her reasoning behind getting involved. In truth, it was because she wanted to make sure Atticus’ wife was suitable and good enough for him, and that she got along with the young lady. It simply wouldn’t do for her to dislike the woman, since Atticus was as much her elder brother as anyone. But it did sound rather selfish to say aloud… Instead, Poppy pivoted to the more heartfelt reasoning.

“My cousin, Atticus Foxwood, is a very proper gentleman,” she said, smoothing her dress. “He always does and acts in everyone else’s best interests. He is charming, pragmatic, and sophisticated. But he is also dear to me, and I want him to be happy not just settled.” Poppy gave Ms. Mountbatton a small, meaningful smile. “He deserves it, after looking out for me all these years.”

@"Natsuko Mountbatton"

© Fox
'I'm sure I shall be' she said with her own conspiratorial smirk, 'and it's a good place to get new gowns for the winter season' - as though that would sell the idea to reticent mama or other gaurdian. Gowns secured marriages - or at least that was definetly simplistic version that fathers were taught to make sure they provided appropriate pin money for wardrobes and layouts.

Suki nodded in understanding, sipping her tea and contemplating this mysterious gentleman her knew friend proposed her meeting. Her reasons perhaps said more about Poppy than her cousin, but she kept that to herself. 'I understand' she said after a moment, she was probably as guilty of the former - it was why she had written into the witch weekly lonely hearts. Her father had no sons, the weight of the Mountbatton line rested on her shoulders, the name would die but the fortune, the lands, the bloodline, THAT needed to continue. She wasn't sure why she felt such pressure from a father who had died when she was young and who had been at best absent in her childhood to keep his legacy alive -but she did.

However, the sort of superlative gentleman proposed by Miss Dashwood, might make that pressure both pleasant and indeed appealing - and indeed a permenant connection to Miss Dashwood.

'I don't doubt it Miss Dashwood' she smiled, could it be possible for so proper a young lady to have anything but the most proper of relations. 'and do you think someone like me would suit him?' she asked, genuinely interested, years of anxiety, of not being the typical English Rose flitting on the periphery of her thoughts.

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   Poppy Dashwood

[Image: 1h84GbB.jpg]
Gin made something stunning

Poppy bowed her head discreetly as a large smile spread across her face. She was glad Ms. Mountbatton was interested in traveling with her; it would be so wonderful to explore the vastness of the world with someone so cultured, elegant and interesting! New dresses could only be an added bonus, one that excited Poppy almost as much as new cities.

As Ms. Mountbatton questioned her as to Poppy’s own opinion of suitability for her cousin, the brunette sat back and thought for a moment. The most obvious and immediate answer was yes, of course! But she did not wish to appear rushed and just answering the obvious for the sake of answer; instead, Poppy nodded and elegantly settled her tea cup in its saucer.

“Yes, I do believe your poise and originality is exactly the type of flare Atticus needs in his life,” she said after a moment. “He is a very proper gentleman, one who sometimes can appear dull if left to his own, but he is only dull in his absolute dedication to responsibility and family. I think you could provide him with more than just that, Ms. Mountbatton, if you don’t mind my saying. He needs a little bit more spark in his life than even I can provide.” Poppy grinned teasingly. She was not about to share with Ms. Mountbatton just how much ‘spark’ she really threw into Atticus’ path as that would only cast them both in a negative light, but Poppy had come to realize some time ago that someone… almost... unique and free spirited was better suited towards her cousin. Someone to keep him on his toes in the here and now rather than too much in his own head and anxieties. Someone he could both protect and rely upon on days when he too, needed a shoulder to lean on. He was a very simple man at his core: he liked to feel needed and wanted, but sometimes even the rock needs a little gust of wind to hold him together too.

@"Natsuko Mountbatton"

© Fox
There was something nice about the idea of doing what was best for ones family because you liked ones family and not because the disdain and indifference of your only family made you desperate for their approval and love despite the fact they had been dead for the best part of 15 years. The responsibility she could understand, it was why she had written into the lonely hearts- find a pragmatic man looking for a mate and do that very English thing that they liked to call 'duty'. However, the prospect that one might actually find a wider family worth being part of. She was an orphan, aware of all of the vulnerabilities that that posed for a single woman in possession of a large fortune and no family. One elderly spinster did not count as much of a family, especially when she made it clear rather often that she did not like Suki all that much and felt her guardianship responsibilities to be a burden.

'That is gratifying to hear.' Suki said with a small and almost shy smile. An expression she did not often convey publically, but it was nice to think that someone's family life might be improved by your presence.

'So how would you suggest we meet?' she asked, 'I don't believe I've made his acquaintance before so we might need you to act as meeting intermediary.'

[Image: 1h84GbB.jpg]
Gin made something stunning

Poppy couldn’t help but respond to Ms. Mountbatton’s shy, sweet smile with an encouraging one of her own. She was glad that the lady seemed interested. In her own mind, Ms. Mountbatton possessed every quality Poppy - or really Atticus - could ever hope for in a wife, with the added bonus that she seemed like a genuinely charming young woman. Poppy hoped desperately that at the end of all of this, even if things did not go accordingly, they could be friends.

Taking a sip of her tea, the Ravenclaw nodded at the other’s assertion. “Well,” she started, delicately replacing the tea cup on its saucer. “I do believe you are set to receive an invitation to my debut in the coming weeks and I would be so honored to introduce you there. Atticus will most certainly be in attendance.” Poppy hesitated on mentioning his having to be there since he would be opening the ball with her, but as she hadn’t technically decided to discount Langston yet, she decided against it. The little brunette was surprised however at wanting to share so much already with Ms. Mountbatton. It was… inspiring, she hoped! There was great potential for friendship yet. If only her cousin chose to like the young woman as much as Poppy herself had already decided, all would be well.

@"Natsuko Mountbatton"

© Fox
'I would be most honoured to attend your debut' Natsuko said her shocked expression giving way to delight. Finding herself surprisingly touched to be invited to such an intimate event. The idea of concerning yourself with someone elses romantic interludes at your own debut was rather admirable.

'That sounds like an admirable plan Miss Dashwood' she said smiled. 'I'm sure it will be a wonderful night, regardless as to why your cousin and I get along.' Natsuko placed her teacup down, and turned her interest, from the rather portentous meeting with the mysterious cousin, back to the excitement of the young ladies biggest night. 'Are all of your plans complete, or have you much more to organise?' she pressed.

[Image: 1h84GbB.jpg]
Gin made something stunning

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