February 17th, 1892 — Quidditch pitch
Never, Almost and Forever. These were the names of the siblings in Richard's novel. Never was the main character, and had been raised by his two older sisters (a circumstance quite unlike Richard's real life upbringing, which had featured two whole parents and no siblings at all). But the young novelist was umming and ahhing over this fictional little family, double-guessing himself, wondering if it was quite right. There was something missing.
It was early evening on a Thursday, so soon after dinner that most people were still eating in The Great Hall. The weather was cold, still, and greyer than an aging professor's beard. Richard sat under a tree on the edge of the Quidditch fields. Perhaps an odd place for him to be right now, but he needed an odd place. Somewhere bracingly different to think about the issues with his novel; parchments of which he currently had stacked on his lap, the tip of his quill hovering an inch from the surface. He was still stuck.
Richard sighed (his gentle breath looking like silver steam in the cool air), and looked up. Once dinner had ended properly, he had no doubt that Quidditch players would be straight out here practicing for the upcoming match. But for now it was quite empty --
And that's when a Quaffle came flying at him. The nimble lad dodged at the last second, but the pages of his novel scattered spectacularly.
Sloane Bixby