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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

You Know That Guy You Are Crushing On? He’s Totally Into You
June 4, 1888
Remember that man that you mentioned liking? I’ve heard that he likes you as well. He seems rather respectable. Perhaps you should look into this further.

MJ made Magic!

05 June, 1888
— Regina —

What are you going on about? I'm no Legilimens. Besides, I'm not sure if you've heard, but I've managed to completely disgrace myself; any flame a gentleman may have carried for me has surely been extinguished at this point.

— Bella —

June 6, 1888
I happen to know that this rumor is very recent. A man by the name of Mr Richard Gladstone. Take a chance, have a bit more faith in some people at least. Look at me, I do not shun you. We are still best friends. And both of us would still be better off with the security that comes with marriage, yes? At least I am.

You did nothing wrong… though perhaps avoid men in bars like the plague. They tend to be manipulated from what I’ve heard. After all, it seems that my guardian is a subtle version of them, which leads me to believe that he is worse. But I’ve never heard of Mr Gladstone frequently being seen at the bar, which I believe is a very good sign.

MJ made Magic!

06 June, 1888
— Regina —

Even if I believed Mr. Gladstone harbored any feelings for me now — which I don't — I could never do him the disservice of becoming his wife. Really Regina, you know what happens when too much weight is given to gossip—girls end up disgraced and destitute like me.

— Miss Scrimgeour —

June 7, 1888
Will you even give him a chance to speak for himself. If he truly loves you, he wouldn’t care about your status. Don’t you want some stability in your life?

MJ made Magic!

07 June, 1888
— Regina —

Well I'm not stopping him if he wishes to find me. I simply doubt anything he'll have to say will be of the magnitude that you're trying to tell me. Stability is desirable; ruining a respectable gentleman is not.

I wouldn't be surprised if he'd found much more preferable company at the Hogwarts Coming Out Ball last week, anyways.

— Bella —

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   Roberto Devine

June 8, 1888
Stay hopeful, I beg of you. Please don’t give up. Please don’t dismiss whether or not his loves you. Don’t let your father’s actions crush the spirit I know you have.

MJ made Magic!

08 June, 1888
— Regina —

I still have no idea where you've gotten the idea that he loves me from, but I beg of you not to make any rash decisions. I have no desire to have my life meddled in; this is the first time I've been able to decide my own fate without unwanted interference, and I'd very much like to keep it that way.

— Bella —

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   Roberto Devine

June 8, 1888
… I may have done something… rash. In my defense, I had not received your letter until after I had done my actions.

MJ made Magic!

08 June, 1888
— Regina —

We're no longer friends.
Don't write to me again.

Stay out of my life, and stay out my goddamned business.

— Bella —

June 9, 1888
Please don’t cut me out. Not you, don’t you cut me out. I’ve always been by your side, we’ve helped each other so much through our friendship together. Don’t leave me now. I didn’t know what would go through your mind from what I had done. I hadn’t gotten your letter, seen your reasoning, until after I had done what I had done. At least I was trying to help, unlike those dreadful people that had called you family. How could I have known your thoughts? I thought I was helping.

Tear stains cover the letter. Though readable, there is slight smudging in the words.

MJ made Magic!

09 June, 1888
— Regina —

Part of my family's villainy was trying to decide my destiny for me; you doing that makes you no better than them.

If you're so intent on making matches, why don't you go marry Mr. Gladstone yourself? You'd have very pretty children, I'm sure.

I'm done, Regina. Henceforth, any letters from you will be burned.

— Miss Scrimgeour —


Dear Miss Social Failure:

You are selfish and blind to those that truly care for you. With your attitude, you will never be open to love, and may never know it. I feel sorry for you. If you ever decide to have forgiveness in your heart, rather than blocking out those who truly love you, both as friends and others, than I shall be open to said forgiveness. Until then, you are a terrible and close-minded person, just like your father.

Miss Regina Lacey

howler by SabinaDrake, coded by Emily

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   Aldous Crouch

MJ made Magic!

10 June, 1888
— Miss Lacey —

I should think throwing such vile insults at a woman who knows the darkest of your deepest secrets would be unwise.

— Miss Scrimgeour —

June 10, 1888
You are threatening me? Actually threatening me? I never once tried to treat you poorly, and you threaten me? Yes, in an upset rage I called you a few names, can one really blame me? You treat me as a criminal, compare me to the family who had shut you out and abused you, and I get threatened for being upset over your reaction to me making a mistake? You have not even known what I had fully done, but all you wish to do is shut everyone that cares for you out. And now you threaten me.

I shall not call you names, it isn’t even worth the effort to try. You wish to hurt me more, to break what small, tiny spirt I have left then fine. Perhaps write to Killian, he can give you some more ideas on how to break me, if this is really the road you wish to go down. Just know that if you ruin my life, the person you will be hurting the most in the end is yourself.

MJ made Magic!

returned unopened and slightly burnt around the edges

June 10, 1888
You are threatening me? Actually threatening me? I never once tried to treat you poorly, and you threaten me? Yes, in an upset rage I called you a few names, can one really blame me? You treat me as a criminal, compare me to the family who had shut you out and abused you, and I get threatened for being upset over your reaction to me making a mistake? You have not even known what I had fully done, but all you wish to do is shut everyone that cares for you out. And now you threaten me.

I shall not call you names, it isn’t even worth the effort to try. You wish to hurt me more, to break what small, tiny spirt I have left then fine. Perhaps write to Killian, he can give you some more ideas on how to break me, if this is really the road you wish to go down. Just know that if you ruin my life, the person you will be hurting the most in the end is yourself.


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