(December 28, 2021 – 8:38 PM)Juliana Binns Wrote: I want to thread her with Juliana! Juliana is a spinster and secretly an academic (and also asexual interestingly enough, though she doesn't actually have language to describe that due to the time period). They could have come across one another at the Crowdy Memorial Library, or at the bookstore in Hogsmeade - Juliana's brother owns the latter and she spends a lot of free time at the former. They could be, if not exactly friends yet, then at least "I keep seeing you around reading books and I have been smiling in your direction a lot" sort of acquaintances.
EDIT: ACTUALLY, if you're interested, maybe Beth could take this thread? Could be that they had a we-see-each-other-around-but-never-talk sort of relationship for years and then Juliana struck up a conversation in order to panic invite her to this party?
Yes, I would love that! Beth is definitely the type to notice when she crosses paths with the same person repeatedly but would lack the courage to go talk to them; on a similar note, she'd also lack the backbone to turn Juliana down about being her plus one (especially if Jules was nice and/or seemed desperate lol), so I'd love to take that thread! Do you want to PM to sort out the details?
(December 28, 2021 – 9:33 PM)Elsie Kirke Wrote: Hi there! I have been WAITING for you to post a networking! <3
I have some good options for you! Elsie here was year above her and a Gryffindor (her brother was a Hufflepuff in Beth's year Harvey Beauregard) but he's inactive at the moment. She is also super socially anxious and not great with crowds, so I can see them getting along! She is a librarian at the London library and is currently freshly married and has a newborn as of December 5th, which was a scandal in and of itself, but if that doesn't deter Beth from being friends, I think they would do swimmingly!
I also have Tabitha Chevalier who was a Hufflepuff a couple years behind her, she's a healer, but is also pretty quiet and reserved because of her half-veela status. She's worked hard to be taken seriously at her job and not be that token "pretty face".
@"Daffodil Potts" is another likely friend, she's a former Ravenclaw a couple years behind as well, but her family owns a florist on the High Street which she runs. Daff is legit the most socially accepting person, she's basically a hippie born in the wrong era so nothing much bothers her, she's friends with just about everybody. Her youngest sister is a 5th year at Hogwarts!
And speaking of Hogwarts, my crew includes Sloane Bixby my boisterous metamorphmagus Gyffindor 5th year. She's loud and avoids the library generally, but is pretty friendly. Mason Skeeter is the nerdy herbology professor. He's pretty quiet and unassuming, but loves his job and has been there for a few years now. I also have the headmaster Phineas Black who more than likely petrifies her because he's an overbearing asshole, just avoid him XD
Oh I also forgot I have Rhys Gallagher for a potential romantic interest. He lives in Pennyworth as well and is the chief Constable in Hogsmeade!
Thank you; I'm glad Bethel piqued your interest <3 There's so many great options to choose from too!
Elsie, I certainly think the two could find a kindred spirit in one another, which Beth would latch onto and it would take a bit to chase her off (she's the quietly loyal type with the right people). We can PM about the details of the "how" they became friends if you want!
Bethel only really goes from work to home and from home to do errands in Highstreet, so she might know
Daff in the sense of "oh, it's that bright, friendly florist lady... better not stare too long" -- she might be intimidated by how friendly Daff is but I could see her also admiring Daff's amiable disposition too! The two have probably spoken for sure!
Beth doesn't go near the hospitals if she can help it -- they remind her of her mother when she was alive and worked there -- so she probably doesn't know
Tabitha. But it's not unlikely the two might have met on High Street -- Beth might not recall though!
Teenagers...Their hormones and near-adultness make Beth squirm-- the being said, if
Sloane isn't usually in the library, then Beth might not even know her name (at least not well enough to match it to a face lol).
I think Beth and
Mason could be acquaintances due to being colleagues? They'd no doubt run into one another, being staff at Hogwarts!
Head Master Black is the thing of nightmares; Beth goes out of her way to avoid him when ever plausible (aka she has an excuse), if only for her own sake. Her reputation doesn't need anymore hits for upsetting the Hogwarts Head Master somehow and she likes her job lol xD
You have intrigued me with
Phys -- I'd be open if you want to PM to discuss ideas! Or we can just test the waters with a thread if you want <3
I'd be open to doing a thread with your Hogwarts crew or Phys, just to start! (Maybe more later <3)
(December 28, 2021 – 11:48 PM)Jack Dorset Wrote: Jack here was also a Puff but is young enough that they were never in school together. However he lives in Pennyworth and is pretty friendly. He's a constable in Hogsmeade so he's constantly floating around and I wouldn't be surprised if he went out of his way to be kind to her.
Temerita Reid is a year older than her and also a Hufflepuff. She works in London but is friends with Elsie Kirke so if Bethel is friends with Elsie I'm sure they'd know each other.
Jack sounds like a sweetheart, and Beth would appreciate his kindness, even if she's too... "shy" to show it! Would probably know him as the "friendly young constable" and would maybe even give him a smile or two sometimes when running into each other (all while avoiding eye-contact).
I think Beth and Elsie would be friends, so she'd know
Temerita is another friend of Elsie's -- whether they were friends would depend however on if they met through Elsie often enough for Beth to be comfortable!
I'd be open to threads with either <3
Lovely set by Kit <3