August Echelon-Arnost
23 June 1856 | 31 years
Upper Class
Defense Attorney
Thom would much rather focus on "solving" August's perceived love troubles than his own, and so he'll be looking to take any eligible young woman who seems like she might be even remotely capable of distracting August from his vamp troubles and throwing her in his best friend's path with very unsubtle hints and suggestive eyebrow raises.
What August is looking for:
So what does Thom think August's type is?
- ??? Honestly I don't think Thom has ever thought to ask, he just assumes he kind of knows what August's type would be.
- UCPB or MCPB, 20-26ish (anyone younger would probably be deemed too silly and immature)
- Conventionally pretty.
- Intelligent and good-humored.
- Savvy with liberal politics is a plus but not necessary so long as she can tolerate liberal political opinions.
- Long-suffering (to deal with his family), but not a doormat (needs to stand up to Elsbeth Lupin).
- Someone that Thom and Leon would not hate being forced to spend time with.
The following 4 users Like Thom Pettigrew's post:
Aldous Crouch, Cassius Lestrange, Declan Wood, Elsie Kirke
Aldous Crouch, Cassius Lestrange, Declan Wood, Elsie Kirke