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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Meet You There
November 10th, 1891 — Black's, Hogsmeade Entrance; Wellingtonshire
A major change had occurred within the Crouch family. Roman had arrived home a few days before with the news that Aldous was to marry Miss Helga Scamander. Had he been so busy that he failed to realize his older brother had taken an active interest in a woman? He felt a little bad about that but was sure they would talk about whatever there was to discuss over their dinner together at the club.

The time worked out rather well as he had also been considering his own prospects of late. Most notably, his growing fondness for Miss Montague. By now, he was reasonably certain that she also held a fondness for him after their occasional encounters at a variety of events though he admittedly had not noticed at first. At the current moment, he thought she would make a reasonable match for himself - enough so that he was considering extending an official courtship - but wished to hear if Aldous had anything to say about the matter.

They got through the usual pleasantries after they had been sat in the members dining room of Black's. "I feel like our schedules have both been packed so fully as of late. I'm glad we were able to find a time to enjoy a meal out together."
Aldous Crouch

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[Image: yAHofnD.png]
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It was easy to forget that the eldest Brothers Crouch lived under the same roof. Both men were so preoccupied with their respective—and noteworthy—careers that it often felt as though they were ships passing in the night. Indeed, Aldous had informed his brother of his engagement in the same way he had the siblings who lived elsewhere: via letter! At least this had been left in Roman's study, rather than owled to the second son—that would have been truly ridiculous. To take the time to coordinate their schedules in this way was a necessary practice.

"Finding time is one thing," Aldous agreed with a wry smile, "but finding time at the same time is another matter altogether. It is fortunate indeed that we dine out with such frequency, or poor Mrs. Fitzgibbon* would likely bash us about the head with one of her pans for keeping such unreliable hours."
* In which Kayte arbitrarily names the housekeeper-cook

— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. —
[Image: TrSGeWR.jpg]
— graphics by lady ❤ —
Roman chuckled in response to the image of Mrs. Fitzgibbon taking one of her pans for them. "All worth it, though. For I personally quite enjoy my job." He had been uncertain about Ross at first but had pleasantly found that many of his ideals matched that of Ross's. Not all of them, of course, but enough that he didn't hate working for the man. "Now, tell me. What made you decide on Miss Scamander. I had not been aware you had an interest in her."

[Image: yAHofnD.png]
set by Bee
This was a question that Aldous had been expecting, for which he had mentally rehearsed a response, but he still fumbled slightly on the execution.

"It did not seem likely that I should find a match for love at this stage," he allowed, the word late omitted but implied, "and so I had to judge prospects on merit alone. Miss Scamander," though Aldous was endeavoring to grow accustomed to calling her by her Christian name, his brother's minimal acquaintance with his bride-to-be made that, temporarily at least, unnecessary, "proved excellent in that regard. I have no doubt that she will be the consummate hostess, and easy to bear affection for in time."

— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. —
[Image: TrSGeWR.jpg]
— graphics by lady ❤ —
Admittedly love was not something Roman considered important in these matters so he simply waited to hear what else his older brother had to say. It would be nice but it was hardly the most important factor. He nodded in agreement to what his brother said of Miss Scamander. "Well once again, I extend my congratulations to you. While we are on the subject of marriage, I did also have something to speak with you about."

Roman took a moment to enjoy the drinks that were brought to the table while they had been talking. "There is a young woman I have begun to spend time with that I have thoughts of courting." Which was probably a surprise since Roman had never shown much interest in women or courting in general.

[Image: yAHofnD.png]
set by Bee
"Oh?" Aldous asked, both eyebrows raised. How different Roman was from their other brother—not only in that he actually thought about doing things before actually doing them, but in that Aldous generally trusted his thoughts with ease. "She must be a woman of some merit indeed, then, to catch your interest."
Roman Crouch

— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. —
[Image: TrSGeWR.jpg]
— graphics by lady ❤ —
"Her name is Benevolence Montague and she comes from a respectable family from what I can tell. She owns a flower shop but I personally do not mind a wife who works." Besides, in Romans mind florals were a perfectly feminine occupation to occupy ones time with. He was a busy man and intended to continue to be so even when he was wed, it would make him feel better to know a wife of his had something to occupy her time with. "Her personality is sweet and reserved. Traits that I find rather enjoyable. I admit I know almost nothing of woman. I am not experienced in dealing with them like Ben is. But I do have a belief that my fondness for her is mutual."
Aldous Crouch

[Image: yAHofnD.png]
set by Bee
A working woman—that did surprise Aldous, given Roman's position in the Ministry. But this was the sensible brother, the one whose judgement Aldous actively trusted on a regular basis. If he looked at this Miss Montague*, her assets and deficits, and on balance, considered her an admirable and marriageable woman nonetheless, Aldous would offer a hearty blessing.

"I do not think we can rightly count Reuben's experience to be an asset," Aldous remarked dryly. "But if she is as wonderful as you say, I should like very much to meet her—that is, if you are quite set on her." He did not wish to be introduced at the expense of prompting false hope in the witch.

* He did hope she was a miss, as a working widow was in some way a bridge too far.
Roman Crouch

— Aldous walks with a cane and pronounced limp as the result of a splinching accident. —
[Image: TrSGeWR.jpg]
— graphics by lady ❤ —
"You might have a point there," Roman said in amusement. "But he does have a lot more experience actually talking to one in a non-platonic way than we do." Not for lack of trying on either of their parts, Roman was sure. But Aldous had managed to find himself a fiance so perhaps he was better at it than Roman had been aware of.

"I am quite set. I will see if introductions can be done soon." Aldous's opinion was quite valued by him so it felt like a weight had been lifted to have his eldest brothers approval. The meat of his conversation over with, he moved on to other topics as he enjoyed his meal with his brother.
Aldous Crouch

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   Aldous Crouch

[Image: yAHofnD.png]
set by Bee

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