I don't typically celebrate Halloween but Charity definitely does <333
Character Name: Charity
Character Age: 10! aka PRIME HALLOWEEN AGE >D
Victorian Era Costume: A ghost child (which she thinks, as an orphan child, is the opposite of her existence and thus very funny).
Modern Costume: She would dress up as a bat and put in those fake vampire teeth and try to bite her friends.
VE Halloween Tradition: TBD.
Modern Halloween Tradition: Every year she would wrestle between wanting to go trick-or-treating late because of the ~spooky~ and going early to get the best candy, but every year she'd be made to go at 6:30pm because none of her relatives want to put up with her being herself in the dark on Halloween night. She would definitely smuggle an ouija board into her bedroom and tries to do seances at 9pm, and then invite all her imaginary friends to come out and play, probably having convinced herself in the Halloween bustle that they were all real children who died. Then when Evander and Caroline went to bed she'd sneak downstairs and binge watch episodes of Ghost Adventures until she passed out in sugar-drunk bliss.
Favorite VE candy/sweet: See below.
Favorite Modern Muggle treat: Black licorice. She doesn't actually like it, but she wants to be contrary because nobody else seems to enjoy it. Also it has goth vibes.
VE Halloween Childhood vs Adulthood: It really all depends on what the Darrows do for Halloween, but she definitely wants to dress up and scare other children. Whatever else she can get into depends on opportunity. As an adult she also enjoys scaring children.
Modern Halloween Childhood vs Adulthood: See Modern Halloween Tradition for her childhood, but as a Modern Adult™ Charity would spend her evenings in graveyards and then scare those stupid teenage boys who try to prove to their friends how brave they are on Halloween by wandering around dark graveyards.
VE Favorite Scary Media: Does Charity consume any media that
isn't a little morbid? It's just her thing.
Modern Favorite Scary Media: She really loves the stupid low-budget horror films that waste 80% of their funding on fake blood.